View Full Version : [Building] Djibouti - Ardoukoba Volcano

18-09-2006, 12:12 AM
I made this room for the atw even though i know i wont be allowed in a round again! but i love making rooms (helps control the boredom) so i just made it for fun really :)

Its a volcano that erupted and squirted out lava for a week in Djibouti in about 1968. The black area kind of represents where the lava meets the land because when lava drys it turns black, and my friend insisted he couldnt walk across lava to climb the volcano so i made those mats go to the bottom of it, but now i think that maybe that bit looks weird :o

It wasnt quite finished but i met the furni limit :( so feel free to give me suggestions that involve moving furni but i cant really add more :(

anyways what you think? pls rate out of 10 :)

http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/8304/volcano12mr8.png (http://imageshack.us)

18-09-2006, 12:18 AM
I LOVE the lava effect, it really stands out in the volcano, as do the red mats! The green area seems a bit random but thats just my opinion, if you were allowed to enter again (which i think you are allowed to!) then i think this could well and truly be a winner if it got in. One to rival the ski slope ;)
10/10 +rep for a fantastic room.

18-09-2006, 12:30 AM
aww thanks :) it does say you can enter again, but i know habbo try their best not to let the same person get into a competition twice. We will see though :) x

ty for +rep :D <3

18-09-2006, 01:14 AM
Holy damn. Okay I haven't repped a theme room in months or so I think but this room definitely deserves it ;)

18-09-2006, 01:58 AM
Pkay, may i first say i thought my room was pretty good and had agood chance of winning this group but uhm, that's pretty much impossible now.


and as for room interaction/moving things

maybe ducks flying away from behind the trees or gingerbread house moving like the ground is rumbling.

Edit: I also like the transition from green grass to burnt grass to lava. great detail. :]

18-09-2006, 01:59 AM
That room looks excellent 10/10 from myself ;)

18-09-2006, 04:30 AM
i didnt even need to look at the title and I knew that was a vocano. Brilliant room
one of the best v9 theme rooms Ive ever seen
10/10 easily, flawless. +rep

18-09-2006, 06:50 AM
Wow that is a fantastic room, and cant you enter it on a clone?

18-09-2006, 09:34 AM
aww thanks :) it does say you can enter again, but i know habbo try their best not to let the same person get into a competition twice. We will see though :) x

ty for +rep :D <3

Wow...:eusa_clap I think this is a better room than the one that was in the atw, and if this doesn't get in then its time for your clone to build one :D
Good Luck with getting in (it should do it), if i can get my russia atw finished tonight i will enter it to see if i can get back in ( But this room makes mine look abit ****** now lol)

Good Going...


18-09-2006, 10:23 AM
Wow that is a fantastic room, and cant you enter it on a clone?

If it doesnt get in, the name gangstashoes may appear with a very similar room rofl

Wow...:eusa_clap I think this is a better room than the one that was in the atw, and if this doesn't get in then its time for your clone to build one :D
Good Luck with getting in (it should do it), if i can get my russia atw finished tonight i will enter it to see if i can get back in ( But this room makes mine look abit ****** now lol)

Good Going...


LOL im sure my room doesnt make yours look bad, you're too modest! we all know everyone of your rooms are fantastic :) Haha ye if it doesnt get in i may try on a clone :P

Also i wana see the russia one!!

Ty everyone for the +rep, you're all so sweet :D

18-09-2006, 11:34 AM
Nice room, really good effect with the volcano. 9/10 and plus rep. :)

18-09-2006, 12:27 PM
If it doesnt get in, the name gangstashoes may appear with a very similar room rofl

LOL im sure my room doesnt make yours look bad, you're too modest! we all know everyone of your rooms are fantastic :) Haha ye if it doesnt get in i may try on a clone :P

Also i wana see the russia one!!

Ty everyone for the +rep, you're all so sweet :D

LOL, you haven't seen it yet, well lets just say..... it's not one of my best rooms, but it will be a room maxed out with furni again... spent alot of the time trying to get white plastic chairs (and many hours of building it, then pulling it down and re building it again), I think people now realise that plastic chairs arn't that bad after all (if you know how to use them correctly ) it should be open later...btw, its going to be the Russian Space Station ( I spent most of the week making a colossuem then after i nearly finished it i relised that Rome (italy) has bin and gone... Doh ..Lol )

18-09-2006, 01:50 PM
LOL, you haven't seen it yet, well lets just say..... it's not one of my best rooms, but it will be a room maxed out with furni again... spent alot of the time trying to get white plastic chairs (and many hours of building it, then pulling it down and re building it again), I think people now realise that plastic chairs arn't that bad after all (if you know how to use them correctly ) it should be open later...btw, its going to be the Russian Space Station ( I spent most of the week making a colossuem then after i nearly finished it i relised that Rome (italy) has bin and gone... Doh ..Lol )

Italy rofl! aww!!

ye plasto chairs are good except they do make you reach the furni limit quickly :( When i make rooms i dread the moment the "you have reached maximum furni in this room" message comes up :( i made this volcano in a different shape room first, but reached the limit before the volcano was even finished! so i moved it to this shape and made the volcano smaller :P
Rooms are so much hassle but i love making them because otherwise habbo is so dull, trading for the stuff building etc is fun, thinking of ideas is the hard bit!!

i cant wait to see the space station i bet its fantastic :)

18-09-2006, 02:32 PM
Brilliant! yet another fantastic room from you!

18-09-2006, 02:59 PM
aww thanks so much :) and thanks for the rep x x

18-09-2006, 03:02 PM
Fantastic room again Becks :)
and is this like the only entry for Djibouti? :p

18-09-2006, 03:03 PM
i have seen another one which is also good, i am 99% sure i wont get in lol. They wont let me in twice im sure!

18-09-2006, 03:53 PM
i have seen another one which is also good, i am 99% sure i wont get in lol. They wont let me in twice im sure!

Screenie plz.......................... Pretty plz :D

I hope we can get in again, it makes me laugh really, when i see what entry won over my entry/entrys, as for the bit when you said habbo only likes to give you one chance(or something like that)... i'm not sure as i have had 3 rooms up on the lists (Lake / Worldcup / Lochness) so i think they will if the room is good enough, but i guess other habbos will be anoyed if the same names was up every week.

18-09-2006, 04:33 PM
Wow, this rooms incredible, possibly the best volcano effect ive ever seen :o
No improvements from where im standing, 10/10 +rep :eusa_clap

18-09-2006, 04:46 PM
aww thanks nick :) means alot from such a fantastic room designer as yourself!

I will get a screenie of the other djibouti room ina min, he said he wants to remake a bit of it first :P

18-09-2006, 06:18 PM
An amazing room, it should 100% deserve to get in, if it does, it had my vote 10/10 no question well done +rep <3

18-09-2006, 06:31 PM
aww ty and thanks very much for the +rep, i hope i do get in because i was soooo close to winning before i could almost taste the infobus! Rofl!

Here is the other djibouti room that i like:

http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/432/djibouti1zb9.png (http://imageshack.us)

18-09-2006, 09:23 PM
oomg becky thats awesome

why can't you enter it

10/10 + rep :eusa_clap

18-09-2006, 09:33 PM
thanks matt :) i can enter it and have done so but the fact i was in europe group 1 means i bet they dont let me in again!

ty for rep :D x x

18-09-2006, 11:12 PM
Becks..... says:
Becks..... says:
post heree
Becks..... says:
orr il strap u to vanessa feltz
Ross // HabboHotelGuides.com says:
Becks..... says:
a fat massive beast

Ontopic,realy nice room good find Fay,Rebecca ;)

18-09-2006, 11:14 PM
Becks..... says:
Becks..... says:
post heree
Becks..... says:
orr il strap u to vanessa feltz
Ross // HabboHotelGuides.com says:
Becks..... says:
a fat massive beast

Ontopic,realy nice room good find Fay,Rebecca ;)

ROFL i cant believe you would impersonate me like that! dont edit what i say you meanie! vanessa feltz is a lovely woman.

and i didnt find the room -.- i made it. jeez ur slow

18-09-2006, 11:20 PM
ROFL i cant believe you would impersonate me like that! dont edit what i say you meanie! vanessa feltz is a lovely woman.

and i didnt find the room -.- i made it. jeez ur slow

Oi just cos im blonde doesnt mean im dum,im just not very brainy.and i did nt edit what you said becki :P

19-09-2006, 02:59 PM
I got in!!!!!!!
Im so excited, im really proud of this room is my fav room iv ever made, if you like it pls pls vote it :)

click here to vote (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/entertainment/around_the_world/aroundtheworldvote4.html) - djibouti - erupting volcano

every vote counts! (0.1% last time!!) thanks guys :)

19-09-2006, 03:27 PM
I got in!!!!!!!
Im so excited, im really proud of this room is my fav room iv ever made, if you like it pls pls vote it :)

click here to vote (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/entertainment/around_the_world/aroundtheworldvote4.html) - djibouti - erupting volcano

every vote counts! (0.1% last time!!) thanks guys :)

Very well done, its an awsome room :) ill vote for u seenas the link is there :)

19-09-2006, 03:58 PM
I shall vote for you with a vengeance!
Most of the people that got into this round are either on my f/l or are at least know who i am and tbh i am getting sick of all the messages and the idea of being left out as this is my talent on this game :@
Memmish FTW!

Edit: Voted on every account i own, 13 votes in total ;)

19-09-2006, 05:38 PM
I was going to enter a room for Djibouti. But now I see that I wouldn't have stood a chance anyway. Excellent room, well done. I know where my vote is going. :)

19-09-2006, 07:58 PM
aww ty :) and im sure you would have, you're an excellent room designer.

thanks so much for the vote <3

20-09-2006, 07:28 AM
:o WOW another great ATW room, I guess my vote goes to this room 10/10 :)

20-09-2006, 07:16 PM
ty leo :D x x x

20-09-2006, 08:48 PM
Very, Very nice room <3 Welldone,

20-09-2006, 08:54 PM
The room is awesome whatever you do dont get rid of it i hope for you to win il vote and +rep like i said afterwards dont get rid of it !! or else :P

20-09-2006, 09:12 PM
Also, i +Rep'd you <3 No often i +rep for rooms eh.

21-09-2006, 12:12 PM
Absoloutly brillient, <3

21-09-2006, 04:27 PM
thanks bef :)

pls vote my room guys :D ->Click here for the poll (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/entertainment/around_the_world/aroundtheworldvote4.html)

21-09-2006, 04:54 PM
;o Woww. That is AWESOME! I love the volcano and the village on the other side, its great! 10/10 +rep!

Just voted you, gl.

21-09-2006, 05:01 PM
Normally I go in all the rooms before I vote for one but this was the 2nd room of the group that I had seen and I it looked so good I had to vote for it straight away! At the last second I had voted for Scotland in the first group over the Ireland room so I hope my vote helps to make up for it. 10/10 +rep

22-09-2006, 05:34 PM
Its great :) All your rooms are so creative and stacked.
10\10 +Rep

24-09-2006, 07:58 AM
said it b4, ill say it agen, LOVE IT :D

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