View Full Version : What's wrong with Habbox?

07-03-2005, 04:47 PM
I've been away for a while, and now I'm back, I've noticed some wierd things going on.
Many 'famous' Habbox users are banned, i.e- P@ND@, Wootzy, why is this? I've seen many threads on how they were defending people or expressing opinions.
It sounds to me like Habbox has turned into a dictatorship forum. Someone says something wrong, there's a ban.
Personally, I think it's stupid, and I know I'll get banned for saying that, but I don't care! I'm standing up for what I think is right. I'm going down trying to help out some of the people I have grown to like and, in a sense, love. if your taking these people away for stupid reasons, well I don't see much reason to stay on Habbox.
Thanks for reading this Message. Before I get banned, one simple message. Break away. Don't become what your not, it doesn't work. Be who you are, don't be 'afraid' of Mods and Admins.
P.S. Love to you all.

07-03-2005, 05:09 PM
You have hit the nail on the head and you are using my Signature... YAY

07-03-2005, 05:10 PM
Glad you agree.
Yeah, you signature sounded cool, decided to use it. I assume you don't mind?

07-03-2005, 05:11 PM
Not really, it may ciost you 00.00p but thats basically, pay now please.

08-03-2005, 09:34 PM
For the last time, they ban for a reason. If you want to know that reason, I suggest you ask them yourself, although you may not get the truth. If admins were banning for " fun " I think they would have been long gone now.

Please can I ask you a question? If no one else had said anything to do with " Unfair Banning " would you have made this thread? No, I don't suppose you would have. My point is, what your doing is..." jumping on the band-wagon " ( is that the phrase, I'm not sure ;) ) which basically means, you're following everyone else. Like your post says " Be who you are " don't be what everyone else is, you don't have to think what they think

08-03-2005, 09:43 PM
Sorry but people get banned for a reason, mods and admins aren't going to ban people without one, they also aren't going to tell everyone in a pointless thread about "Why was Joe Blogs banned" its pathetic get over it.

The person banned will have been given a reason so why not ask them on habbo or messenger. This isn't the place for it.

08-03-2005, 10:31 PM
He may have made this thread regardles sof what others have said. Some people do have independent thoughts that dont follow the crowd, but are similar to the crowd.. If ya get my drift.

08-03-2005, 10:34 PM
He may have made this thread regardles sof what others have said. Some people do have independent thoughts that dont follow the crowd, but are similar to the crowd.. If ya get my drift.

GommeInc has seen most of the other posts though.

09-03-2005, 07:01 AM
First of all you don't know the whole story (you said you were away) so you don't know why they are banned (neither do I)
Second of all p@nd@ and wootzy are banned for a reason only they know and if you want to know it ask them.
Third of all you can give your opinion but don't be to offencive to other habbo's and members of this forum.
Last of all If you don't like the forum why are you here?? Go if you don't like it.

09-03-2005, 09:41 AM
I'm not saying that I don't like the Forum. I'm just saying it's gone a bit wierd lately!!

09-03-2005, 12:01 PM
Nothing is wrong with habbox.

09-03-2005, 11:52 PM
First of all you don't know the whole story (you said you were away) so you don't know why they are banned (neither do I)
Second of all p@nd@ and wootzy are banned for a reason only they know and if you want to know it ask them.
Third of all you can give your opinion but don't be to offencive to other habbo's and members of this forum.
Last of all If you don't like the forum why are you here?? Go if you don't like it.

I Think he may of just been looking for answers to those questions.. Also I fail to see how solid was being at all offensive.. His only brief mention to the habbox forum was that it was similar to a dictatorship.. he never picked out one person.

10-03-2005, 02:32 AM
FAMOUS my butt!, HA! but i totally agree wit you after that little fraudulant passage... maybe they are to sensitive?

10-03-2005, 02:37 AM
Once again, lil:quizical:quigly was NOT
banned for expressing his opinion, he swore at the moderators and within that he included 'ban me!'

10-03-2005, 04:53 AM
Nothing is wrong with habbox. :rolleyes:
Quoted, because it was just too funny to pass up.

10-03-2005, 04:43 PM
I found this posted by wootzy.

It was a joke but it is a rude one.
It was entered in the competition.
This might be a start why he was banned.

Habbo name : Wootzy
Habbox name : Wootzy
Joke : Q : what sings like a depressed cat on steroids? A : Mizki

If you don't believe me check this page:

10-03-2005, 07:29 PM
Thats the most saddess ban I have ever seen, Mizki might have a good voice in real life. How can that be rude unless Mizki finds it rude herself which she doesn't mind as we all have a thing about her singing!

10-03-2005, 07:48 PM
Thats the most saddess ban I have ever seen, Mizki might have a good voice in real life. How can that be rude unless Mizki finds it rude herself which she doesn't mind as we all have a thing about her singing!

whether mizki found it rude or not, it still offends some people, sorry, but that would of offended me if i were mizki, shes not THAT bad at singing..

10-03-2005, 07:57 PM
Thats the most saddess ban I have ever seen, Mizki might have a good voice in real life. How can that be rude unless Mizki finds it rude herself which she doesn't mind as we all have a thing about her singing!

First off theres no such phrase as "most saddess" and secondly put yourself in her position, she works really hard for habbox and for habbo and some arrogant little *mumbles* tend to throw it back in her face so they can seem funny or cool. Would you like it if the joke had of been about you? No you would be whining away and starting an argument with the person. They have been banned for good reasons like everyone else has realized.

10-03-2005, 08:50 PM
First off theres no such phrase as "most saddess" and secondly put yourself in her position, she works really hard for habbox and for habbo and some arrogant little *mumbles* tend to throw it back in her face so they can seem funny or cool. Would you like it if the joke had of been about you? No you would be whining away and starting an argument with the person. They have been banned for good reasons like everyone else has realized.
I cant sing and when I do I purposely make it agonizing for for listeners.

Mizki is always 'complimented' on her singing, there was a poll not long ago and when she was on the radio with DJ Mum and Bigbut, the commented on her singing and she took it as a joke. Also I have never heard before cats ever taking steroids...

12-03-2005, 06:33 PM
You never know nowadays..
Trying to bring sommone down for their grammar.. Whats the point?

12-03-2005, 06:48 PM
Habbox Is Like Marmite You Either Love It Or Hate It And I Love It! Though I Dislike Marmite :D

12-03-2005, 06:58 PM
You never know nowadays..
Trying to bring sommone down for their grammar.. Whats the point?
It's the only way they can try and annoy someone when they cannot give a proper come back. Basically being immature.

12-03-2005, 07:30 PM
Thats the most saddess ban I have ever seen, Mizki might have a good voice in real life. How can that be rude unless Mizki finds it rude herself which she doesn't mind as we all have a thing about her singing!
i didn't say that is the reason he is banned but it might be one of the reasons

12-03-2005, 08:00 PM
Reason or not it is pretty lame. Mizki might only have bad singing over the radio...

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