View Full Version : Will Code And Design For Paypal

22-08-2006, 05:25 PM
I need some quick bucks :p
So im willing to code layouts [iframes] for £2.
Make web templates for £1.50 - £3.

Just need some extra money to pay for shoutcast resellers ETC.

I also have a hosting company now - eJay-Host.com
As the site is down, im offering Unlimited package for £10 per year.
Once the site is up, everything will be setup for you.

Post if your intrested.
Then ill PM you with furthur details.

22-08-2006, 05:42 PM

Also. Ive seen your designs, and you shouldnt be selling.

iFrames is for loosers. Learn to code in XHTML, CSS and PHP. iFrames are useless

22-08-2006, 05:51 PM

Also. Ive seen your designs, and you shouldnt be selling.

iFrames is for loosers. Learn to code in XHTML, CSS and PHP. iFrames are useless
Calm down.
You havnt seen that many of my designs, so you realy dont know how i do things.
iFrames is for losers? BS
Sorry i dont HAVE to code in XHTML and PHP do i?
And iFrames arnt useless, they are reliable and easy to use, so not useless, fool.

22-08-2006, 05:54 PM
Dreamweaver does most of the work in XHTML so i code in dreamweaver.

22-08-2006, 05:55 PM
Please do post examples :)

22-08-2006, 05:59 PM
Ive seen your designs. They arnt good enough to sell.

Who in their right mind would use iFrames over PHP Includes?

I presume you wil be coding in tables, which makes files large, coding horrible, and is just plain idiotic. Iframes are horrible, and yes. They do suck.

Call me a fool all you like. Doesnt bother me, as I know Im right

22-08-2006, 06:01 PM
Talk about being big headed. ;/

22-08-2006, 06:05 PM
No - I just take abuse very well. I know myself, little girl

You havnt seen that many of my designs, so you realy dont know how i do things.
Ive seen them - The patterned ones. The "wanna-be techy"ones. The one with the boxes, but wasnt even your render. ETC, ETC, ETC

iFrames is for losers? BS
What do large, good sites work with? iFrames? I think now

Sorry i dont HAVE to code in XHTML and PHP do i?
You dont, but otherwise, table layouts and iframes suck.

And iFrames arnt useless, they are reliable and easy to use, so not useless, fool.
PHP Includes are just as reliable. They are easy as iFrames if you learn them.
So Yes. They'res more pros with PHP Includes that iFrames, and less cons.
So I would say useless, wouldnt you?

22-08-2006, 06:10 PM
Who in their right mind would use iFrames over PHP Includes?

Someone whos host doesnt support Php?

Anyway ajax loading mechonisms... are mostly reliable... no support in older browsers, stupidly diffculty to implement.. why am i useing them again?

22-08-2006, 06:35 PM
If your wanting to make an easy to update sites (like iFrames) you should use PHP includes as Joe said as they are much the same and much better

22-08-2006, 06:38 PM
Why not code in CSS and floating DIVS? Took me about 15-20 mins to code this: www.habzilla.com with this.

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