View Full Version : New Funky Friday released

i luv ross
18-08-2006, 11:27 AM
Win a Red Smoke Machine


18-08-2006, 11:28 AM
Win a Red Smoke Machine


Well, we all know what the new rare is gonig to be.

18-08-2006, 11:29 AM
wot is it going to be may i ask...?????


yer i think we do

i luv ross
18-08-2006, 11:30 AM
Well, we all know what the new rare is gonig to be.
most probably lol.

18-08-2006, 12:05 PM
It didnt happen with the gold pillow...

18-08-2006, 12:06 PM
It didnt happen with the gold pillow...

And that's the only one.

18-08-2006, 12:11 PM
O ryt ok :P i guess you win

18-08-2006, 12:22 PM
Well, we all know what the new rare is gonig to be.

That is an extremely naive and nooby/jealous comment to make, because users create the Funky Fridays, lost_witness has no controll over them...

Minus rep for spreading rumors and acting like a fool.

Heres a list of things it didnt happen to:
Sky dragon, purple dragon, purple ICM, gold pillow, black pillow, white smoke, and every other uber rare.
And where did these rares come from you ask? Most from funky frday, so please shut your mouth.

18-08-2006, 12:24 PM
Hmm Im not taking sides, I think it's a very good prize, I'm sure to be entering!

Think about being the only one on the hotel with a RED smoke machine!


18-08-2006, 12:40 PM
Yeah, but smokes are rubbish. They all look the same sorry.

18-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Yeah, but smokes are rubbish. They all look the same sorry.

I think red purple and gold look hawt :>
Only black and white look the same to me, Ive seen green and stuff and the other ones look really coll and techy

18-08-2006, 01:00 PM
Blacks are just.. eugh. And whites look worthless ;p

18-08-2006, 01:02 PM
The RED is so hot!
And the violet.

18-08-2006, 01:10 PM
Think about being the only one on the hotel with a RED smoke machine!

for about a week :p

18-08-2006, 01:12 PM
It would be a bit of a bummer if you did win it and then it was released :rolleyes:

18-08-2006, 01:13 PM
ye lol. i only like green which is in that staff room. Pohjola or something and the pass is 1989 maybe ? I dno

EDIT:- They still have the purple ICM to relese so i dno if they will release it now.

18-08-2006, 01:44 PM
ooo Looks good, Good prize, I like it when Sulake make some rares supers makes casino's more unique instead of having the same old Decks, Dinos etc..

18-08-2006, 02:17 PM
That is an extremely naive and nooby/jealous comment to make, because users create the Funky Fridays, lost_witness has no controll over them...

Minus rep for spreading rumors and acting like a fool.

Heres a list of things it didnt happen to:
Sky dragon, purple dragon, purple ICM, gold pillow, black pillow, white smoke, and every other uber rare.
And where did these rares come from you ask? Most from funky frday, so please shut your mouth.

How was that acting like a fool and spreading rumours? I haven't gone round the hotel or forum going


Have I? That's what I call being a fool and spreading rumours.

Anyways, I would enter, but the chances of winning are slim.

Plus lost_witness would have control on them, he picks which one is chosen.

I had an idea to give out 5 jade smokes in my funky friday ages back, that never got picked.

Double edit: Also when did the Purple ICM get given out in Funky Friday?

18-08-2006, 02:26 PM
That is an extremely naive and nooby/jealous comment to make, because users create the Funky Fridays, lost_witness has no controll over them...

Minus rep for spreading rumors and acting like a fool.

Heres a list of things it didnt happen to:
Sky dragon, purple dragon, purple ICM, gold pillow, black pillow, white smoke, and every other uber rare.
And where did these rares come from you ask? Most from funky frday, so please shut your mouth.


The following rares have never been given out in a funky friday: Sky dragon, purple icm, black pillow, white smoke.

for about a week :p

The writer of it is wrong also. He wont be the only Habbo with it to have it as the writer + winner gets the prize. Two red smoke machines out.

I'm starting to get really annoyed of the amount of supers coming out. Like this bridge of doom contest. If he fails them all, that's 30 thrones more into the hotel ontop of everything else he's given out. I also don't like the constant reminders that he is hotel manager in his pages:

The Bridge Of Doom competition is your chance to challenge the Hotel Manager in your very own bridge of doom game room or a bridge of doom game room of your choice. That's right, once you have built or found a bridge of doom the Hotel Manager will choose some of them to play and attempt to complete!

Your challenge is to build or find a bridge of doom that you think the Hotel Manager will fall off and not complete. If you are successful and the Hotel Manager falls off then you will win yourself a Gold Cup Trophy signed by the Hotel Manager, 5 Thrones and 10 Red Rollers!

18-08-2006, 02:29 PM

The following rares have never been given out in a funky friday: Sky dragon, purple icm, black pillow, white smoke.

The writer of it is wrong also. He wont be the only Habbo with it to have it as the writer + winner gets the prize. Two red smoke machines out.

I'm starting to get really annoyed of the amount of supers coming out. Like this bridge of doom contest. If he fails them all, that's 30 thrones more into the hotel ontop of everything else he's given out. I also don't like the constant reminders that he is hotel manager in his pages:

Bold part one: Thought so, they just randomly got into circulation somehow, didn't they?

And about the hotel manager bit, it makes it sound like the hotel amanger doesn't have a specific name. Everytime I talk to habbo staff, they never say Lost_Witness, just hotel manager. Makes me wonder.

18-08-2006, 02:30 PM
I would prefer I or me rather than the constant drone of HOTEL MANAGER THIS HOTEL MANAGER THAT.

Random rares came into circulation when a staff account was compromised and they picked up campaign rares and traded them around. Emma told me they were all collected, but it was a lie :(

18-08-2006, 02:32 PM
He's getting bit annoying. You know where you go a little too far ? I think he has. There has been nothing but 'Meet the Manager' and 'Challenge the Manager'. Come on guys, who cares ?

18-08-2006, 03:01 PM
He's getting bit annoying. You know where you go a little too far ? I think he has. There has been nothing but 'Meet the Manager' and 'Challenge the Manager'. Come on guys, who cares ?

Hmm...I get where you are coming from but you can understand why he is doing them because he has just been announced HM so wants to give everyone a chance of meeting him to see what he is all about.

On Topic: Wonder how much these will be worth?

18-08-2006, 08:40 PM
I'm starting to get really annoyed of the amount of supers coming out. Like this bridge of doom contest. If he fails them all, that's 30 thrones more into the hotel ontop of everything else he's given out. I also don't like the constant reminders that he is hotel manager in his pages:

Good point, as a matter of fact, alchohol just informed me that the furni he entered in his submission was a White smoke machine, not a red one. Lost_witness purposely edited it to a more rare item, which means he probably wanted to draw people to the Funky Friday page. Is this worth the amount of supers it takes to promote things? We know one thing, callie ususally promoted things using quests and contests, while Lost_Witness tends to use games and super rares. Im sure alchohol isnt upset though that he gets his hands on a new super... the winners of funky friday of course cannot complain about this.

19-08-2006, 12:41 PM
It's a good prize.
I'm suprised, I thought people would be pleased to see a super rare prize.
I entered one, 4 Black monoliths and 4 Black smoke machines.

Not very big, but i don't care.

19-08-2006, 12:46 PM
They might as well bring out the new rare, "Lost_witness Gold Statue"

19-08-2006, 12:49 PM
But you have to admit, the guy that wrote it did do quite well. It wasn't some short little thing about the theme is space get your hands on a red smoke machine (or white from what 'alcohol' says). Does seem to have some effort put into it.

19-08-2006, 01:11 PM
Yeah, it was one of the best funky friday question entery for a while, and im probably wrong on this, but what is wrong with a few more supers coming out? I can understand peoples frustration if it was released in the catalouge a fe weeks later, but i see nothing wrong with two red smokes coming into circulation.

19-08-2006, 01:17 PM
for about a week :p
Could be the only one... If Jay didn't have about 3 in her "Jay's Secrets" room xP

19-08-2006, 06:00 PM
Hmm, i may enter this Funky Friday like i did last time (and won 50 credits, yay)...The prize does sound a bit rubbish, well the looks of it anyway. Who wants a Red Smoke Machine? :S They look NASTY. Id much rather have a Blue Smoke Machine, they look good.

20-08-2006, 02:42 PM
Colours i like: blue, green, purple, white.

I might enter, where's evolutions furni chart i wanna see one..

it's not that bad

21-08-2006, 07:39 AM
gd news ryan.

21-08-2006, 10:25 AM
That is an extremely naive and nooby/jealous comment to make, because users create the Funky Fridays, lost_witness has no controll over them...

Minus rep for spreading rumors and acting like a fool.

Heres a list of things it didnt happen to:
Sky dragon, purple dragon, purple ICM, gold pillow, black pillow, white smoke, and every other uber rare.
And where did these rares come from you ask? Most from funky frday, so please shut your mouth.
Didn't sky drag go in catalogue? o.O

21-08-2006, 10:27 AM
No that was the Sea Dragon. :l

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