View Full Version : Console Idea's

10-10-2006, 03:54 PM
Isn't it annoying if you want to send a message to everyone. And when you click almost everyone and you get a message and all of it goes blank.
My idea is simply, Make it not go blank rofl

Also, If you don't want any console messages for a while, have a appear offline button or something like on Messenger?

Finally, This might cause a few problems with spamming but an all message button? Like message everyone 1 click of a button?

I'm full of idea's "/

10-10-2006, 03:56 PM
LOL i hate that your nearly clicked everyone to send a message and then someone sends you a message and everyone you clicked to send a message needs reclicking :@ :@ :@ Great idea, can't rep you as i repped you for your other idea.. you are full of ideas tonight.

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