View Full Version : Selling bb tickets, Film, Paint, ect..

09-09-2006, 03:17 PM
I got 35 credits to spend so...

I am trusted by:

I just sold to her so i am safe :)

Film - 1 HC
34 Bb tickets (2 Presents with 17 in) - 1 HC
Paint + Floor - 1 Hc for BOTH (i dont just sell paint or floor, Both :))

Interested? Add: -lava-
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09-09-2006, 03:17 PM
I'm a boy, and you went first btw ;P

09-09-2006, 03:31 PM
sorry i ment him and i dont wanna go first to people i dont trust

and dont take this as an infraction because it wont let me edit for some reason... Apparently i dont have permission "/


film - 1 HC
paint + floor - 1 HC
Gaming tickets, 34 - 1 HC

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