View Full Version : colmc is NOT Habbo Staff.

06-09-2006, 01:26 PM
For those who had seen colmc wondering around with his Habbo Staff Badge, I asked MOD-Alice who was in the Welcome Lounge at 14:25 today and she says she is not aware of anyone of the name "colmc" being Habbo Staff.

So to clarify colmc is not Habbo Staff. So if you see him wondering around with a Staff Badge. Report it.


10-09-2006, 10:55 PM
It's highly likely that after you told Alice this, she would have checked, and if not - he would have been reported to upper Management, and would have been banned by now.

Moderators are not aware of all the behind the scenes Staff, so it's likely she wouldn't know who was who :) Also, in your screenie it shows you had the option of kicking him/her, you should have tried, if he was Staff, the kick would not go through. If he/she wasn't, it would remove him. Simple as that :)

11-09-2006, 03:39 PM
It's highly likely that after you told Alice this, she would have checked, and if not - he would have been reported to upper Management, and would have been banned by now.

Moderators are not aware of all the behind the scenes Staff, so it's likely she wouldn't know who was who :) Also, in your screenie it shows you had the option of kicking him/her, you should have tried, if he was Staff, the kick would not go through. If he/she wasn't, it would remove him. Simple as that :)

Only Sulake staff like the Hotel Manager and Community Manager know who is going to be a staff, the Moderators, doesen't knows that, they know it, when we know it, like, in the dutch hotel a few months ago, there was a Habbo named Yanoa he had already a staff badge, i called a mod, and the replye'd that that was a scripter, but 2 months later, the Community Manager told on the Homepage that Yanoa was a new member of the staff.
So, try to kick next time ;)
and, report about badge's? that's dumb :P it is only a pixeld badge :P

EDIT: Whith a scripting tool, you can make kicking unpossible btw :P

11-09-2006, 03:44 PM
I'm 99.9% sure he IS staff.. I even saw him in the Welcome Lounge with a staff badge

11-09-2006, 03:55 PM
as i have said in the last thread, hes not London office staff. hes Sulake staff.

11-09-2006, 03:56 PM
as i have said in the last thread, hes not London office staff. hes Sulake staff.

What's his role then? Just out of interest, and why was he in my friend's help desk :s

11-09-2006, 04:46 PM
Only Sulake staff like the Hotel Manager and Community Manager know who is going to be a staff, the Moderators, doesen't knows that, they know it, when we know it, like, in the dutch hotel a few months ago, there was a Habbo named Yanoa he had already a staff badge, i called a mod, and the replye'd that that was a scripter, but 2 months later, the Community Manager told on the Homepage that Yanoa was a new member of the staff.
So, try to kick next time ;)
and, report about badge's? that's dumb :P it is only a pixeld badge :P

EDIT: Whith a scripting tool, you can make kicking unpossible btw :P

Whahahaha, He's our Country/Business Manager Yanoa :P LOLZ

11-09-2006, 04:59 PM
Also, how come you make names with colmc in?! I made colmc1 to get his attention. lol :p

11-09-2006, 05:02 PM
Whahahaha, He's our Country/Business Manager Yanoa :P LOLZ

Laurensh if you read betther, you can see that i did'nt meand that he was a Moderator, but when Jet/Lotus did't told something about Yanoa -.-

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