View Full Version : Needing help with bbcode.

23-09-2006, 06:24 PM
Ok i use this bbcode;


$start_time = !isset($start_time) ? explode(' ', microtime()) : $start_time;

define('UBB_LOOKDOWN', 2);

define('UBB_IMG_MAX_RESIZE_WIDTH', 100);
function ubbtexthandler($text, $this = null)
if(is_object($this)) if(strpos(strtolower($text), '/me') > 0) $text = eregi_replace("([^[])/me([^\n\r$]*)([\n\r$])", "\\1<span class=\"me\">*".$this->username." \\2 *</span>\\3", $text);
$text = nl2br($text);
//echo '<div>'.htmlspecialchars($text).'</div>';
$smiles = array();
$smiles['!!'] = '<img src="images/smilies/!!.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':C'] = '<img src="images/smilies/angry.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':c'] = '<img src="images/smilies/angry.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':)'] = '<img src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':P'] = '<img src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':('] = '<img src="images/smilies/sad.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':p'] = '<img src="images/smilies/tongue.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':D'] = '<img src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':d'] = '<img src="images/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':O'] = '<img src="images/smilies/ohmy.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':o'] = '<img src="images/smilies/ohmy.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':blink:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/blink.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':blush:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/blush.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':shades:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/cool.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':huh?:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/huh.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':lol:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/laugh.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[':LOL:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/laugh.gif" border="0">';
$smiles[';)'] = '<img src="images/smilies/wink.gif" border="0">';

$smiles[':ninja:'] = '<img src="images/smilies/ninja.gif" border="0">';

foreach($smiles as $ubb => $html)
$text = str_replace($ubb, '<b>'.$html.'</b>', $text);

return $text;

function _quickerUBB_isTextTag($tag)
return in_array($tag,

* ubbParsing class.
* This class builds an tree of stackItems objects and from
* there derives an appropriate html structure based upon
* code generation methods. Each code generation method
* parse_[ubb], as where [ubb] is an ubb tag which is
* supported by the parser. After adding an additional
* method, the parser will recognize the code generation
* method and apply this method when encountering a matching
* ubb-tag while parsing.
* In order to use the parser, initialize an ubbParser object
* and call the following method
* $initializedUbbParser->parse($ubb)
* This class can be a superclass for more flexible classess,
* for instanse the UbbAdminParser which is used to parse
* site admin messages and which allowes html input, using the
html code tag.
* When using the /me tag (which will automatically be
* replace to a structure), you should use
* $parser->setUsername('username') first.

class ubbParser
var $usedTags;
var $username;

function setUsername($username)
$this->username = eregi_replace('([^a-z0-9_~]*)', '', $username);

function ubbParser()
$this->usedTags = array();
$this->textTags = array();
$this->username = '';
$methods = get_class_methods(get_class($this));
foreach($methods as $m)
if(substr($m, 0, 6) == 'parse_')
$tag = substr($m, 6);
$this->usedTags[$tag] = $m;


function parse($text)
$text = str_replace('
','', $text);
$text = str_replace('[/*]','', $text);
$basetree = new stackItem();
$basetree->build(' '.trim($text));
return $basetree->parse($this, $this->usedTags);

/* Auxilary method which calls upon the ubbtexthandler
method, or does noting when not found */
function parse_text($tree)
$this->text_handler = 'ubbtexthandler';
$f = $this->text_handler;
return $f($tree, $this);
return $text;

/* base function to convert a
to <**>text</**> */
function simple_parse($tree, $html_pre, $html_post, $parseInner = true, $htmlspecialchars = true, $nl2br = true)
$text = $parseInner ? $tree->innerToHtml($this, $this->usedTags) : $tree->toText();
$text = strlen($text) > 0 ? $html_pre.$text.$html_post : '';
/* Added a $nl2br check, thanx to Bert Goedhals */
if ( !$nl2br )
$text = str_replace ("<br />", "", $text);
return $text;

/* code generation methods */
function parse_hr($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<hr noshade/>', '');}
function parse_br($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<br />', '');}
function parse_i($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<i>', '</i>');}
function parse_u($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<u>', '</u>');}
function parse_s($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<s>', '</s>');}
function parse_b($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<b>', '</b>');}
function parse_sub($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<sub>', '</sub>');}
function parse_sup($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<sup>', '</sup>');}
function parse_small($tree){return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<small>', '</small>');}
function parse_big($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<big>', '</big>');}
function parse_php($tree) {return '<div class="bwrap2"><div class="title">PHP Code</div><div class="content">'.highlight_string(unhtmlspecialchars(''.$tree->toText().''), true).'</div></div>';}
function parse_htmlforadminsonly($tree) {return ''.unhtmlspecialchars(''.$tree->toText().'').'';}
function parse_code($tree) {return '<div class="bwrap2"><div class="title">Code</div><div class="content">'.nl2br(htmlspecialchars(unhtmlspecialchars(''.$tr ee->toText().''), true)).'</div></div>';}
function parse_list($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<ul>', '</ul>', true, true, false);}
function parse_ul($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<ul>', '</ul>', true, true, false);}
function parse_ol($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<ol>', '</ol>', true, true, false);}
function parse_li($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<li>', '</li>', true, true, false);}
function parse_edit($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<span class="edit"><b>Edit: </b>','</span>');}
function parse_bold($tree) {return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<b>', '</b>');}
function parse_quote($tree, $params = array())
$font = isset($params['by']) ? $params['by'] : $tree->toText();
return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<div class="bwrap2"><div class="title">Quote by '.$font.'</div>', '</div>');
/* more complex code generation methods */

function parse_url($tree, $params = array())
/* href as well as text (href) is supported */
$href = isset($params['url']) ? $params['url'] : $tree->toText();
$href = $this->valid_url($href) ? $href : '';
return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<a target="blank" href="'.htmlspecialchars($href).'">', '</a>');
function parse_mail($tree, $params = array())
$href = isset($params['mail']) ? $params['mail'] : $tree->toText();
return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<a href="mailto:'.htmlspecialchars($href).'">', '</a>');
function parse_font($tree, $params = array())
$font = isset($params['color']) ? $params['color'] : $tree->toText();
return $this->simple_parse($tree, '<font color="'.$font.'">', '</font>');

function valid_url($href)
$lowhref = strtolower($href);
return ((substr($lowhref,0,7)=='http://') || (substr($lowhref,0,6)=='ftp://') || (substr($lowhref,0,7)=='mailto:'));

/* ubbAdminParse class which enabled site admins to input
* plain html into their messages
class ubbAdminParser extends ubbParser {
function parse_html($tree)
return $tree->toText();


/* StackItems is an recursive object used to create a
* tree, from which html or plain text can be derived.
* Although methods are commented, editing is not
* recommanded */
class stackItem {
/* $parent maintaince a link to the parent object of
* element, as where $childs is an mixed array of plain
* text and other stackItem objects
*/ var $parent; var $childs;
/* $tag_open : the ubb tag, without parameters
* $tag_close: the ubb closing tag.
* $tag_full : full ubb tag as found in the original
* unparsed text
*/ var $tag_open, $tag_close, $tag_full; var $was_closed = false;
/* storeage array for parameter information*/ var $parameters;

/* construtor initializes attributes */
function stackItem()
$this->parent = null;
$this->childs = array();
$this->parameters = array();
$this->tag_open = '';
$this->tag_close = '';
$this->tag_full = '';

/* set the parent of the object, this method is often
* calles upon, just after creation of the object */
function setParent(&$parent)
{ if(!is_object($parent)) return false; if(get_class($parent) != get_class($this)) return false;
$this->parent = $parent;

/* Alter $this->tag_open and $this->tag_close from an
* external scope */
function setTag($open, $close = '')
$this->tag_open = strtolower($open);
$this->tag_close = strtolower($close);

/* parse $text until $this->tag_close is encountered.
* When a other closing tag than expected is found,
* handle it appropriate:
* - Look down the tree, werther there is an element for
* which the found closing tag is appropriate. If this
* element is less then UBB_LOOKDOWN steps away, close
* the current tag and return to calling object. When
* out of range, handle the closing tag as ordinary
* text
function take($text)
{ while(($s = strpos($text, '[')) >= 0 && strlen($text) > 0)
{ if($s===false)
$text = '';
} elseif($s == 0)
$close = strpos($text, ']'); if($close < 0)
$text = '';
} elseif(substr($text, 0, 2) == '[/')
$tag = strtolower(substr($text, 0, $close+1));
$text = substr($text, $close+1); if($tag==$this->tag_close)
$this->was_closed = true;
return $text;
else if($this->parent != null)
$subelem = $this->parent->isThisYours($tag, UBB_LOOKDOWN); if(!$subelem)
{ if($subelem <= UBB_LOOKDOWN)
return $tag.$text;
$child = new stackItem();
$text = $child->build($text);
$this->append(substr($text, 0, $s));
$text = substr($text, $s);
$s = -1;
} //end while

return $text;

* parse $tag into $tag_open en $tag_full.
* extract (parameter,value) pairs and store
* these in $this->parameters;
function parseTag($tag)
$this->tag_full = '['.$tag.']'; while(strpos($tag, ' =') > 0) $tag = str_replace(' =', '=', $tag); while(strpos($tag, '= ') > 0) $tag = str_replace('= ', '=', $tag); while(strpos($tag, ', ') > 0) $tag = str_replace(', ', ',', $tag); while(strpos($tag, ' ,') > 0) $tag = str_replace(' ,', ',', $tag);
$exploded = explode(' ', $tag);
$tag_open = ''; foreach($exploded as $index => $element)
$pair = explode('=', $element, 2); if(count($pair) == 2)
$this->parameters[strtolower($pair[0])] = $pair[1];
} if($index == 0) $tag_open = $pair[0];
$this->tag_open = strtolower($tag_open);
$this->tag_close = strtolower('[/'.$tag_open.']');

/* build($text) generates a tree from $text from where
* $this is the current root element.

function build($text)
{ if(empty($text)) return ''; if(substr($text, 0, 1) == '[')
/* Starts with an tag?

* parsing should stop when /tag is found
* therefor $tag_open, $tag_close should be
* initialized
$sclose = strpos($text, ']'); if($sclose<0)
return '';
$tag = substr($text, 1, $sclose-1);

$text = substr($text, $sclose + 1);
$this->parseTag($tag); if(_quickerUBB_isTextTag(strtolower($tag)))
$s = strpos(strtolower($text),'[/'.strtolower($tag)); if($s == false)
$text = $this->take($text);
$subtext = substr($text, 0, $s);
$this->childs[] = $subtext;
$text = substr($text, $s);
$text = substr($text, strpos($text,']')+1);
$text = $this->take($text);
return $text;
/* Starts with text, therefor containerobject */
$text = $this->take($text);

/* appends $data to the internal leaf structure.
* $data can be object or plain text
function append($data)
{ if(empty($data)) return;
$this->childs[] = $data;

/* This method is called upon from child object, to
* find a object matching to a found closing tag
* in order to maintain a stable structure.
* returns 'false' or a numeric value, telling the
* calling child how many levels the corresponding
* element is down in the tree, from the childs origin
function isThisYours($closingTag, $was_closed = 0)
{ if($closingTag == $this->tag_close)
{ if($was_closed >= 0) { $this->was_closed = true;}
return 1;
} if($this->parent == null)
return false;
$s = $this->parent->isThisYours($closingTag, $was_closed - 1); if(is_int($s)) return $s + 1;
return $s;

/* Return the parameters for this object */
function getParameters()
return $this->parameters;

/* Return a string representation of this tag in plain
* ubb */
function toString()
return $this->tag_full.$this->toText().($this->was_closed ? $this->tag_close : '');

/* Return a string representation of this tags inner
* in plain ubb */
function toText()
$text = ''; foreach($this->childs as $c)
{ if(is_object($c))
$text.= $c->toString();
$text.= $c;
return $text;

/* convert the contents of this element to html.
* the $parser object is used to find appropriate
* parse_tag methods.
function innerToHtml(&$parser, $methods = array())
$text = ''; foreach($this->childs as $c)
{ if(is_object($c))
$text.= $c->parse($parser, $methods);
$text.= $parser->parse_text($c);
return $text;


/* Convert the total object to html */
function toHtml(&$parser, $methods=array(), $inner_only = true)
$text = ''; if(strlen($this->tag_full) > 0 && !$inner_only)
{ if(isset($methods[$this->tag_open]))
$method = $methods[$this->tag_open];
$text = $parser->$method($this);
return $this->innerToHtml($parser, $methods);
/* No method found for this tag */ foreach($this->childs as $c)
{ if(is_object($c))
$text.= $c->parse($parser, $methods);
$text.= $parser->parse_text($c);
return $text;

/* Parse this object into html, this method is called
* from the root element of the constructed tree */
function parse(&$parser, $methods = array())
$text = ''; if(strlen($this->tag_full) > 0)
{ if(isset($methods[$this->tag_open]))
$method = $methods[$this->tag_open];
$text = $parser->$method($this, $this->parameters);
{ foreach($this->childs as $c)
{ if(is_object($c))
$text.= $c->parse($parser, $methods);
$text.= $parser->parse_text($c);
return $this->tag_full.$text.($this->was_closed ? $this->tag_close : '');
/* No method found for this tag */ foreach($this->childs as $c)
{ if(is_object($c))
$text.= $c->parse($parser, $methods);
$text.= $parser->parse_text($c);
return $text;

and i put include("ubb.php"); which inlcludes it in my script and use this;

$tutorial[text] = $bbcode->parse($tutorial[text]);

and i get this error.

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: ubbparser in /home/stanyer/public_html/ctutorials/tutorials.php on line 2

23-09-2006, 06:37 PM
Also i forgot to add, line 2 = $bbcode = new ubbParser();

23-09-2006, 06:39 PM
Hmm, post in the correct section next time.

23-09-2006, 06:40 PM
Hmm, don't post at all next time.

23-09-2006, 06:46 PM
Follow the rules then.

23-09-2006, 07:47 PM
Come on i need help badly!

23-09-2006, 07:51 PM
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: ubbparser in /home/stanyer/public_html/ctutorials/tutorials.php on line 2

If line 2 of tutorial.php the following?:
$tutorial[text] = $bbcode->parse($tutorial[text]);

23-09-2006, 07:53 PM
line 2 is "$bbcode = new ubbParses();"

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