View Full Version : Banned! :O

27-08-2006, 10:38 AM
I traded my runescape account for furni in habbo... We both actually gave each other the stuff and it was a fair deal... 2 minutes later

"You have been perm banned - Reason:
Illegal Activity/T&C Violation"

What the hell? This seems so harsh... I had loads... and nobody was even scammed..!

Grrr.. Gutted

27-08-2006, 10:40 AM
It's against the terms and conditions to trade anything on Habbo for anything "outside" Habbo as it were. So there was a reason for it.. if you didn't want to be banned, then you shouldn't have done it ;)

27-08-2006, 10:42 AM
Illegal Activity/T&C Violation

includes: promoting the use of illegal drugs password phishing, keylogging, using third party software to disrupt the programming of the hotel, discussion about illegal activities, violent role playing, role playing cyber-****, making death threats, making bomb threats, disclosing or sharing or posting confidential Sulake information on the web or via email or any electronic or printed form, as per your Terms and Conditions agreement, underage Habbo players, etc. These bans are often permanent bans.

Could someone point out to me which of these I broken..

27-08-2006, 10:44 AM
Theres more terms and conditions than that, theres the ones that you agree to when you sign up.

27-08-2006, 03:51 PM
This has really *removed* me off though.... I see "YOUR RUNESCAPE 4 MY HABBO" rooms EVERYWHERE... I see people trading over runescape for habbo EVERYWHERE... So why me?

Wayne. (Super Moderator) Please don't avoid the filter.

27-08-2006, 03:55 PM
Cause they caught you you ws the unlucky one

27-08-2006, 04:58 PM
If only you were trading all your Habbo furni for rune.

27-08-2006, 07:03 PM
Hmm. I'm not sure if it actually says you can't do this in the T&C. It dosen't on the "Habbo Way". This rule is only in use with Runescape. I cba to read through the T&C so correct me if i'm wrong.

27-08-2006, 09:53 PM
You still broke a Habbo rule, and you know perfectly well you did. Despite whether it was fair, and whether or not any one was scammed: you shouldn't trade Habbo items, for items on external websites (neopets, runescape) etc. It's unsafe as you never know whether or not the other person will keep their promise. There is no safe trade box to use between the sites, as it were.

It's like when people throw up the argument - "It wasn't filtered, I should be allowed to say it" - when they're banned for using swear words. It's a rule that you shouldn't swear, despite whether it's filtered your not.

27-08-2006, 09:54 PM
Runescape don't allow it, neither do habbo.

You got banned fairly though.

27-08-2006, 09:56 PM
You got banned fairly though.


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