View Full Version : Help with a room.

10-08-2006, 10:52 PM
Hi there, this may be spam. But i am just wondering if that any Habbo X's on here would be kind enough to help me with my new room to become "popular". Seeing as normal habbos and even HC habbos get "EXCIDTED" like my self ;) when a habbo X enters the room ... lol

Anyway keeping to the point, yeh my room is called " Steal the purple Ice Cream machine" and it needs more hits :( and if you are willing enough you "habbo x's" to stroll down to my room some times. I would really apreciate it! :D

Name : Sammaile2
Room Name : (Thumb up) Steal the purple ice cream (Thumb up)

Thanks for your time to read this, if this is spam. Please move this to a different catagory.



P.S 1 habbo x has taken part. Her name is "duh." shes great ^_^

[ Mexel ; Thread moved to the correct forum ]

11-08-2006, 07:32 AM
I can't, I'm stuggling to go to my Friends Rooms as it is... Sorry :P
Also I don't understand why you make a big deal about The X's... We are just normal Habbo's like you and everybody else... except we help a lot in public rooms :P

Anyway You shouldn't really be posting in this section for this type of thing, This section is for helping with Habbo's Problems/Troubles, but making rooms popular does nto fall into that catergory :P

11-08-2006, 05:39 PM
^^ Meanie.

11-08-2006, 06:42 PM
:o :(

Anyway this been moved to a different section... Hmmm... I still don't think it's in right section... There isn't actually a decent section for this...

11-08-2006, 06:44 PM
Can I ask something? If your "normal friends" (not famous as such) won't come to your room, why not get better friends? :P

11-08-2006, 06:46 PM
Hi there, this may be spam. But i am just wondering if that any Habbo X's on here would be kind enough to help me with my new room to become "popular". Seeing as normal habbos and even HC habbos get "EXCIDTED" like my self ;) when a habbo X enters the room ... lol

Anyway keeping to the point, yeh my room is called " Steal the purple Ice Cream machine" and it needs more hits :( and if you are willing enough you "habbo x's" to stroll down to my room some times. I would really apreciate it! :D

Name : Sammaile2
Room Name : (Thumb up) Steal the purple ice cream (Thumb up)

Thanks for your time to read this, if this is spam. Please move this to a different catagory.



P.S 1 habbo x has taken part. Her name is "duh." shes great ^_^

[ Mexel ; Thread moved to the correct forum ]

Habbo X's dont make rooms popular. Get some of your friends from around Habbo to help you advertise the room, Perhaps when you have completed the room post it in the rooms section of the forum for people to rate, Y'never know it could turn out a real success.

Don't look at X's for popularity, Their not popular themselves just "help" out around the Hotel.

12-08-2006, 08:40 AM
You have a good point there ant ;)

24-08-2006, 02:05 PM
Point taken, but peopel usualy go like FTW! A HABBO X

*Invites consoul*


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