View Full Version : Tips For The Lips

09-09-2006, 10:40 PM
Hello, How would you like some tips?
Well Im new to habbox i admit, but im not new to healthy food.

Basicly I am going to write you a diet diary, follow it, and i promise your are on the road to loosing weight.

1) Wake up and:
Have a glass of fruit juice ( 100% )
Either: Fruit sald OR/AND Cereal ( Not coco pops i mean the good stuff- branflakes)

2) Lunch:
Wholemeal bread with a selected meat and salad

Drink water and fruit as a snack

3) Dinner:
Dinner, many choices, one of my favourites is: brown pasta mix with : gratted carrots, oinion, green and red pepper, tuna and dressing.


After each meal if possible, do 30 sit-ups, not straight after, about a hour after.

Hope this is useful guide.Thanks.

09-09-2006, 10:42 PM
lol good tips and nice name +rep

09-09-2006, 10:43 PM
yeh good tips


09-09-2006, 11:06 PM
Cool :) Nice tips

09-09-2006, 11:41 PM
Good tips mate, and welcome to the forum! :]

09-09-2006, 11:43 PM
nice tips!! they aint like most peoples "LIVE OFF CARROT STIX N CUCUMBER!!!".

i luv rosie
09-09-2006, 11:45 PM
i lol'd at the title before i read the thread.
o n nice tips m8

10-09-2006, 12:32 AM
Lol Good tips thanks + rep for yew

10-09-2006, 08:08 AM
Yeh but they make you crap-a-lot.

10-09-2006, 02:45 PM
Seems like a very good guide to me, however, it seems like something that would get boring if you had to do it 7 times a week :p

Maybe you could add some alternate choices in there too, or substitutes.

It's a good guide nevertheless, so +REP :) and Welcome to the forums :)

10-09-2006, 04:29 PM
Yeh i agree it can get boring

11-09-2006, 06:54 AM
;) Good info.

11-09-2006, 03:53 PM
brown pastas nasty aswell lol

12-09-2006, 04:21 PM
this is spice master i just forgot my password lol

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