View Full Version : Banning Information

03-03-2005, 06:24 PM
This is in regards to all threads about bans:

There IS a contact form on habboxforum.com to use and there IS an option for 'Why am I banned?'. Please use that, not this forum.

Please note:
- We never give out information about why somebody is banned. This is because of privacy. If you want to know why your account is banned please use the contact form and use the same email as the account that is banned.
- Asking for yourself, or someone else to be unbanned is against the rules.
- Habboxforum reserves the right to terminate any account at any time.

The best and most sensible thing to do when you are banned and you want to know is to use the contact form instead of causing a ruck in this forum.

Any threads asking why you are banned, who banned you, asking for your old account back, ect will be locked and have a post directing them to this thread.

09-11-2005, 11:06 PM
Getting banned for giving your opinion?

You can never get banned for giving your opinion. Only Habbox staff can get fired (not banned) for publicly posting complaints about other Habbox staff. When a Habbox staff member has a problem with some part of Habbox he has to contact a Manager privately and not post about it for everybody to see. These are the same rules that hold for hobbas on Habbo for example, they are also not allowed to comment on the behaviour of other (bad) hobbas.

You can and probably will get banned for being offensive to anybody else, especially a Habbox staff member. Being offensive includes calling somebody an idiot, moron, saying somebody is pathetic or anything else that is generally accepted as being offensive.

You might get banned for breaking the word filter. Normally you only get asked not to do it anymore by PM, but if it is clear that you are breaking the word filter on purpose while you know this is against the forum rules you usually get a 7 days ban.

If you cannot express your opinion without being offensive as described above or avoiding the word filter or swearing I think you have a problem. DO NOT confuse freedom of speech with the right to swear / to be offensive. These are two very different things!

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