View Full Version : EVE Online - The New Runscape But Much Better

02-09-2006, 06:36 AM
DON'T be a N00B and play Runescape
DO play Eve

Its P2P (Pay To Play) but it u click the image below u will get a free 14 day trial to see if u like it and the payment is in dollers and with the doller loosing value its getting cheaper to play each month

The ONLY fee you have to pay is the monthly subscrition everything else is bought with ingame money (ISK) which can be aquired by Minning / Ratting (killing pirate ships) / Missions


Once you think you know how to play the game join a corporation (Clan) and if i may recomend that you join Auroran PeaceKeepers they only ask for a 10% Tax on all you kill which isn't much some charge up to 50%.
but be carefull though if you join a Corp that is in the middle of a war you may very well be destroyed and the Police (Concord) will do absolutly nothing about it so always do research

At the beggining the game may seem slow but trust me when you are capable of flying the big ships it becomes alot of fun.

Make sure you DO the tutorial at the beggining otherwise you will be destroyed over and over again.

don't worry if your ship gets destroyed though because you become jettisoned and are in a small ship called a POD most players will not kill you once you get down to POD computer controlled rats will not either but if som1 does POD kill you aslong as you have an upto date clone you will not loose any skill points

You can hav 3 acounts per username so if you don't like the skill points you put on the first character just sign off sign in again click terminate and while that is going on just make another character

EVE takes place in a cluster of stars far from mankind’s original habitat, planet Earth. How far away, and whether or not that cradle of civilization still exists, is a mystery. Humans arrived through a natural wormhole and, gazing up upon an alien sky they had never seen, were completely unable to determine where this new world was located. From the New Eden solar system, where the gate of EVE once led to the old world, humans expanded in all directions at a furious pace, exploring and colonizing rapidly.
Then, unexpectedly and seemingly unprovoked, the EVE gate collapsed in an apocalyptic catastrophe of a scale never before witnessed by the human race, ruining the New Eden system in the process. Thousands of small colonies were left in complete isolation to fend for themselves, cut off from the old world. For millennia they endured, clinging to the brink of extinction, and only a handful managed to survive.
Of those that lasted, five were to rise up and become the major empires that, between them, hold the balance of power in the world of EVE. Today, they are known as the Amarr Empire, the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State, the Minmatar Republic, and the Jovian Empire. Additionally, the world is full of several small, independent factions and states.
For more than a century, the five empires have lived together in relative peace. They’ve continually strived to maintain this peace, as each faction realizes only too well the grave consequences of a massive inter-stellar war. Recent technological breakthroughs in FTL travel, and the ensuing increase in space travelers, have shaken, but not broken, the fragile peace... at least not yet.


The largest of the empires in the world of EVE, Amarr spans 40% of the inhabited solar systems. The Amarr Emperor is the head of a ritualistic, authoritarian imperial state, and below him are the Five Heirs, the heads of the five royal families from which a new Emperor is chosen. The Emperor's authority is unquestioned and absolute, but the archaic and bureaucratic system of government makes it difficult for him to exert his rule unless directly in person. Otherwise, the Five Heirs rule in his name, dividing the huge empire between them.
The Emperor and the Five Heirs can expect to live for at least 500 years. Extensive cyber-implants keep their frail bodies alive, even when their organs begin to fail. These cyber-enhancements date back many millennia, and have become a symbol of royal divinity in the eyes of the Amarrians.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/amarr2.jpgAlways a deeply religious people, religion remains of great importance to every Amarrian, a fervour which at various times has been responsible both for great good and great evil. Shortly after recovering from the closure of EVE, they began to expand their realm at the expense of neighbouring states. The nations they conquered were enslaved, a practice justified by their religion. Ever since, the Amarrians have enslaved every nation and race they have encountered, and today slavery is an essential part of Amarr society. This has, of course, tainted their relations with other races, especially the individualistic Gallenteans.
The Amarrians were the first of the races in EVE to re-discover Warp technology, notably Jump gate technology. After accomplishing this more than 2,000 years ago, they immediately began expanding to nearby solar systems, slowly building up their empire in the process. On the way, they encountered two human races, both of whom suffered the fate of being enslaved by the far more powerful Amarrians.
In recent years, however, the Amarrians have begun to run into serious opposition. First, they met the Gallente Federation. Although much smaller than the Amarr Empire, the Amarrians soon found the economic and military might of the Gallenteans a match for their own.
Soon after, the Jovians arrived on the scene and the Amarrians made a futile attempt to subjugate them, resulting in a humiliating defeat. To make matters worse, the Minmatars, enslaved for centuries by the Amarrians, used the opportunity to rebel against their slave-masters.
Since these fateful events almost two centuries ago, the Amarrians have learned restraint. They have slowed down their expansion and are less forceful in their dealings with other races, but still view themselves as the most powerful race in EVE, if only because of their sheer numbers.

The Gallenteans. Self-righteous, meddling, pompous and tiresome, or virile liberalists and defenders of the free world. Love them or hate them, you simply can't ignore them. Everybody has an opinion on the Gallente Federation, it all depends from which side of the table you view them. For many, it is the Promised Land, where any dream can become a reality. Descendants of Tau Ceti Frenchmen, the Gallenteans remain strong believers in free will and human rights, despite numerous setbacks in their long history.
It has been said that, once you have seen the Crystal Boulevard in Caille you've seen it all. True, the view is spectacular, but if there's one thing you can never see in its entirety, that is the Gallente Federation. You may travel its length and breadth, marvel at the Sunspiral on Troux, climb the Akat Mountains on tropical Intaki or thrill to the Mendre dancers on Sovicou. Wherever you go, you will always see something new and exciting, even when you visit the same place again. Gallente society is in a constant state of flux, vigorous, vibrant and progressive.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/gallente1.jpgFew societies display such stark contrasts. Many of the wealthiest people in the world are Gallenteans, creating a constant demand for luxury goods. At the same time, the ranks of the poor number millions, because while the liberal market-driven economy and individual freedom may allow everybody the chance to advance to the top, they make it just as easy to plummet to the very bottom of the social ladder.
In the world of EVE, the Gallentean are the kings of entertainment, mass-producing everything from cheap ****-flicks to elaborate stage-shows for an ever-hungry public. They boast the most elaborate luxury space yachts, and the most glittering hotel reservoirs. Anything your mind or body could ever crave, the Gallenteans have plenty of it.
The Gallenteans are not alone in their Federation, whose boundaries are home to pockets of residents, varying in size and representing all the other races of EVE, most of whom left their own empires due to political or ideological differences, or simply in search of peace and prosperity. In addition to these there are two human races, the Intakis and the Mannars, both of whom the Gallenteans found while exploring and expanding their empire. Both were at a very primitive level when the Gallenteans found them, but since coming under the protection and guidance of the Gallenteans, both races have flourished and are today a full-fledged members of the Federation.
The Caldari were initially part of the Federation but deep-seated differences and mutual animosity between them and the Gallenteans drove them out to found their own empire. For a time, the two empires warred against each other, but as neither could gain sufficient advantage to claim victory, peace was settled in the end.

A tough, no-nonsense race, the Minmatars are a determined and independent people. Their home planet of Matar is a natural paradise, although centuries of abuse have taken much from its beauty.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/minmatar2.jpgFor the Minmatars, the most important thing in life is to be able to take care of yourself on your own, and although kin and family play an important role in their society, they prefer identifying themselves by the clan or tribe to which they belong. A clan can have any number of people in it, and its size is largely dictated by the main activity of its members. Most specialize in one area of activity. While those who live on a planet can focus on agricultural or industrial activity, others who travel around the world of EVE concentrate on trading, pirating, and suchlike.
In the distant past the clans constantly warred against each other. Since then, however, Minmatars have learned that cooperation is more important, and although the clans still try to maintain their regional and ideological identities, they act as a single unit towards other races.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/minmatar.jpgThe fortunes of the Minmatars have ebbed and flowed continuously. At one time they had a flourishing empire with a level of mechanical excellence never before or since seen anywhere. Later, however, they had to endure centuries of enslavement, toiling and dying for the benefit of foreign masters. Today most of them have regained their freedom, but the legacy of their enslavement has been the diaspora of the race.
The Minmatars are the most numerous of all the races in the world of EVE, but their vast numbers are divided into many factions. While the Minmatar Republic is the official state, only a quarter of all Minmatars are part of it. The largest proportion, almost a third, are enslaved within the huge Amarr Empire, while a fifth resides within the Gallente Federation, creating a powerful political bloc which keeps relations between the Gallenteans and the Amarrians in a constant state of tension. The remainder, who are not part of any formal organization, live as freemen throughout the world. Many are itinerant labourers, roaming from one system to another in search for work. A fair number make their living on the darker side of the law, acting as pirates, smugglers and peddlers in all kinds of illegal goods, and many of the larger criminal groups in the world of EVE are run by Minmatars.

A state built on corporate capitalism, the Caldari State is run by a few mega-corporations which divide the state between them, controlling and ruling every aspect of society. Each corporation is made up of thousands of smaller companies, ranging from industrial companies to law firms. All land and real estate is owned by a company which leases it to the citizens, and government and policing are also handled by independent companies.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/caldari1.jpgAlthough this gives the corporations dictatorial powers, they are just as bound by Caldari customs and laws as the individual, and the fierce, continual competition between the corporations ensures a healthy, consumer-based social environment, which benefits everyone.
While the Caldari State may not be nearly as big as that of the Gallenteans, let alone the Amarrians, they are still universally feared and admired. Their economy is strong, and their military might parallel to that of the larger empires. Coupled to the fact that they are more unscrupulous than the Gallenteans and more combative than the Amarrians, this makes them in many ways the most meddlesome of all the empires. As most Caldari trade is conducted by individual companies rather than the State itself, this makes it difficult for the other empires to deal with them at a political level. If a company is found guilty of unethical business dealings, it simply disappears into its parent corporation, and before long another one appears to take its place. But if a Caldari company is threatened, the whole corporation and often the whole State backs it up with full force.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/caldari2.jpgCaldari society is steeped in military tradition. As a people, its members had to fight a long and bloody war to gain their independence, and even had to surrender their home planet to their hated enemies, the Gallenteans. It was at this time that the corporations established themselves as the driving force behind creating and maintaining the new Caldari State. Even if the Caldari have not engaged in war for many decades, they still strive to be at the cutting edge of military technology and their vessels, weapons and fighting methods are inferior to none but the enigmatic Jovians.
To curb their aggressive tendencies, the Caldari actively pursue and sponsor a range of sporting activities. Many of these are bloody, gladiatorial-like competitions, while others are more like races. But whatever the sport, the Caldari love betting on the outcome, making gambling a massive industry in the State.
The Caldari State offers its citizens the best and the worst in living conditions. As long as you keep in line, do your job, uphold the laws and so forth, life can be fairly pleasant and productive. But for those who are not cut out for this strict, disciplined regime life quickly becomes intolerable. They lose their respect, family, status, everything, and the only options left to them are suicide or exile. Although not xenophobic as such, the Caldari are very protective of their way of life and tolerate only those foreigners that stick to the rules.


The most mysterious and elusive of all the peoples of EVE, the Jovians number only a fraction of any of their neighbors, but their technological superiority makes them powerful beyond all proportion.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/jove1.jpgAlthough definitely human, the Jovians often seem to the other races as though they are not, the reason being that they embraced genetic engineering as the way to solve any and all the problems which plague the human race. Over the thousands of years since, the Jovians have experimented with every kind of genetic modification their technology allowed. As their powers grew, they began to believe they were capable of anything, and this led them into increasingly more bizarre mutations of their bodies and minds, a policy rigorously backed up by strict governmental control.
But one fateful moment in their history made them lose this control for a few generations, and the results were catastrophic. By this time the Jovians had begun interfering with their basic instincts, curbing their aggression and sexual instincts and cultivating strange new ones instead. Since the Shrouded Days, as the Jovians call their momentary social eclipse, they have been trying to put the pieces together again, but their DNA-structure has in many ways been damaged beyond repair. The consequence is the dreaded Jovian Disease. Genetic in nature, it is not infectious to other races, but among Jovians it causes a depression so deep and serious that the victim loses the will to live, and death results within a few days or weeks.
http://www.eve-online.com/bitmaps/img/jove2.jpgDespite this, the Jovians escaped the chaos that followed the closure of EVE remarkably well. Within the space of only a few centuries they had recovered, and were once again running a hi-tech society. They settled in a number of systems and founded an empire lasting for nine millennia, but even if the Jovians are by far the most technologically advanced of the races of EVE, they have still not recovered the splendour of their first empire. The disease within them keeps them in a reproductive straightjacket, preventing them from increasing their numbers sufficiently for their current empire to flourish.
The Jovians crave knowledge, any knowledge at all. Their superior technology has enabled them to infiltrate the other races with bugging devices and sensors, giving them unrivalled access to information, which they use to maintain their strong position among the races. The Jovians sell a lot of their advanced technology equipment to the other races and it is this, more than anything else, which keeps the others at bay.
Jovian society is mysterious and difficult to comprehend. For this and other reasons it remains very much closed to the other races, and few foreigners reside within the Jovian Empire.


As you can see i am very passinate about Eve so here are the last 4 things i have to say

To play Eve you have to download the game client this takes about 1 - 2 hrs but is VERY worth it

I advise going to this site it is Auroran PeaceKeepers Corp site it has the most valuable tool you will ever need it is called EVEMon it helps you plan out your skill and tell you how to cut time off of the learning time

I Also advise going to Xfire.com (http://Xfire.com) it is like M.s.n. but for games it is essential if you wish to play games on your computer not only does it let you talk to your friends while playing games without having to minnimize it your profile on the Xfire.com (http://Xfire.com) website also tracks how many hours of games you played ( chk my sig for an example )

If Mods Change this msg because it is too long well then im sorry to all you people who would hav been interested in playing but did not have the chance because all of the information wasn't there sorry your loss its a great game

http://www.eve-online.com/download/banners/files/300x250_13.jpg (https://secure.eve-online.com/ft/?aid=100972&nogreet=1)


Almost Forgot To Mention The Game Timmer is done by GMT and every day they have 1 hour downtime to refresh the servers although at the moment they are havving more because they are installing a new pstch and they found some very big errors in it (Downtime is 11:00 AM GMT to 12:00 NOON GMT DAILY)

02-09-2006, 10:46 AM
Aren't you just a space ship in it?

02-09-2006, 09:02 PM
ye but the more skills you get the better/bigger the ship u can get

its not for everybody

02-09-2006, 09:21 PM
ye but the more skills you get the better/bigger the ship u can get

its not for everybody

That sounds like space cowboy but you need to pay, this game always looked crap to me, people have there own views on games, this game as you said isn't for everyone, as you call people who play RS noobs I would of guessed you have played RS aswell, would you be calling yourself a noob? Hmm...This game just doesn't look worth paying for

02-09-2006, 10:59 PM
i don't play Rs but my brother does and it is rubbish in my opinion

(which im entitled to as so are you)

02-09-2006, 11:21 PM
i don't play Rs but my brother does and it is rubbish in my opinion

(which im entitled to as so are you)

You are only allowed to say a game is rubbish if you play the game properly first, I am allowed to say a game looks rubbish at I've seen what it looks like and it does look rubbish :)

03-09-2006, 03:51 AM
im not gonna get into an argument with you im just gonna leave it at this i've got my opinion and you got yours :) .

Due to the recent pathes the link to EveMon that i put is now incorrect they have blocked all later versions in an attempt to get people to use the latest version (the only problem is they didn't tell people wat they where doing :s ).

the latest version http://www.evemon.battleclinic.com/changelog.html .

another thing i have to say that is good about it it that the amount of scammers is only like 1% of the people you meet unlike habbo which is like 50%.

Dark Chevard
07-09-2006, 04:16 PM
I dont like of it looks two spacey, I prefer Star Wars Galaxy it's alot better than that.

07-09-2006, 05:18 PM
I downloaded the game a while ago and found it very hard and confusing and pointless I had no clue on what to do :S

07-09-2006, 05:25 PM
Or if you don't want a rubbish p2p game buy WoW! :l

07-09-2006, 05:27 PM
that game looks total ****

07-09-2006, 05:31 PM
How is EVE the new runescape?
Runescape is a MMORPG.
EVE Online is more spacey and set in the future and you play as a ship...
How is that a MMORPG?

09-09-2006, 08:28 AM
EVE's the new runescape eh? so this runs in a java client? nope will this run smoothly on a 10 year old pc with onboard graphics? i dont think so do i have to pay for second rate customer support like just about EVERY p2p mmo? probably. So let me sum this up EVE is NOT the new runescape.

12-09-2006, 11:02 PM
1) i was comparing it to Runescape in my opinion so *word removed*

2) if ur just gonna complain then y post u *word removed*

3) i admit its not for every1 but u lot of N00BS seem to be locked in old patterns being unable to try new stuff

4) i couldn't care less wat any of u think

5) does it make u feel big acting all hard on a forum??

6) this is the reason y i left habbo cus most of the people who play it are up themselves

7) please can a MOD close this thread i was trying to tell people about a gd internet game but the people on this forum can't take things tht are knew they are too stupid and it crashes there brain!!

The things above do not apply to all the people who play habbo or use HXforum just alot of them

Dirgeofcerberus (Forum Moderator) - Please don't avoid the filter.

14-09-2006, 05:17 PM
if u couldnt care less what we think then why reply with that list hmm? seems like your brain overloads when theres new things going into it. i bet you went "oh my god people think that EVE isnt good ill make a list and pretend i dont care! ow headache new idea"

15-09-2006, 02:12 AM

Calm Down, May i refer u to number 5 on the list.

i bet you went "oh my god people think that EVE isnt good ill make a list and pretend i dont care! ow headache new idea"

:eusa_clapWOW thats so clever :eusa_clap

and if u don't like it why do you keep posting in this thread? y don't u STOP spamming and leave it clear for the people who actually want to ask constructive questions

i don't know why i botherd with this thread i now know that Most people on habbo aren't emotionally evolved enough

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