View Full Version : thinkhabbo get 600+ listeners

07-10-2006, 04:42 PM
wd to u

Dollops (Super Moderator) Thread Moved from 'Discuss Anything'

the wombats
07-10-2006, 04:43 PM
No... thats just the fake stats, whats the real ones? 100? 50? 30?

07-10-2006, 04:44 PM
No... thats just the fake stats, whats the real ones? 100? 50? 30?

no there unique ive seen the shoutcast

07-10-2006, 04:44 PM

the wombats
07-10-2006, 04:45 PM
LMAOOOOOO!!! Thats bullcrap.

07-10-2006, 04:45 PM
Wrong section, again. Seriously read the rules.

ThinkHabbo is pretty awful though if I say so myself.

07-10-2006, 04:45 PM
all im gnna say is well dne cos they deserve it and i dnt care what u say ;)

07-10-2006, 04:47 PM
all im gnna say is well dne cos they deserve it and i dnt care what u say ;)
shut up
go away

the wombats
07-10-2006, 04:47 PM
Wrong section, again. Seriously read the rules.

ThinkHabbo is pretty awful though if I say so myself.
move it then fatboy! mods are allowed to move staff threads. :rolleyes:

07-10-2006, 04:47 PM
I'm not biased, but ThinkHabbo's DJs are talentless.

Also, I've heard on a number of occasions that the listeners level that they have on their website is editable.

ALSO, it's Habbo radio? Some people have been running around saying that ThinkHabbo is achieving the world record of internet radio listeners, which, is A. no one who cares is listening and B. Try looking at all the internet radio stations with over five thousand. :)

HabboxLive > ThinkHabbo

Quality > Quantity

07-10-2006, 04:48 PM
bleh. thinkhabbo are dreadful imo.
they dont give prizes, and they always, just always tell people to flood.
and they get hacked like monthly.

07-10-2006, 04:48 PM

07-10-2006, 04:49 PM
ew at thinkhabbo.
its only good when ed djs coz he plays good songs
the rest r crappppppppppppppp

07-10-2006, 04:50 PM
seriously, this forum can be really gay

you get warnings for posting in the wrong forum wth :S

everyone has a go at you if say anything

07-10-2006, 04:55 PM
but they had some laughs too so it aint too bad :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

07-10-2006, 04:55 PM

EternalMasque (super Moderator) Please don't avoid the filter.

07-10-2006, 04:56 PM

07-10-2006, 04:57 PM
Wrong section, again. Seriously read the rules.

Move it then? :s

07-10-2006, 04:58 PM
Move it then? :s

excactly ;/

07-10-2006, 04:58 PM
seriously, this forum can be really gay

you get warnings for posting in the wrong forum wth :S

everyone has a go at you if say anything

1) You get warnings if you post in the wrong forum, because if they weren't handed out then people wouldn't care where they posted? It's a rule, and it will be enforced.

2) Imo, ThinkHabbo do no deserve it! Why is it that a site that floods constantly, fixes the amount of listeners, is just generally annoying and not really a great quality site deserve it? Please explain.

07-10-2006, 04:59 PM
No1 Cares AT ALL

07-10-2006, 04:59 PM
all im gnna say is well dne cos they deserve it and i dnt care what u say ;)
I hope you get fired ;)

Do read the rules, as staff you really should... Are you just doing this because you don't actually want to work for Habbox? Do you just want the power?

07-10-2006, 05:02 PM
ThinkHabbo suck badly.
Especially DJ Nicci. OMG she drives me up the wall.
Howcome the radio is soo popular but the forum is empty?

07-10-2006, 05:03 PM
I hope you get fired ;)

Do read the rules, as staff you really should... Are you just doing this because you don't actually want to work for Habbox? Do you just want the power?

thank u

i like habbox, i want to work for them but everyone ***** everyone off

07-10-2006, 05:07 PM
Competition. Advertise for the site by making popular rooms and win a prize. LMAO.

Advertising is not that bad but constantly, thats just stupid. Hes virtually begging people.

Carry on listening to Thinkhabbo or watch X-factor? Hmmm... let me not...not too hard.

07-10-2006, 05:09 PM
Right, i know we all have our opinions on sites and i respect everyone's decision to not like thinkhabbo. But accusing them of faking their listeners or whatever you call it, is ABSOLUTE rubbish!
Here is the link
That is our shoutcast. I doubt we can fake it on there. Go to http://www.shoutcast.com and check the pages. On the third page we are about 45th ranked in all shoutcast servers on listeners. I don't care what you say about the site. You chose to think that. BUT NEVER say thinkhabbo has 30 listeners. How come we filled both hallway 1 and 2 earlier. How can 30 people do that? So don't give me any of the bull**** that comes out of your mouth. The radio stats are down because we have too many connections on the site. Which is another reason why the request line is down. We even have habboremix.net redirecting their radio to our radio. We have other sites like thinkhabbo.info and wackyhabbo.co.uk. So shut up about the faking you ****!

07-10-2006, 05:11 PM
whenever i used to go on habbo there were annoying *removed* flooding rooms telling ppl to tune into thinkhabbo

Dollops (Super Moderator) Please do not avoid the filter

07-10-2006, 05:16 PM
funny that you posted this here, in habboxlive territory.
did you not expect to be flamed?
go post it in thinkhabbo's forum...

07-10-2006, 05:17 PM
ThinkHabbo suck badly.
Especially DJ Nicci. OMG she drives me up the wall.
Howcome the radio is soo popular but the forum is empty?
I was wondering that. The forum is always dead... Surely if the Radio was so popular then the Forum would be also?

07-10-2006, 05:18 PM
I don't care about being flamed you idiot. It was when i saw some little ****e saying thinkhabbo are faking listeners. I mean c'mon i don't care if you hate thinkhabbo but don't chat absolute bull ****.

Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator) - Please do not be rude to others.

07-10-2006, 05:18 PM
Because people are only listening to win rares. They dont care about registering on the forum because they wont win anything.


How can you have comps on like who invites/advertises the most. Tis sad.

07-10-2006, 05:19 PM
Right, i know we all have our opinions on sites and i respect everyone's decision to not like thinkhabbo. But accusing them of faking their listeners or whatever you call it, is ABSOLUTE rubbish!
Here is the link
That is our shoutcast. I doubt we can fake it on there. Go to http://www.shoutcast.com and check the pages. On the third page we are about 45th ranked in all shoutcast servers on listeners. I don't care what you say about the site. You chose to think that. BUT NEVER say thinkhabbo has 30 listeners. How come we filled both hallway 1 and 2 earlier. How can 30 people do that? So don't give me any of the bull**** that comes out of your mouth. The radio stats are down because we have too many connections on the site. Which is another reason why the request line is down. We even have habboremix.net redirecting their radio to our radio. We have other sites like thinkhabbo.info and wackyhabbo.co.uk. So shut up about the faking you ****!


Dollops (Super Moderator) Please do not avoid the filter

07-10-2006, 05:20 PM
ACTUALLY the forum isn't always dead. We have about 30 users online at most times. I don't really call that dead. Most of our listeners don't know about the forum and tbh don't care about it. I don't really take A LOT of interest to it.

07-10-2006, 05:20 PM
Because people are only listening to win rares. They dont care about registering on the forum because they wont win anything.


How can you have comps on like who invites/advertises the most. Tis sad.

Good point. Another thing though, the majority of people I speak to hate ThinkHabbo though.
Of course, there are some of the hardcore fans and staff, but they are the minority. I don't get how a site that is so hated gets so popular?

ACTUALLY the forum isn't always dead. We have about 30 users online at most times. I don't really call that dead. Most of our listeners don't know about the forum and tbh don't care about it. I don't really take A LOT of interest to it.

That may be true, but they rarely post?

07-10-2006, 05:22 PM
I'm not biased, but ThinkHabbo's DJs are talentless.

HabboxLive > ThinkHabbo

Quality > Quantity

What made me laugh in that is this...
your calling habboxlive a site with QUALITY DJs.. A TAD BIG HEADED CONSIDERING YOU ARE A SENIOR DJ THERE? :rolleyes: , if u DJ'ed at thinkhabbo your opinion would be completely different lols?
err.. The listeners on THINKHABBO are amazing, they are active & the DJs (if i do say so myself) are very entertaining & know how to please a crowd which we get unlike your radio station.

Billy was just saying WELLDONE and you all throw abuse at him?
Wth? He's a really nice person and a GREAT DJ.. you should be glad he wants to work for you aswelll yeh? dumbo.

07-10-2006, 05:24 PM
I'm not taking sides here but the stats are legit. but the only reason it has so many listeners is because they spam like hell.

as stated by dal, the stats cant be edited on the actual stats. (

but ohwell. i wouldn't class it as a fansite because it encourages rule breaking, and also they play song with swearing in.

07-10-2006, 05:27 PM
Actually we have forum members that have over 2,000 posts. So quite a lot of them post. Of course it isn't a big forum but it isn't a dead forum. I respect your opinion but sometimes we are sterotyped sometimes and it isn't fair. As soon as something about thinkhabbo is put up you abuse us and all that. I admit a lot of people don't like us but it is surprising how many people like that. The reason for our popularity is not because we do competitions but because our listeners are very loyal. The community at thinkhabbo is so strong you wouldn't believe it. And admit you know we don't fake listeners. LOOK AT OUR FORUM NOW. We have 227 people on the forum right now. You guys sometimes get jealous because we are better and have more listeners.

07-10-2006, 05:28 PM
Actually we have forum members that have over 2,000 posts. So quite a lot of them post. Of course it isn't a big forum but it isn't a dead forum. I respect your opinion but sometimes we are sterotyped sometimes and it isn't fair. As soon as something about thinkhabbo is put up you abuse us and all that. I admit a lot of people don't like us but it is surprising how many people like that. The reason for our popularity is not because we do competitions but because our listeners are very loyal. The community at thinkhabbo is so strong you wouldn't believe it. And admit you know we don't fake listeners. LOOK AT OUR FORUM NOW. We have 227 people on the forum right now. You guys sometimes get jealous because we are better and have more listeners.
suck ma willy

Edited By nvrspk4 (Adminstrator): Please do not be rude.

07-10-2006, 05:29 PM
To be honest I didn't think the would do it, but they did - oh well :rolleyes:

07-10-2006, 05:30 PM
suck ma willy
That really shows how immature you are :rolleyes:
We don;t encourage rule breaking but sometimes it can get annoying but oh well.

07-10-2006, 05:32 PM
I was just a tiny bit confused though - didn't the site have a 300 listener server?

07-10-2006, 05:33 PM
We paid a small fee to have it upgraded to 1000 listeners.
Only costed &#163;2.50 and considering we pay &#163;21 a month. Impressive in my opinion :P
Btw that is only for the day

07-10-2006, 05:40 PM
2.50 for 1000 listeners for a day?

07-10-2006, 05:41 PM
Curious to find out how you have like 5 people on though. :x

07-10-2006, 05:47 PM
The way the DJs swear is also pretty appalling.

07-10-2006, 05:48 PM
How sick of this whole thinkhabbo is everyone getting. Tbh, i'd be the first to take my hat off to them, if they deserved it, but they don't. Constantly annoying people by flooding, spamming consoles etc, hardly deserves any kind of achievement. Wow, you got "600" listners (which i very much doubt, considering your notorious for playing about with the listner stats) anyway, what does it prove? That you bugged people till they went insane about it? Thinkhabbo deserve absoloutly bugger all. Goner the good 'ole Habbox and radiohabbo days, when GOOD dj's could get 200 listners easy, without bugging people and spamming, it was done on pure talent and the fact people enjoyed listening to them. Now it's all "think habbo tune in" and bribes here and there. It's doing my nut in, no wonder you lost your official status, quite frankly they should never have had it in the first place.

07-10-2006, 05:52 PM
Dont care if you done it or not but tbh, id rather listen to a real radio than a radio DJ'ed by some pre-teen ;l

07-10-2006, 06:10 PM
Actually we have forum members that have over 2,000 posts. So quite a lot of them post. Of course it isn't a big forum but it isn't a dead forum. I respect your opinion but sometimes we are sterotyped sometimes and it isn't fair. As soon as something about thinkhabbo is put up you abuse us and all that. I admit a lot of people don't like us but it is surprising how many people like that. The reason for our popularity is not because we do competitions but because our listeners are very loyal. The community at thinkhabbo is so strong you wouldn't believe it. And admit you know we don't fake listeners. LOOK AT OUR FORUM NOW. We have 227 people on the forum right now. You guys sometimes get jealous because we are better and have more listeners.

Lmao, what world are you living in, and the only reason you get more listneres because the first radio site that noobs see advertised and want to win a hc sofa at 600 listners, which in the end probably wont be givin out

07-10-2006, 06:11 PM

Who cares about thinkhabbo? I came on this section of the forum to talk something other then habbo.

07-10-2006, 08:48 PM
Personally id dont care

I DJ Currently at Clubhabbo im happy with 50+ listeners

Thinkhabbo have 160+ a day. At the rate Ollie the Clubhabbo RM is going we wont have any DJ's Left

im happy myself as long as ive got myself at least 30 listeners

07-10-2006, 09:22 PM
I'm not biased, but ThinkHabbo's DJs are talentless.

Also, I've heard on a number of occasions that the listeners level that they have on their website is editable.

ALSO, it's Habbo radio? Some people have been running around saying that ThinkHabbo is achieving the world record of internet radio listeners, which, is A. no one who cares is listening and B. Try looking at all the internet radio stations with over five thousand. :)

HabboxLive > ThinkHabbo

Quality > Quantity

I agree with every word you've said.

07-10-2006, 09:59 PM
how much are you paying people to listen?

07-10-2006, 10:56 PM
Dont care if you done it or not but tbh, id rather listen to a real radio than a radio DJ'ed by some pre-teen ;l
You, are a ledgend.

07-10-2006, 10:58 PM
Now I can finally deal with these threads!

07-10-2006, 11:03 PM
Actually we have forum members that have over 2,000 posts. So quite a lot of them post. Of course it isn't a big forum but it isn't a dead forum. I respect your opinion but sometimes we are sterotyped sometimes and it isn't fair. As soon as something about thinkhabbo is put up you abuse us and all that. I admit a lot of people don't like us but it is surprising how many people like that. The reason for our popularity is not because we do competitions but because our listeners are very loyal. The community at thinkhabbo is so strong you wouldn't believe it. And admit you know we don't fake listeners. LOOK AT OUR FORUM NOW. We have 227 people on the forum right now. You guys sometimes get jealous because we are better and have more listeners.

Fair enough, but you will find this forum is active 24/7 with people posting very often. When you click "new posts" on ThinkHabboForum, you get about three threads come up...
Doesn't that say something to you? :rolleyes:

07-10-2006, 11:21 PM
Habbox is ALWAYS popular and if sierk keeps paying his server it always will be,IF thinkHabbo didnt spam everyone they would be rubbish tbh there DJ's are rubbish Yeh you may have 200 people online big wow.

07-10-2006, 11:24 PM
It was real stats.. after looking at the Shoutcast DNAS which they wouldn't/couldn't had: Like 691 Listeners (650 Unique)

They took there stats off after a while because they was using so much bandwith

08-10-2006, 12:09 AM
on the shoutcast stats page:
Stream is up at 24 kbps with 22 of 300 listeners (22 unique)
how'd you get 600 listeners if your shoutcast only holds 300?
and how come your listener peak is: Listener Peak: 27
taken from

08-10-2006, 12:13 AM
The 1000 limit server was only up for the daytime. We paid our shoutcast hosting company for it to be upgraded for 12 hours. We paid them £2.50 for that. The reason why the peak has gone back down is because the server has been restarted to take it back down to a 300 limit server which wipes all server logs including listener peak. And yes they did reach it earlier. ThinkHabbo reached 760 listeners unique.

08-10-2006, 12:30 PM
I believe you and I saw it but is there proof of that page? Screenshots? Server logs?


08-10-2006, 01:57 PM
How come we filled both hallway 1 and 2 earlier. How can 30 people do that?

Erm, Tis Prettty Easy, CLONEZZ !

I Dispise ThinkHabbo, You'll NEVER Get Better Than HxL

08-10-2006, 02:14 PM
Lmao, what world are you living in, and the only reason you get more listneres because the first radio site that noobs see advertised and want to win a hc sofa at 600 listners, which in the end probably wont be givin out

Very True !

08-10-2006, 02:16 PM
In my opinion, I dislike ThinkHabbo. I am not a big fan of Habbo Radios because personally they bore the snot out of me and aren't very good. But ThinkHabbo is different, and not in the good way.

Their DJs are terrible, their listeners are possibly all immature or young and any mature person listening to the radio will probably be put off and I actually think most of the children that listen to their radio are only in it for the prizes. They over advertise and these room raids are incredibly annoying. Keep parties in your own rooms, don't annoy the rest of Habbo in public rooms. You can do it in your own rooms. Make huge private rooms for 50 people, and make another room for 50 people and join them through a teleporter.

Kepp your annoying listeners away from the rest of the Habbo world is all I say.

08-10-2006, 02:18 PM
Couldnt have put it better myself GommeInc

08-10-2006, 02:25 PM
Time for me to say my bit...

For starters, you all say that you hate the site and that so how do you know that ALL the DJ's are immature, young and break the rules? You must of tuned in to find that out.

Nobody has ever found any proof that the listeners get faked as it isnt true. I didnt even know it was possible? Also, yesterday to enter the competitions, people had to email their answers and this filled up inboxes with in seconds which proves that the listeners were there.

The exact same thing happened with Habbox when they first became popular, everyone said that they hated it and now ThinkHabbo is popular everyone says that they hate it. Some people are really pathetic.

Finally... Yes there is many people that dislike ThinkHabbo but there are just as many people that really like the site. It may not seem that way on here as you are all so stereotypical and if one of you says jump, you all ask how high.

There, now I am sure you will all start slagging me off and give me a virtual bad rep which I am sure that you will all think will bother me SOOOO much!

08-10-2006, 03:21 PM
Time for me to say my bit...

For starters, you all say that you hate the site and that so how do you know that ALL the DJ's are immature, young and break the rules? You must of tuned in to find that out.

Nobody has ever found any proof that the listeners get faked as it isnt true. I didnt even know it was possible? Also, yesterday to enter the competitions, people had to email their answers and this filled up inboxes with in seconds which proves that the listeners were there.

The exact same thing happened with Habbox when they first became popular, everyone said that they hated it and now ThinkHabbo is popular everyone says that they hate it. Some people are really pathetic.

Finally... Yes there is many people that dislike ThinkHabbo but there are just as many people that really like the site. It may not seem that way on here as you are all so stereotypical and if one of you says jump, you all ask how high.

There, now I am sure you will all start slagging me off and give me a virtual bad rep which I am sure that you will all think will bother me SOOOO much!
Hmmm, you seem to back up my theory that loads of listeners probably only listen to enter the competitions... I wonder how many actually listen mainly because they like the site and music...

08-10-2006, 06:03 PM
I only listen on special events.. like yesterday.. but all in all Nkay is a good site owner.. there have been lots of rumours about him and I have personal reasons with him but all in all ThinkHabbo has a huge team of staff and its a pretty decent radio with music I like

08-10-2006, 07:27 PM
Comment removed.

08-10-2006, 08:41 PM
wow, thinkhabbo suck,

08-10-2006, 10:04 PM
Well I'm not too keen on ThinkHabbo, but I have my reasons, I don't just assume it.

I heard Nkay. and his friend interviewing SkaterChu with very rude and personal questions and they were wetting themselves laughing. Me, and the people I was with were all listening and we had a good mind to report it. Sometimes it's decent though... I'll admit. And I'll admit I applied to be a DJ there once. But failed.

09-10-2006, 04:43 PM
Nixt, They did get 600+ Listeners the site stats had to be disabled because otherwise the site would of been suspeneded during the show
so the only way to view the stats was through the D.N.A.S stats and they got at least 650 listeners.

And to the people who posted above saying about they get alerts and to the guy that said look at all the radio stations with over 5000 listeners
The record was for the most ever listeners without an alert.
and it was a habbo record not a world record...

09-10-2006, 05:54 PM
I despise Nkay.'s lack of knowledge deeply.
He screams and screams and screams and then he wonders why he has a sore throat. This may be off topic but I think he is an idiot. Pure and simple.

09-10-2006, 06:14 PM
The record was set at 1,000 by TotallyMental of Habbohut no? I remember NO ALERT. No nothing :)

09-10-2006, 06:43 PM
See nigel thinks he is "it" we you all recall when him and thinkhabbo owned other fansites just to become offical AND THEN they decided to remove themselves from offical list because they felt sorry? two words - attention seekers

09-10-2006, 07:14 PM
See nigel thinks he is "it" we you all recall when him and thinkhabbo owned other fansites just to become offical AND THEN they decided to remove themselves from offical list because they felt sorry? two words - attention seekers

totally agreed. Heres a few public stunts i can recall. [just to get attention:rolleyes: ]

Yatzi [or yamzie whatever the other ones called] and nkay got hacked, all there rooms where loked (exeot there donate rooms suprise suprise)
nkay was leaving untill he burst into tears like a girl and decided not to leave
thinkhabbo was hackedand im sure there were many others just cant remeber
thinkhabbo close down plz

09-10-2006, 07:26 PM
totally agreed. Heres a few public stunts i can recall. [just to get attention:rolleyes: ]nkay was leaving untill he burst into tears like a girl and decided not to leave
and im sure there were many others just cant remeber
thinkhabbo close down plz

I lol'd @ that. I never thought Nkay. was the type to cry like a girl :s What was his decision to leave (if there was one) ?

09-10-2006, 09:13 PM
he cryed cause amy dumped him and then he cheated on her????

09-10-2006, 09:16 PM
soz soz

09-10-2006, 09:36 PM
Basically thinkhabbo and Nkay. are thick attention seekers

I tuned in for about 20 minutes to their "record attempt" but tuned out cos I really don't want to listen to some over-hyper people shouting down a mic telling us to flood to get them listeners.

Well according to them they were "48th radio in the world" [listener wise] Do they fail to realise that list only shows shoutcast radios. There are many other types of internet radio and real life radio. Get some brain cells please.

Also the way they get their listeners is disgraceful. Telling their listeners to flood rooms which eventually gets them banned.

Then the publicity stunts - AWFUL! I don't want to tune into some guy crying like a girl over the radio for attention. Grow up and get a life please.

09-10-2006, 09:48 PM
Agreed with him ^.

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