View Full Version : My Refferals

10-09-2006, 03:07 AM
It says "Talk about www.neopets.com" and this is, so -

Yes well 3 people signed up yesterday and havent activated their account yet - so therefor the refferal doesnt work.

1. dception (http://neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=dception)September 9, 2006Not Activated

2. heartless_lucifer (http://neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=heartless_lucifer)Septembe r 9, 2006Not Activated

3. rockboi_14 (http://neopets.com/randomfriend.phtml?user=rockboi_14)September 9, 2006Not Activated

If you are one of those users please pm me or activate your account asap.

If you wish to sign up to neopets click the link below in my sig.

Once your accounts are activated, your rep will be recieved.

Thanks :D

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