View Full Version : Want to be staff at my site?

01-03-2005, 02:52 PM
This is more of a staff request than i script request but it is website related any how :D

Basically i need the following staff...

- Media Hunters (Will be required to find and upload 5 new pics a week) 4 places
- PHP Experts (Will be required to help me with all php related problems) 2 places
- Flash Experts (needed to develope Animations and games) 2 Places
- Forum Mods (you know what a forum moderator is) 4 Places
- A street team ( We will be starting a street team soon which will require you to go around forums/chat/guestobook/sites advertising the LPR) Unlimited Places

All staff will get their place on the staff list, an @lp-revolution.com e-mail adress and will be allowed to use the official LPR staff avatar :)

I hope that if you have the skills you will reply to this thread, thanks :)


01-03-2005, 05:14 PM

I can program in:

I can also make some images (but I am not very good yet). My website at the moment is being re-made so plz dont use it as a example. I am the folling programes:

**NOTE all programes are MX 2004***

-Macromedia Dreamwever
-Macromedia Flash Pro
-Macromedia Freehand
-Macromedia Fireworks
-Macromedia Director

Hope I can be of some help!

01-03-2005, 05:15 PM
sorry about my spelling!

01-03-2005, 06:15 PM
do you think you could make a music player?

01-03-2005, 06:38 PM
yeah what do u want the music player to play

01-03-2005, 06:40 PM
but if you have no jobs going for that i'll be forum moderator

01-03-2005, 06:41 PM
yeah what do u want the music player to play

haha no he dont :l course he does u foo' i think he meens like www.impetuous.net if its still there

01-03-2005, 06:42 PM
ooh can i be a mod plz?

01-03-2005, 06:42 PM
I make animations for my old site now, its my Old, Old 1 if you know what i mean. Ill give you the URL.

www.e-habwiz.tk (http://www.e-habwiz.tk)

If not, If you want you can trial me as formum mod :)

01-03-2005, 06:47 PM
when i said what do u want the music player to play i ment dose he want it to play a radio station he made or dose he just want to stream music.

01-03-2005, 06:49 PM
stream music, cus he is getting a radio sooner or later correct me if im wrong :)

01-03-2005, 07:32 PM
I could help with some coding or something or moderate the forum :) if not I could always be in the street team I love harrasing random forums and being banned :D

01-03-2005, 08:42 PM
okay heres the deal, if you want a job you gotta join the forum on the LPR


I will deal with it there, my inbox is being flooded here, lol.

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