View Full Version : My Mouse, AutoClicker

07-08-2006, 11:11 AM
Thanks to the persom who told me bout this, but how safe is it that i wont be banned for using this to high alch?

Edit by :Jamie(Forum Moderator) - Please do not discuss illegal programs.

Stress Free
07-08-2006, 11:14 AM
Ooooo i used it to high alch 10k yew longs i just turned private chat and public chat and accept aid off and then left it for like half an hour and stud at duel arena up 1 of them stands

07-08-2006, 11:17 AM
So your saying it is safe then =) tyvm

07-08-2006, 11:22 AM
Mouse Macro, don't keep it on for more than like 5-6hours, or you can get banned, also, if you need any autos pm me :D, i don't use them myself at the moment but will do in the future...

I can get...

+ Auto Fighter (Combat Trainer)
+ Auto Magic (Auto crumbler, alcher, teleporter)
+ Auto Talker (Auto Seller)
+ Auto Clicker
+ Auto Buyer
+ Auto Miner

Stress Free
07-08-2006, 11:22 AM
Just dont go telling anybody

07-08-2006, 11:24 AM
i wdnt mind an auto miner aslong as it aint spyware or anything like that

07-08-2006, 03:24 PM
So is Mouse Macro a safe programme?

Stress Free
07-08-2006, 03:31 PM
Aparently not

07-08-2006, 03:47 PM
8/10 auto'ers have binded keyloggers, so urm... lol?

and rune are weird on this issue if they see someone not moving or being active but just clicking [even if they're not acually macro'ing] they will ban the person, so no they're not safe but are quite handy.

Then aain some people don't get caught, for example a pker called "1 p00n1" got his mage up yo 94 in 2 days using an auto'er he just bought 100k alchs and left his auto'er running.

07-08-2006, 03:50 PM
Well my very good anti virus couldn't find a keylogger or trojan or anything.

07-08-2006, 03:51 PM
Then you obviously don't know what a binder does :)

07-08-2006, 03:53 PM
Would you mind telling me then?

07-08-2006, 04:00 PM
Sure, a binder compiles 2 programmes together like placing keylogger.exe with autoer.exe, the keylogger hides inside the auto'er and only the autoer.exe gets scanned and the keylogger doesn't.

07-08-2006, 04:53 PM
Sure, a binder compiles 2 programmes together like placing keylogger.exe with autoer.exe, the keylogger hides inside the auto'er and only the autoer.exe gets scanned and the keylogger doesn't.

Yep hes correct, This happens in 80% of autoers, the other 20% are the ones that actually work, and if you are going to use a keylogger JonJon, I suggest you don't use it more than a few hours aday or you can get banned! Auto bots don't bank your items, they can drop them or you have to bank them yourselves.

Also if you see alot of people with Chinese names like Xia, or Xiah, Jung_Xia, or any names that look orientel then they are autoing, There are about 97% of chinese people doing this, the other 3% arn't, this is due to a chinese bot, its Java based, I see alot of woodcutters using it!

Ashley 12344
07-08-2006, 04:59 PM
You can get bankers...

07-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Well you didn't answer my question... is MouseMacro safe?

07-08-2006, 05:09 PM
Well you didn't answer my question... is MouseMacro safe?

Macro Mouse, Yes its safe Lol, well the one I used Once it was, I scanned it with Virus Jotti, Nothing came up, used it for like 30mins, then I did'nt really need it after that lol, I never needed it in the first place i just wanted to test it, it all went smooth, still got my account and all its items :) and Ashley the autoers you can get that can can bank are Scar scripts which are confusing!

EDIT:When you extract a autoer and you think it has a keylogger init scan it! and then open it, becasue when you open it after you have extracted it, it triggers the virus/keylogger!

07-08-2006, 05:15 PM
Macro Mouse, Yes its safe Lol, well the one I used Once it was, I scanned it with Virus Jotti, Nothing came up, used it for like 30mins, then I did'nt really need it after that lol, I never needed it in the first place i just wanted to test it, it all went smooth, still got my account and all its items :) and Ashley the autoers you can get that can can bank are Scar scripts which are confusing!

EDIT:When you extract a autoer and you think it has a keylogger init scan it! and then open it, becasue when you open it after you have extracted it, it triggers the virus/keylogger!

Ye, I scanned it too with eTrust AntiVirus... it seems safe.

07-08-2006, 05:23 PM
Ye, I scanned it too with eTrust AntiVirus... it seems safe.

jonJon, There are loads of auto clickers, tell me the name please? and its really easy to use, you just click record and then do what you want to do like right click and chop a tree then stop and then play it keeps chopping the same tree down lol.

07-08-2006, 05:52 PM
A macro being safe depends on how it is distributed, if it's in text format, basically the whole code you put into the macro software, which is safe to download, then it's really safe, if it was .exe format which opens up the macro like a game then it is most likely unedittable and possibly contains a keylogged/virus, I used to play about with macros, I made an auto-clicker and an auto-bone digger, I would post the codes here but both are considered illegal in runescape so, no you can't have them :) if you want them work the coding and x/y axis out yourself :)

Ashley 12344
07-08-2006, 05:58 PM
SCAR's probably the best though, depending on script quality.

And JonJon, if you don't wana get banned, auto safe.

07-08-2006, 06:00 PM
SCAR's probably the best though, depending on script quality.

And JonJon, if you don't wana get banned, auto safe.

SCAR is the best, only a 10% chance of getting caught, and most of that is due to stupid noobs running it 24/7, I know how to make SCAR scripts aswell but most come with it when you download it ^^

07-08-2006, 06:01 PM
SCAR's probably the best though, depending on script quality.

And JonJon, if you don't wana get banned, auto safe.

I don't like scar much, I like to use custom made autoer that just do the job for you like Auto-miners,Auto-clicker etc Lol, and JonJon, don't auto for more then 5hours and also get an autotalker so it dosen't log you out when your watching tele or sommit!

07-08-2006, 06:11 PM
I'd rather get banned than hacked....

MouseMacro is .exe, I really don't know if it's safe.

If anyone know's a completely safe autoer that they use please tell.

07-08-2006, 06:16 PM
I'd rather get banned than hacked....

MouseMacro is .exe, I really don't know if it's safe.

If anyone know's a completely safe autoer that they use please tell.

What exactly are you going to use it for?

07-08-2006, 06:24 PM
To be hounest Ive always wanted to get an auto but finding one that isnt a risk and one that is good is always quite hard. I see alot of people using them.

07-08-2006, 06:30 PM
I'll try make a few safe auto clickers, but you will need to download a harmless program to run them as I have no idea how to make .exe files that work ^^
I've only ever used these to test them, I've never used them to gain anything from runescape, I was just experimenting with coding and programming at the time

07-08-2006, 06:59 PM
I have had a few macros, but everyone I use always messes up. The runescape camera always moves a centimeter every 3 minutes or something, so it messes up. and I don't understand how autominer can possibly work, and how it can avoid random events...

Stress Free
07-08-2006, 07:10 PM
When i was using a auto clicker when i lvled it messed up and went out of timing

07-08-2006, 07:12 PM
Are you all stupid or something?
Autoing, even if you do find one that doesn't have a keylogger, is AGAINST THE RULES.
Why hasn't this thread been locked?

07-08-2006, 07:13 PM
I have a auto typer? Shortkeys lite. Its pretty safe. makes my life easier whilst merchanting. Search it on google and get lite version. Anyways, keep private chat off because random events can get you and you shall most likely get teled away without seing it. Never ever been banned been using for over 3 years ^__^

07-08-2006, 07:15 PM
I use a Macro Tool

07-08-2006, 07:19 PM
Rule 7 - Macroing

You must not attempt to use other programs (e.g. bots, macros or autominers) in conjunction with our games to give yourself an unfair advantage at the game. You also may not circumvent any of our mechanisms designed to log out inactive users automatically.

Related Questions
Below are some related questions which may help you to further understand and follow this rule.

Why do we have this rule?

Firstly macroing ruins the game for everyone else. We don't want some players having an unfair advantage and filling up all the best training spots with bots. This game is designed to be enjoyed by humans, not bots. In the past when we have not enforced this rule, we have rapidly found it quickly spoils the game, and players themselves start demanding that we enforce it. So now we enforce it thoroughly. Secondly we don't want players to download macro software from untrusted sources that can, and often do, contain keyloggers, trojans and viruses. Many players have had their accounts stolen because they have inadvertently installed hacking software on their machines.

How does the new macro detection system work?

Our new macro detection system monitors activity on our servers and detects suspicious behaviour. This evidence is reviewed by our team of experts who either confirm or reject the systems analysis. Jagex will not reveal the exact mechanics of how this system works because this would make circumvention easier.

What type of third party software counts as an unfair advantage?

This includes, but is not limited to the following 3rd party programs:

Programs that attempt to communicate directly with the RuneScape game worlds.
Programs that monitor, modify or decrypt the communications between the RuneScape client and the RuneScape worlds.
Programs that generate input to the RuneScape client. This includes programs that automatically move the mouse pointer or generate mouse clicks or key presses.
Modified versions of the RuneScape client. Reverse engineering the RuneScape client is strictly prohibited. Using a modified version of the RuneScape client is not permitted.

Will I be able to appeal against a ban for macroing?

Our policy has always been to not tolerate any form of cheating. We do not ban accounts lightly. Significant evidence is always collected before any action is taken against a player. We will not reveal the evidence that we have collected, since most cheats only want to know the evidence so that they can avoid getting caught the next time.

What is AFK Training?

AFK training is Away From Keyboard training. Whilst you are playing on RuneScape, you must be at the computer. Away from keyboard training is not allowed, and you should log out when you leave the computer.

To keep RuneScape enjoyable for everyone please observe and follow this rule. We will not tolerate disruptive players, and if you break our rules your account is likely to be banned. Members who are banned for breaking our rules are not entitled to any sort of refund.

I hope you all get banned.
You might not want to mention it here either, I know for a fact that someone (who shall go unnamed) has reported this forum to Jagex, a number of times.

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