View Full Version : Currently Seeking.. [A lotta stuff-Read.]
Ok atm I need quite a long list of furni, so here it is: :P
-Light green and teal plasto ocasional tables x3 green and x 2 teal
-British Isles posters x5
-Mode corners x2
-Z shelves x4
-Roses x4
-Green and blue doormats x7 of each colour
-White plasto chairs x2
-White plasto occasional tables x2
If you have any of the above furni pls PM me, post back or f/r Involvement.
Ty, <3
05-09-2006, 09:50 PM
I got 2 green tables, The Poster is the UK map or the Union Jack ?
If its Union Jack i got them all
Ok thanks you're on my f/l already but I'm on the old comp and Habbo doesn't work on it anymore so I'll get back to you asap ;)
And it's the UK posters I need-do you have any?
06-09-2006, 08:56 PM
Dont have any Uk maps sorry
07-09-2006, 07:31 AM
I have 1 british Isles map if that helps =)
07-09-2006, 11:45 AM
I have the roses & 2 british isles posters.
Ok sorry for not replying for a while my comp was down, but could you add Involvement pls and I'll offer you both :D
Ty <3
Ok thanks for adding me I'll offer you for em ;)
EDIT: September 9th my Internet crashed so I couldnt carry out a tarde with you, I'll get back to you asap. <3
Ok no probs, i have the 4 z shelves, 2 roses and i might have the 2 mode corners (depends if this girl trades me ;)) now if u need :)
Thanks for trade 2k6 +rep
Foxyfox contact me asap pls about the UK map
Only need one z shelf and 2 roses to complete one room now folks :)
[The rest of the list I still need]
Lol thanks ;)
Anyone else out there ? Really need these furnis.
Sorry for double post but it's a list update.
I still need everything from the previous list EXCEPT:
-Mode dinings chairs
-Z shelves
-Mode corners
-White plasto chairs [Still need the small tables]
I need this stuff pretty bad folks, so if you have any of the furnis I am seeking get in touch asap ;) <3
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