View Full Version : Losing You

08-10-2006, 09:38 PM
We used to be the best of friends
Sticking together always
Its funny how things have begun to change
I feel like we're not the same
Sometimes I wonder if we can go on
All this arguing it's doing us no good
Months ago I loved you
Now I am unsure
I fear the love is drifting
Is this really us?
Is this what we're reduced to?
Or am I just scared
Scared of being too attached
Because the truth is I can't forget you
I can't forget the way you make me laugh
I can't forget the way you make it all OK
I can't forget you
But yet I sit here
My eyes fill with tears with memories of our years
I feel like we've lost all that rings true
I live in fear
Of losing you

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