23-09-2006, 12:42 PM
1.2Mill per your throne..
Idc what prices are
"SKILLZ" dont spam my thread with THRONES ARE 2M sthu idc your a little nub.
I will only go first for TRUSTED PPL idc if u get vouches anymore i just got scammed 20t by a mate who i thought was safe -.- So yer.
Ill give 1.3-1.4 max
Edited by (forum mod): Please don't be rude or offensive towards other members.
Idc what prices are
"SKILLZ" dont spam my thread with THRONES ARE 2M sthu idc your a little nub.
I will only go first for TRUSTED PPL idc if u get vouches anymore i just got scammed 20t by a mate who i thought was safe -.- So yer.
Ill give 1.3-1.4 max
Edited by (forum mod): Please don't be rude or offensive towards other members.