View Full Version : Password to Trade/Donate furni?

03-10-2006, 08:54 PM
Dont u think we should be able to add a Password to remove furni from our account, to provent hacking?
It would be alot better, and stop people from totaly hating habbo

aka Me (Now)

03-10-2006, 08:57 PM
hmm yeh a bit like the runescape bank pin. If u also get the option of turning it off an on and stuff like dat

03-10-2006, 08:59 PM
Also, a log where for who u trade/donate to so that you can find out who hacked you. I Know its a game and all, but its realy money. I was going to sell on Ebay, now I cant, now some 1 else has over £200 worth :@

03-10-2006, 09:01 PM
hmm fairly good idea but ppl who like finds it out cd trade to a clone who trades to main or summit like tht

03-10-2006, 09:03 PM
hmm fairly good idea but ppl who like finds it out cd trade to a clone who trades to main or summit like tht
im sure the Mods could do sumin good, and look at all the logs. there must be some sort of log.

03-10-2006, 09:04 PM
mods wat will they do, IGNORE them?

03-10-2006, 09:06 PM
mods wat will they do, IGNORE them?
Yep. Dont they understand that they can easily give us the stuff back, as it dosnt cost them any thing. Maybe report Habbo as a Scam site to some type of policey thing, as they wont do any thing due to over £200 worth of goods been stealed. Some ppl are so nasty, and I wish to kill them all :D

03-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Silly idea, what's the point of entering a password, when you need a password to get onto the account. That means if your hacked, they can still get in...
If you get keylogged, they'll get both passwords.

03-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Yep. Dont they understand that they can easily give us the stuff back, as it dosnt cost them any thing. Maybe report Habbo as a Scam site to some type of policey thing, as they wont do any thing due to over £200 worth of goods been stealed. Some ppl are so nasty, and I wish to kill them all :D

but if u think about it. If mods went around handing furni out ppl wd just trade their original furni to another account.

But if they checked the tradin log...

03-10-2006, 09:15 PM
but if u think about it. If mods went around handing furni out ppl wd just trade their original furni to another account.

But if they checked the tradin log...
not like that, I mean retreave them. So they will reverse all trade logs till a earlier date.

04-10-2006, 10:42 AM
Silly idea, what's the point of entering a password, when you need a password to get onto the account. That means if your hacked, they can still get in...
If you get keylogged, they'll get both passwords.

What Cardigan said :D

04-10-2006, 10:53 AM
Also, a log where for who u trade/donate to so that you can find out who hacked you. I Know its a game and all, but its realy money. I was going to sell on Ebay, now I cant, now some 1 else has over £200 worth :@

Furniture on Habbo Hotel is only worth what you can buy in the catalogue. So if you lost thrones/rares etc you are hardly able to "price" them, so you don't know for sure if it was worth 200lbs, that's just what you think.

Yep. Dont they understand that they can easily give us the stuff back, as it dosnt cost them any thing. Maybe report Habbo as a Scam site to some type of policey thing, as they wont do any thing due to over £200 worth of goods been stealed. Some ppl are so nasty, and I wish to kill them all :D

Again, same comment, same answer.. I'd like to know where you got this "worth 200lb" math. You cannot report Habbo as a scam site. When you sign up to Habbo you agree that all "furniture" etc is property of Sulake, not you, so seriously if Habbo didn't like you they could just pick up all of your thrones if they wanted to and wouldn't have to give you anything back.

not like that, I mean retreave them. So they will reverse all trade logs till a earlier date.

That would be silly, becasue you'd get people who go to trade rooms a tons of times a day, and then if at the end of the day they realize they got "ripped off" they could just reverse their trades and stuff. Then, out of nowhere.. the furniture that the other person they traded with will be wondering where their new stuff went.

Anyway, I agree with Kardan:eusa_clap :eusa_clap ... just keep your password safe!!:eusa_danc :eusa_danc :eusa_danc

04-10-2006, 12:39 PM
not like that, I mean retreave them. So they will reverse all trade logs till a earlier date.
then people would get scammed who they traded... if i traded you 1 hc for 20 ducks, i would lose 20 ducks and u get the hc too

04-10-2006, 11:58 PM
I Mean if It has all gone missing, liked Hacked. and If u answer secret passwords, you get ur stuff back, cos too many people get hacked, and its not very nice. they need a way of preventing people from feeling like they have nothinh left in life (trust me, I have a few ppl on my msn)

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