View Full Version : TechTuts.com

27-08-2006, 04:16 PM
Well, just an update to say that Andrew of -A Hacking Crew- has hacked TechTuts and is abusing nearly everything on there. He claims to be the new owner etc.

Whether this is true, whether it's a hoax, who knows?


27-08-2006, 04:46 PM
Andrew must have a sad life

The Voice
27-08-2006, 04:53 PM
I'm just wondering when Adam127 is going to sort it out. Im getting email's saying Owned I am the new member, Andrew of the Krew.org. or something.

I just want the site back to read the tuts and submit some, and to talk normally on the forums.

27-08-2006, 04:57 PM
wooo he hacked it? he got rid of the data base?

27-08-2006, 05:01 PM
well seeing as they backup every 12 hours and log everything then nothing much is gonna change if it has been hacked...

But they cant restore a backup cause the cPanel pass got changed and their host is offline.

27-08-2006, 06:02 PM
meh they think they are so hard when they 'Hack' / 'Crack' a site. I hope they take action against him.

Lol at what Zach said on the shoutbox

got to admit anyone related to habbo is lame he prob's goes IM A UBBER L33T HACKER! *WET'S SELF WITH EXCITEMENT*

27-08-2006, 07:09 PM
not like the current owner made any of the site "/

27-08-2006, 07:17 PM
On "the site" it says:

Techtuts? *Removed*?

I got some email just now about me apparently hacking Techtuts... Funny thing is I can't remember ever visiting the site. I looked on it and it seems some guys exploited them and claimed to be me, well it wasn't me or any of the *thesite* staff as they would've told me (and not claimed they own *thesiteurl*).

27-08-2006, 07:26 PM
Too many people rely on that site to solve everything. I dont care if it is hacked. But andrew mate, get a life, get a irlfriend and lose the big V

27-08-2006, 11:22 PM
Techtuts, for noobs made by a noob who sticks his **** up the owners *** when he gets to see him about once in a year.

Edited by ---MAD--- (forum moderator): Please do not use inappropiate language, thanks :).

28-08-2006, 01:04 PM
The scripting krew did not hack it (if I say it with the s its filtered), it was some other guy.
I saw it, the guy that "hacked" downloaded all of techtuts (the scripts etc) and he's going to use them on his site. He said in the shoutbox.

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