View Full Version : [Bobba] -=-= How to win in an Argument on Habbo -=-=-=

12-02-2005, 04:06 PM
OK, we have all had one, a good ole argument, on Habbo.
But what im going to discuss, is how to win one >:)

Point 1
Remeber, they want to try and offend you, so act as un-offended as you possibly can. If they say something like 'Your mum is a ****'
Say, 'lol, how did you know that?'

Although this may seem like you are offending yourself, it dosent have as much impact as the offender wants it to have, because you are showing that you arent bothered about what he thinks.

Point 2
Act bigger and more important then them.
By this i mean, say things like 'Yeah yeah, whatever you say kiddo'
This makes them furious because it seems that you think they they are a little kid, even if they arent. It also makes you seem like the more mature person in the argument, and makes you look better. :D

Point 3
Dont lose your cool.
Getting into a fit of offence to then and calling them every name under the sun wont help, it just shows that they have annoyed you and to then, thats mission accomplished. If they call you a name, do whatever you can to make it seem like it hasnt offended you, i.e. 'Aww, what a cute little skit' this also belittles them and brings out the fact they they are losing the argument.

Point 4
Get on the side of the other people in the room.
People will help you win an argument if they are on your side, and you can get them on your side by being funny and saying this to them like, 'Hey *Bystanders name* have you seen this little kid having a little paddy because *reason for argument here*
Also, being funny and confident will help gain support becuase people will be afraid that if they dont take your side, they could be facing an argument with YOU too :o

Point 5
Dont use words like 'noob' and 'gay' and try not avoid using any direct insults to the person.
Using direct insults can either get you banned or make you lose the argument. Try reflecting there insults back at them, by saying thing like
'Who me? Naa m8, dont think so man'
this will annoy them becuase you are acting so cool about it and calling them your 'm8' when they are obviously not and he hates you so much that he despises the fact of you ever being mates.

You can do an indirect insult by telling everyone in the room what you think of the person, for example
'Hey everyone, this dude thinks that im gay, when he has just been asking me out! LOL'
In this example, the person that you are having the argument with may not have asked you out at all, but who says that you cant lie?
Doing this will definatley annoy them and make them look like a nervous wreck when they frantically try explaining to everyone that you are lying, if they reply cooly tho, a simple
'Naa m8, i told you dude, i dont wanna go out with you, im not gay, but im cool with you being gay'
This will annoy them even more, especially if you say it after everything they say, it also shows that you are not trying to offend him to everyone else and it makes you look like the goodie, but it will have a great impact on the person that you are arguing with, seeing as although they just said something totally different, you are making it out like they are asking you out.
That one gets them into the losing position.

Point 6
Things not to do.
Dont make hate rooms about them, its pointless and only gets you banned and makes you look childish.
If they make a load about you, then thats good, just call a Hobba and they will delete them all, and you can have the satisfaction of knowing that it took you about 20 seconds to delete the rooms, when it took them about 10 minutes to make them all.
Dont clain to report them, its jut a waste of Hobbas time, and it also makes you seem like your moving to a last resort.
Dont do them stupid actions like *Punches in face* thay are totally geeky, and if they do them to you, then just say
'Aww, hes so trapped in a ciber world that he things that he can atchually HURT me by trying some words! aww bless'
can you imagein how annoying this would be! :D

Point 7
The knock-out
This is pretty difficult to do, how to leave without feeling that you have given up.. well just make a simple remark like 'Ok then kiddo, i will leave you to cool down, this argument you just lost has made you all hot and bothered hasnt it kiddo? Awwww, well, bye m8!'
It is even better if they say something when you have left the room, it makes them look like a total idiot.
If you are the owner of the room the do the above method but just kick them, if they return to the room, either keep kicking them, just ignore them or say 'lol, look the little things back for more! he must have had an extra energy drink today! bless...'

:eusa_booh Consider your argument totally won. :eusa_booh

Note: I am not suggesting that you should start any arguments, this is simply a guide of how to win an aruguemt, and you can see that i haven told you to make any totally offensive remarks in any part of it. Being offencive WONT make you win any argument, being cool and not offending shows that you are the bigger person.

12-02-2005, 04:29 PM
Thats great advice!! definately use that in the future! thanks alot man!!

12-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Great guide! :P

12-02-2005, 06:42 PM
Good advice there mate.

12-02-2005, 06:50 PM
Exceelent Advice,

Thats Brilliant :)

12-02-2005, 07:55 PM
Good advice :)

But Remember, Try Not To Argue!

12-02-2005, 07:59 PM
I just say, this is pathetic, we are arguing over pixels and then leave lol

tbh imo no m8
12-02-2005, 08:57 PM
I just say, this is pathetic, we are arguing over pixels and then leave lol
not really cos if u call sum 1 sumthing then u r calling the person tht nt the pixels

12-02-2005, 11:14 PM
depedns how boared you are, if im bisy ill just compleaty and uttely ignore them, and every so often put out a "how nice" or "good for you".

Its only when very boared you can be bothed to argue propely.

12-02-2005, 11:37 PM
could i just say, all the forum mods and other important people on the forum are sayin excelent advice and incouraging him, is this a good thing you shouldnt be arguing anyway on habbo whoever wins one or the other gets upset! :eusa_naug :eusa_snoo :eusa_thin

13-02-2005, 12:59 AM
It'll be easyer if you just ignore them ;P

13-02-2005, 01:01 AM
Great advice :) Very,er,improvising? ;]

13-02-2005, 02:23 PM
wanna know what i think? look at this

Edited by Woodeh. (Forum Moderator): Image removed, please don’t post images or alterations which may upset/insult other forum members.

13-02-2005, 02:39 PM
Lol thats really cool kiddo :) see..I'm learning :p

14-02-2005, 01:18 PM
i dont argue online.

14-02-2005, 11:22 PM
Thats a good guide, it can also be used out of habbo aswell, if you are arguing with someone in real life, its a good way, i think some people who have viewed this are thinking 'oh no no, never on habbo, terrible behaviour' he wasn't telling you to argue, he was giving you a guide on STOPING arguements...

15-02-2005, 02:25 AM
omgz likez im gna use that when i get in habbo fights give me a break its a game and if you get into an argument walk away no need to complain over a game

15-02-2005, 09:05 AM
omgz likez im gna use that when i get in habbo fights give me a break its a game and if you get into an argument walk away no need to complain over a game
Lol - I think it's quite funny when they call me a n00b!

16-02-2005, 08:04 PM
Good advice - rep added :')

19-02-2005, 11:09 PM
Very good advice.

21-02-2005, 08:15 PM
Point 5
Dont use words like 'noob' and 'gay' and try not avoid using any direct insults to the person.
Using direct insults can either get you banned or make you lose the argument. Try reflecting there insults back at them, by saying thing like
'Who me? Naa m8, dont think so man'
this will annoy them becuase you are acting so cool about it and calling them your 'm8' when they are obviously not and he hates you so much that he despises the fact of you ever being mates.

Point 6
Dont clain to report them, its jut a waste of Hobbas time, and it also makes you seem like your moving to a last resort.
Dont do them stupid actions like *Punches in face* thay are totally geeky, and if they do them to you, then just say
'Aww, hes so trapped in a ciber world that he things that he can atchually HURT me by trying some words! aww bless'
can you imagein how annoying this would be! :D

Just to expand on this:
If they start swearing at you and yelling blatant abuse at you, call a Hobba. You don't have to tell them you did. Don't start swearing and yelling abuse back at them whatever you do, especially if you have called a Hobba, because you will get banned! :eusa_naug
What amuses me most is when people start shouting abuse at me apparently randomly, I react as little as possible and try to ignore them really, and then they inform me that they've called a Hobba for harrassment. It's pretty satisfying to see them subsequently go offline with no explanation...

Note: I've used the little *snip* things to show where I've cut substancial portions of the original post out.

21-02-2005, 09:15 PM
could i just say, all the forum mods and other important people on the forum are sayin excelent advice and incouraging him, is this a good thing you shouldnt be arguing anyway on habbo whoever wins one or the other gets upset! :eusa_naug :eusa_snoo :eusa_thin

I am not encouraging arguments, im stating ways to resolve the argument with as little verbal abuse as possibe.

Thanks for all the posotive comments guys and girls! Thanks for giving me rep too, whatever that is!

Also, a good way to win an arguemt IS just to walk away, and also, some people assumed i was sayinth the argument was over furnior games, well, its not, it could be an argument over anything, on Habbo or r/l

21-02-2005, 09:30 PM
I understand what he's trying to say, and if you look at the title "-=-=How to win in an Argument on Habbo-=-=" it doesn't say, how to START an arguement on Habbo.

Basically, you shouldn't ever have to use this guide, but in this society, you're sometimes gonna have an idiot trying to start an arguement with you. The best advice is to walk away from it, but if you feel in the mood, his guide gives you useful tips to make them feel small.

If someone's giving you abuse at school, this would also help fight back at the bully in a non abusive way! I wind a load of girls up by using the steps on this guide and it's so funny!

I think I've wrapped it up so Thread Closed.

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