View Full Version : Cheese >:(

20-08-2006, 05:25 PM
I have strong dislikes for people who use cheese as a random phrase. It shows that people try to be random. EG:
"I like cheese, cheese is good!"
"I would love some nice cheese right now!"

I bet half the people who say that don't like cheese. What is your view on the whole "trying to be random cheese" issue. I know a few people on here use the whole cheese is random and I am random thing. Please don't take offence, it's just one of the things that annoys me most. fnx.

20-08-2006, 05:29 PM
Because cheese is a funny word.

20-08-2006, 06:55 PM
I dislike when people try to be random too. It's like 'I'm random, like me!!'

Cheese is not longer random.....

20-08-2006, 06:58 PM
I agree with this. If you want random, just listen to a Clutch song.

20-08-2006, 07:00 PM
I thought spoon was used more than cheese.

20-08-2006, 07:00 PM
My views are; i don't care! If people want to go round saying "i lyk cheese, cheese is gd" then let them, im not bothered by it, so just leave them to it.

20-08-2006, 07:02 PM
Mmmk. I get what yo u are saying, but cheese is cool..

20-08-2006, 07:06 PM
I like cheese, especially the Mozerrella and Cheddar cheese you can get from Tescos. Although this is not the case. I say, let them get on with it, you don't have to pay attention. Heck, these people you refer to probably don't know you alot and you are probably not friends with them...

20-08-2006, 07:20 PM

20-08-2006, 08:22 PM
I thought spoon was used more than cheese.
Probably is, but most of the people I hear say cheese. Its annoying. But, people who actually like cheese, it's okaii, coz they eat cheese. Sorry, but im just fussy. :|

20-08-2006, 08:24 PM
I think it's annoying too.

20-08-2006, 08:26 PM
yeh some ppl use pie as well. idc really.

21-08-2006, 09:35 AM
This thread is very cheesey.

21-08-2006, 11:22 AM
I dislike when people try to be random too. It's like 'I'm random, like me!!'

Cheese is not longer random.....

I agree.
For a random word you need to make it up yourself.


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