View Full Version : Thinkhabbo OPEN?

15-10-2006, 08:32 PM
Right so, ThinkHabbo is open again....

Was this just a stunt for listeners or has someone bought it?

15-10-2006, 08:34 PM
I am guessing... Stunt.

15-10-2006, 08:36 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Right I am sick of thinkhabbo. Im gonna get army in and kill them whos with me?

15-10-2006, 08:37 PM
hmmm weird maybe he changed his mind might not just be a stunt remember he may of created this website but hes still just a teenager like all of us and might have closed it without thinking and changed his mind

15-10-2006, 08:38 PM
Thing is.

I doubt anyone will support them anymore? The amount of stunts they have pulled is pathetic.

15-10-2006, 08:38 PM
hmm it has the same layout as crazyhabbo and is playing the same song :s

15-10-2006, 08:38 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Right I am sick of thinkhabbo. Im gonna get army in and kill them whos with me?
if ur sick of em, then dont go to the site.

i think this is funny, especially since so many people keep ****zing out over them.

15-10-2006, 08:40 PM
The layout keeps going all jumbled is this just me?

15-10-2006, 08:40 PM
Stunt. Well, this is what you get when the runners are 11 years old.

15-10-2006, 08:41 PM
i neva went to their stupid site! Im sick of them because every time I try to hold a party in hallway 2 when im djing on a site they always come along and wreck it. Also they nicked clubhabbos stats and HabboFM's DJ panel as far as im aware. THATS why im sick of them!

15-10-2006, 08:42 PM
huh on mine it now says account suspended dum di duuuuum

15-10-2006, 08:42 PM
Aww i got kiked for asking why nkay. attention seeked :(

15-10-2006, 08:42 PM
Site has been suspended?

Domain doesnt work 4 me aswell.

Is this because HUNDREDS of people are visiting it right now? o.O

15-10-2006, 08:43 PM
Wow hey simon!

Urgh hate thinkhabbo

15-10-2006, 08:44 PM
I went onto thinkhabbo.com and got this message

This Account Has Been SuspendedPlease contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.

15-10-2006, 08:45 PM
maybe so many visited at once they used up their bandwidth if this has nothing to do with it sorry I'm website n00b

15-10-2006, 08:46 PM
Yeah I think thats the most plausable theory xD

And Hey Joe<3

15-10-2006, 08:46 PM
This Account Has Been SuspendedPlease contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.
I can't believe it lol.

15-10-2006, 08:49 PM
I must admit when I first heard of thinkabbo for ages I hated them then after a while I remembered how much I got on with Nkay at habbofm so I was like maybe its not so bad it is quite good. But if they made this whole thing up I've totally lost faith in them and if my website had even half of the listeners they get I wouldn't mess them around like this because it only takes one person to stop listening and them telling another and another and another and another..then they're end up with no listeners

15-10-2006, 08:57 PM
Just to let you all know, this WAS NOT any kind of stunt. None of this was planned and the site was definately going to close.

As for the person saying that we stole ClubHabbos Stats, I think you will find that Ultimative made those for us and he made it for us before doing it for ClubHabbo. As for the staff panel, HabboFM never made their staff panel as Anzrew did who then let us use it for a short space of time before we made our own.

As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?

Oh, and the reason it was suspended is due to a system overload. It is now back up.

15-10-2006, 09:02 PM
Just to let you all know, this WAS NOT any kind of stunt. None of this was planned and the site was definately going to close.

As for the person saying that we stole ClubHabbos Stats, I think you will find that Ultimative made those for us and he made it for us before doing it for ClubHabbo. As for the staff panel, HabboFM never made their staff panel as Anzrew did who then let us use it for a short space of time before we made our own.

As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?

Oh, and the reason it was suspended is due to a system overload. It is now back up.

Didn't nkay kinda make himself look like a fool then?

I think that big speech was a good way of closing the site then after proberly hundreds of people seeing it he changes his mind I dunno why he changed his mind or why he even decided to close it but maybe a explination to the Thinkhabbo fans is in order not that I'm one myself I just like I said above don't think its fair on your listeners.

15-10-2006, 09:03 PM
Just to let you all know, this WAS NOT any kind of stunt. None of this was planned and the site was definately going to close.

As for the person saying that we stole ClubHabbos Stats, I think you will find that Ultimative made those for us and he made it for us before doing it for ClubHabbo. As for the staff panel, HabboFM never made their staff panel as Anzrew did who then let us use it for a short space of time before we made our own.

As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?

Oh, and the reason it was suspended is due to a system overload. It is now back up.
LOL all this after that leaving note, with the cute little Youtube video.
The site gets more pathetic by the day.

15-10-2006, 09:05 PM
hmm i still dont get it why crazyhabbo is running on the same shoutcast as thinkhabbo? :s

15-10-2006, 09:07 PM
Its back now ;l

God get a life Nkay.

15-10-2006, 09:07 PM
hmm i still dont get it why crazyhabbo is running on the same shoutcast as thinkhabbo? :s
you can connect to 2 diffrent servers at once I've done it before

15-10-2006, 09:08 PM
Just to let you all know, this WAS NOT any kind of stunt. None of this was planned and the site was definately going to close.

As for the person saying that we stole ClubHabbos Stats, I think you will find that Ultimative made those for us and he made it for us before doing it for ClubHabbo. As for the staff panel, HabboFM never made their staff panel as Anzrew did who then let us use it for a short space of time before we made our own.

As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?

Oh, and the reason it was suspended is due to a system overload. It is now back up.

Ok with the stats but I know 4 a fact that the HabboFM staff panel WAS made by themselves because the manager is an EXPERT PHP coder. He can also code VB, CSS, HTMl and lots of other stuff so meh.

15-10-2006, 09:26 PM
Just to let you all know, this WAS NOT any kind of stunt. None of this was planned and the site was definately going to close.

As for the person saying that we stole ClubHabbos Stats, I think you will find that Ultimative made those for us and he made it for us before doing it for ClubHabbo. As for the staff panel, HabboFM never made their staff panel as Anzrew did who then let us use it for a short space of time before we made our own.

As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?

Oh, and the reason it was suspended is due to a system overload. It is now back up.
How can you possibly ignore 50+ people? Besides, it causes a considerably large amount of lag which is incredibly annoying when you are trying to have a conversation with someone. I for one don't want a load of lag caused by aload of snobby pre-adolescents who praise a site owned by a load of big headed reprobates

15-10-2006, 09:27 PM
Thats really not funny, make a huge deal about closing, and re-opening?

15-10-2006, 09:33 PM
Thats really not funny, make a huge deal about closing, and re-opening?
Quoted for truth.

ThinkHabbo is going to suffer now - it's lost a lot of the long-serving staff, including an... "emotional" few. I daresay it's going to lose listeners due to the lies... not good.

15-10-2006, 09:33 PM
they are partying in hallway 1 and theres like a war going on with clubhabbo lol

15-10-2006, 09:47 PM
Quoted for truth.

ThinkHabbo is going to suffer now - it's lost a lot of the long-serving staff, including an... "emotional" few. I daresay it's going to lose listeners due to the lies... not good.

The only long serving staff that has gone is Nicci and nobody gives a damn about her anymore becuase of the way she acted today.

15-10-2006, 09:47 PM
they are partying in hallway 1 and theres like a war going on with clubhabbo lol
The amount of braincells those protesters and advertisers have are enough to make the average brain power of a common sunflower...

That person who called them self "Nicci=Fat****(<---- added myself)" was so badly offending half their name, it was hilarious! Then you get the idiot saying ClubHabbo floods and should be banned, yet he was flooding too :rolleyes:

It just goes to show, the listeners of BOTH sites are a bunch of pre-adolecent teenagers who are big headed. I wish ThinkHabbo stayed closed to be honest.

15-10-2006, 09:55 PM
The amount of braincells those protesters and advertisers have are enough to make the average brain power of a common sunflower...

That person who called them self "Nicci=Fat****(<---- added myself)" was so badly offending half their name, it was hilarious! Then you get the idiot saying ClubHabbo floods and should be banned, yet he was flooding too :rolleyes:

It just goes to show, the listeners of BOTH sites are a bunch of pre-adolecent teenagers who are big headed. I wish ThinkHabbo stayed closed to be honest.

I see what ya mean and Thinkhabbo staff always insist they don't ask listeners to flood or raid rooms they've been open for about an hour and what has the dj done asked them to raid Bt's clubhabbo room I'm not a fan of either of these sites at the moment but not even clubhabbos but it just ticks me off

Offtopic: sorry for my rubbish spellings I'm using my new laptop and the keys are weird

15-10-2006, 09:55 PM
The exploitation of feelings is disgusting. This stunt was just a feeble way to get more people intrested in a dwindling site. Those who defend the actions of this website are pathetic. This was a clear and organised stunt and I am shocked and appalled. I hope that people now boycott thinkhabbo. What they have done is morally wrong. I wish they do close. Nkay. You've made a wrong move. I hoped it wasn't some publicity stunt as I said here http://www.habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=243588&page=5

15-10-2006, 09:58 PM
I've also noticed the DJ has chosen not to read my shoutout/rant :p

15-10-2006, 09:58 PM
The exploitation of feelings is disgusting. This stunt was just a feeble way to get more people intrested in a dwindling site. Those who defend the actions of this website are pathetic. This was a clear and organised stunt and I am shocked and appalled. I hope that people now boycott thinkhabbo. What they have done is morally wrong. I wish they do close. Nkay. You've made a wrong move.

I agree, alot of people were hurt and upset about this including me, its changed my view of thinkhabbo and the people who run it.
Ive lost alot of friends from thinkhabbo because of it aswell and the listeners have dropped.

15-10-2006, 09:59 PM
I agree, alot of people were hurt and upset about this including me, its changed my view of thinkhabbo and the people who run it.
Ive lost alot of friends from thinkhabbo because of it aswell and the listeners have dropped.

maybe you should make a website for people who wanna boycot think habbo?lol it should be called Don't Think Habbo :)

15-10-2006, 10:01 PM
http://www.piczo.com/we-want-thinkhabbo?cr=7&rfm=y LOL

The site just got even worse :)

15-10-2006, 10:03 PM
http://www.piczo.com/we-want-thinkhabbo?cr=7&rfm=y LOL

The site just got even worse :)

How pathetic. Part of the stunt? Probably. Nkay. undoubtedly made that site. It makes my blood boil.

15-10-2006, 10:04 PM
Woah, and here's me thinking Thinkhabbo couldn't possibly get more pathetic. If it was planned to close, why re-open? Why go to the hassle of making speeches etc, if you just re-open? I mean.. clearly seems very planned to me, all for the attention, and the only attention it's brought to the stupid site is the fact more and more people hate it. It's shoved in your face wether you like it or not, yes we have an ignore button, but when your consoles constantly going, and your trying to stand in a room and the stupid sites constantly advertising... you can't help but get annoyed.:rolleyes: I think for everyones sanity, the thing should close and stay closed.

The only long serving staff that has gone is Nicci and nobody gives a damn about her anymore becuase of the way she acted today.

Dude, the sites lost it's best DJ, and if you can't respect the older members.. the dedicated ones, how can you expect any kind of respect in return.. and they way she acted today? Well, what do you have to say for half your members attitudes and the way they act? No wonder she left, enough common sense, i can't wait to see thinkhabbo fall flat on it's face once again.

15-10-2006, 10:38 PM
As for people who dislike the site, we dont care. If you dont like the site then just dont visit it and people who flood it up, just click ignore. It isnt too difficult now is it?#

The Point Is... People Shouldn't Have To Flood The Bloody Site :(
If It Was That Flaming Good, Why Is Advertising Even Needed ??

15-10-2006, 11:06 PM
http://www.piczo.com/we-want-thinkhabbo?cr=7&rfm=y LOL

The site just got even worse :)

This made me laugh:

So what if some management start to diss thinkhabbo, so ****ing what! You can get more management!

Let me just open my Big Box of Managers (TM) :D

15-10-2006, 11:16 PM
Hell, Tis Pretty Boring, And The Though Of Spouting Verbal Diohrea Excited Me, Enjoy =]


Remember To Sign The Guestbook :)

15-10-2006, 11:17 PM
Woah, and here's me thinking Thinkhabbo couldn't possibly get more pathetic. If it was planned to close, why re-open? Why go to the hassle of making speeches etc, if you just re-open? I mean.. clearly seems very planned to me, all for the attention, and the only attention it's brought to the stupid site is the fact more and more people hate it. It's shoved in your face wether you like it or not, yes we have an ignore button, but when your consoles constantly going, and your trying to stand in a room and the stupid sites constantly advertising... you can't help but get annoyed.:rolleyes: I think for everyones sanity, the thing should close and stay closed.

Dude, the sites lost it's best DJ, and if you can't respect the older members.. the dedicated ones, how can you expect any kind of respect in return.. and they way she acted today? Well, what do you have to say for half your members attitudes and the way they act? No wonder she left, enough common sense, i can't wait to see thinkhabbo fall flat on it's face once again.

I totally agree, This isnt the first time they've done this, What also peeves me off about ThinkHabbo is the continual amount of newbies and noobs they have listening into their radio, Yet Nkay continually asks for donations, If it wasnt for ThinkHabbo he wouldn't be as rich as he is on Habbo, It peeves me off to see people with very little furniture handing it over to that pr*** all for him to say their name like hes some kind of royalty?

They need to close ThinkHabbo once and for all, and for dj dude to say this isnt a publicity stunt, Then how pathetic can Nkay get with his stupid damn speeches, highlighting out his mates like hes done before, with all the hearts and believe in yourself crap.

For him to also slate Nicci, I've never personally met her nor spoke to her, But for him to speak to her like that, when she was the only person I really enjoyed listening to if I ever was to visit the site, and for you to speak about staff/ex-staff like that is disgusting when no doubt she's dedicated hours upon hours of her time to that site.

Just bloody close the site once and for all, Maybe our consoles can stay quiet and Nkay can stop scamming people out of their items too.

16-10-2006, 01:38 AM
look, i believe it was a stunt, he said to me before the listeners were "low" because the radio wasn't hitting as high as usual next day, he says hes closing the site, sends out a link to the staff memebers saying how its closing etc then it starts going round and he signs in msn saying "thinkhabbo.com tune in for the truth :(" then i check the link thats says about the site closing and its gone, next thing you know hes saying its all lies and rumours, at that point i flipped so many people were upset because it was closing, and for him to say he was lying?

funny how when the site is back up its got the halloween layout and everything,

i dont think people understand what hes really like, he tells djs not to ask for donations on air etc, yet begs for stuff himself.


16-10-2006, 01:52 AM
What a lame thing to do, Nkay. has his head so far up his own backside its unbelievable. I never have and never will visit that site. Like someone said it's funny how they suddently come back with a whole new layout, it deffinatly seems to be a planned stunt to me.

16-10-2006, 07:05 AM
Lol at them coming back. I can say I told you so to that dude in the YAY thinkhabbo's closed YAY ROOM ;)

16-10-2006, 08:40 AM
Their stunts get more pathetic each time.

16-10-2006, 08:51 AM
look, i believe it was a stunt, he said to me before the listeners were "low" because the radio wasn't hitting as high as usual next day, he says hes closing the site, sends out a link to the staff memebers saying how its closing etc then it starts going round and he signs in msn saying "thinkhabbo.com tune in for the truth :(" then i check the link thats says about the site closing and its gone, next thing you know hes saying its all lies and rumours, at that point i flipped so many people were upset because it was closing, and for him to say he was lying?

funny how when the site is back up its got the halloween layout and everything,

i dont think people understand what hes really like, he tells djs not to ask for donations on air etc, yet begs for stuff himself.


16-10-2006, 09:36 AM
i flipped 2. Y cant they just give up once and 4 all? I believe NGay brainwashed all his listeners in2 been his army of followers and flood their consoles because I doubt they would have visited the site otherwise because a lot of people hate them. Youve had your fun NGay now go away! P.S. Kudos to the guy tht made the freewebs stinkhabbo site I signed ur guestbook.

16-10-2006, 12:28 PM
They have only 41 Listeners
Pathetic for them, Ehh ?
"Oww, we don't have enuf listeners."
So what this stunt helped ?

16-10-2006, 12:37 PM
i totally flipped when on air nige said 'WHO STARTED THIS RUMOUR' etc along with dal and jason.

Before he went on air i was speaking to him in a skype conference,
they all seemed happy laughing away saying they could buy like 3 cs servers with the money they would have spare and all this stuff where i was upset because supposedly i was 'one of the longest serving Djs' and had recieved a link on msn before it was puton the site about thinkhabbo closing, and then he threw it back in my face and other managements who wasnt in on the 'funny side of the stunt'

Then as nicci said, they re-open with a new layout and halloween theme?
how obvious do they have to make it?
Theyve made enemies, they say i betrayed them for going to clubhabbo with nicci, but tbh, they ruined our trust and they just acted like immature idiots and i had enough of them.

Earlier on yesterday there was various threads on habboxforum basically dissing thinkhabbo, and i dont believe i stuck up for the site, whatever i said i take back, what they did TOTALLY changed my opinion.

Furthermore people who were supposedly my friends from thinkhabbo turned their backs on me because i left a fansite.. thats whats really pathetic.

I did count them as friends at one point, but after basically lieng to me, making people cry and get upset over the site.. they certainly arent my friend anymore, a funny thing is the listeners actually dropped after this stunt, maybe people are realising thinkhabbo isnt all its made up to be.

16-10-2006, 12:40 PM
i totally flipped when on air nige said 'WHO STARTED THIS RUMOUR' etc along with dal and jason.

Before he went on air i was speaking to him in a skype conference,
they all seemed happy laughing away saying they could buy like 3 cs servers with the money they would have spare and all this stuff where i was upset because supposedly i was 'one of the longest serving Djs' and had recieved a link on msn before it was puton the site about thinkhabbo closing, and then he threw it back in my face and other managements who wasnt in on the 'funny side of the stunt'

Then as nicci said, they re-open with a new layout and halloween theme?
how obvious do they have to make it?
Theyve made enemies, they say i betrayed them for going to clubhabbo with nicci, but tbh, they ruined our trust and they just acted like immature idiots and i had enough of them.

Earlier on yesterday there was various threads on habboxforum basically dissing thinkhabbo, and i dont believe i stuck up for the site, whatever i said i take back, what they did TOTALLY changed my opinion.

Furthermore people who were supposedly my friends from thinkhabbo turned their backs on me because i left a fansite.. thats whats really pathetic.

I did count them as friends at one point, but after basically lieng to me, making people cry and get upset over the site.. they certainly arent my friend anymore, a funny thing is the listeners actually dropped after this stunt, maybe people are realising thinkhabbo isnt all its made up to be.

Thats actually quite shallow of your former friends to like.. not like you once you left a fansite - i know how that is.

16-10-2006, 12:42 PM
Thats actually quite shallow of your former friends to like.. not like you once you left a fansite - i know how that is.

yeh.. these are people quite close to nige though they say i betrayed them and that IM THE PATHETIC ONE?
also a few are spreading rumours about me claiming ive said stuff i havnt to turn people against me lols.. im so glad ive moved to a different site, fresh start, fresh friends (except a few from th such as billy who didnt turn his back on me <3).. i wont be as stupid again. ;)

16-10-2006, 12:44 PM
thats good then.
Ive given up on fansites, the only thing to do with habbo i go on now is this.
I have a few friends on here that i've had for like a long time.

I was on habbo board but since i left i went back today and seen some of the comments they left about me ;o.

16-10-2006, 12:45 PM
thats good then.
Ive given up on fansites, the only thing to do with habbo i go on now is this.
I have a few friends on here that i've had for like a long time.

I was on habbo board but since i left i went back today and seen some of the comments they left about me ;o.

its amazing how people change towards you when you move on lol

16-10-2006, 12:55 PM
No comment soz lols.

Anyway, i think we established thinkhabbo is Back

16-10-2006, 12:57 PM
Geo, I think what you've done is the right decision.

16-10-2006, 02:39 PM
Oh come on... This was obvious lmao.
Don't you remember that only a little while ago Nkay. was going to quit?
He didn't in the end. :rolleyes:
Thinkhabbo has always been pathetic.

I did count them as friends at one point, but after basically lieng to me, making people cry and get upset over the site.. they certainly arent my friend anymore

The bold bits i roflmao'd at ok.


I actually cried because they told me in skype it was closing

I roflmao'd at that too...

16-10-2006, 02:40 PM
Well.... it was great while it lasted *rolleyes*

16-10-2006, 03:05 PM
Well.... it was great while it lasted *rolleyes*
I'm with monkey.
Tbh, any WITH sence will stop using TH after this. I mean it's all halloweeny, JUST after being shut down jees...

16-10-2006, 03:09 PM
I didn't read all the posts, so if I mention something or going against evidence that is obvious I am sorry.
But in my opinion, this whole closing down thing was a stunt; and it's damn annoying, worse than the whole flooding thing. I mean, it's not fair to get everyone's hopes up and then dash them like that :@

16-10-2006, 03:11 PM
Oh come on... This was obvious lmao.
Don't you remember that only a little while ago Nkay. was going to quit?
He didn't in the end. :rolleyes:
Thinkhabbo has always been pathetic.

The bold bits i roflmao'd at ok.


I roflmao'd at that too...

I roflmao at you in general.

edited by Foxmoth Forum Moderator ~ Please stay on topic :)

16-10-2006, 03:20 PM
Oh god no. Here comes more advertising. Grr.

16-10-2006, 03:28 PM
To be honest, i am actually sitting here laughing because you guys constantly say you dont like TH and its done this that and the other but in reality your monitoring it 24/7!



Seriously, some of you just sit there yet you slate it so to be honest your basically saying u dont like the site yet you sit on this forum discussing it.

You need to grow up and if you dont like the site then just dont go on it. LMAO @ all of you that constantly sit here and cuss it down when you have nothing better to do. You obviously care to be making threads about it.

O and by the way i'm not sure myself who 8freak8 is but i believe he works on Habbox. Sierk and 8freak8 made an offer to me about ThinkHabbo yesterday so yeh... :)

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

Anyways, im off, happy dissing us.. its about all you can do LOL

Bye babies :) xxxx

16-10-2006, 03:31 PM
I agree, alot of people were hurt and upset about this including me, its changed my view of thinkhabbo and the people who run it.
Ive lost alot of friends from thinkhabbo because of it aswell and the listeners have dropped.
No Geo, you backstabbed you REAL friends. Well who you thought were and i thought you were a real friend. Funny how you were saying ThinkHabbo was great yesterday and stuff now your not. By the way, try checking the site.. listeners are fine :)

Cheers babe :)

Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator) - Please don't double post within the 15 minute editing period. Thx:)

16-10-2006, 03:32 PM
To be honest, i am actually sitting here laughing because you guys constantly say you dont like TH and its done this that and the other but in reality your monitoring it 24/7!



Seriously, some of you just sit there yet you slate it so to be honest your basically saying u dont like the site yet you sit on this forum discussing it.

You need to grow up and if you dont like the site then just dont go on it. LMAO @ all of you that constantly sit here and cuss it down when you have nothing better to do. You obviously care to be making threads about it.

O and by the way i'm not sure myself who 8freak8 is but i believe he works on Habbox. Sierk and 8freak8 made an offer to me about ThinkHabbo yesterday so yeh... :)

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

Anyways, im off, happy dissing us.. its about all you can do LOL

Bye babies :) xxxx

Agreed, and how the hell can you say it was a stunt to get more listeners? Im sure actually closing a site is going to bring a hell of a lot more listeners.. if anything it will have made them drop. Tbh you ranting on about it 24/7 gives the site more popularity. We all get the drift you actually dont like the site but although you don't like it you don't shut up about it? :s

EDIT: Geo sorry but I never turned on you, you acted immaturely as usual, making things seem worse than they actually are and making yourself out to be the innocent one, i dont agree with everything that happened yesterday but the staff who stayed dont suck up, they were just mature about it and got on with it. Good luck on ClubHabbo even though you came running back to TH because you didnt like CH in the first place? So if anyone 'betrayed' anyone.. you betrated CH first.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions; the people who dislike TH obviously have their reasons and there is no need to change your opinions.. but just don't rant on about it 24/7.

16-10-2006, 03:33 PM
No Geo, you backstabbed you REAL friends. Well who you thought were and i thought you were a real friend. Funny how you were saying ThinkHabbo was great yesterday and stuff now your not. By the way, try checking the site.. listeners are fine :)

Cheers babe :)

Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator) - Please stay on topic.








16-10-2006, 03:33 PM
Get ready for people saying... 'Dont double post' as if it is the end of the world lol. Oh, and people are saying that Nicci was dedicated, yet if she was, then she wouldnt of acted the way she did and joined Clubhabbo which is quite pathetic.

16-10-2006, 03:33 PM
Agreed, and how the hell can you say it was a stunt to get more listeners? Im sure actually closing a site is going to bring a hell of a lot more listeners.. if anything it will have made them drop. Tbh you ranting on about it 24/7 gives the site more popularity. We all get the drift you actually dont like the site but although you don't like it you don't shut up about it? :sExactly, what's the point in keep chatting about it moaning, your just giving us more popularity and you moan about us flooding and ****, have you actually seen how many threads there are about ThinkHabbo on this forum.

Your flooding yourself with threads to be honest and you all join in.

Its ****ing hilarious really.

16-10-2006, 03:33 PM
If you can really supply us with a real reason for closing, then maybe you would get slated alot less. However, you haven't exactly supplied anyone with a real reason, so you can hardly expect everyone to believe your reasons were genuine.

16-10-2006, 03:34 PM
To be honest, i am actually sitting here laughing because you guys constantly say you dont like TH and its done this that and the other but in reality your monitoring it 24/7!



Seriously, some of you just sit there yet you slate it so to be honest your basically saying u dont like the site yet you sit on this forum discussing it.

You need to grow up and if you dont like the site then just dont go on it. LMAO @ all of you that constantly sit here and cuss it down when you have nothing better to do. You obviously care to be making threads about it.

O and by the way i'm not sure myself who 8freak8 is but i believe he works on Habbox. Sierk and 8freak8 made an offer to me about ThinkHabbo yesterday so yeh... :)

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

Anyways, im off, happy dissing us.. its about all you can do LOL

Bye babies :) xxxx

Nobody monitors it 24/7 idiot, it's your stupid little suck ups that flood every concevable thing about anything to with your stupid site, THATS how everyone knows.

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

That gave me the giggles!!! You'd know all about having heads up ***'s wouldn't you, you've got plenty up yours and you love it. Secondly, we "discuss" it because it gets on everyones nerves and this is a way to vent it :) Oh yesterdays actions, why not enlighten people?? You plan this whole big "lets close thinkhabbo down" and omg, it reopens with a brand new layout, did they layout just fall into place when you opened the site again? no i didn't think so, it has to be planned.

16-10-2006, 03:35 PM
Dont double post before the time limit ends just edit your previous post..
Also, dont call people babies, and we're not monitering it 24/7

Most people no what your like. And they think your just another one who lies and says it's closed.. But yet it opens.

Also you copied habbos.net - "End of an era" ..

So were you scared about getting sued?? Shouldnt have took the copyright sign off..

16-10-2006, 03:35 PM
To be honest, I liked it.. Then i got bored of it, Then i liked it, But it is a little pathetic.. I do listen to it when i get bored:) Some good dj's! But forum is rubbish.. Mods dont no how to do there job! Below shows how proffessinal they actually are

16-10-2006, 03:35 PM
If you can really supply us with a real reason for closing, then maybe you would get slated alot less. However, you haven't exactly supplied anyone with a real reason, so you can hardly expect everyone to believe your reasons were genuine.
I don't need to explain myself and i'm not going to because incase you haven't guessed, i dont care what you say about me, my staff ro my site.

I have always believed it's not what other people think it's what u think and that's what i stick by so you mean nothing to me and tbh you moan about the site but what are you doing?

Sitting here posting about it.

They must really love us :rolleyes:

16-10-2006, 03:36 PM
Agreed, and how the hell can you say it was a stunt to get more listeners? Im sure actually closing a site is going to bring a hell of a lot more listeners.. if anything it will have made them drop. Tbh you ranting on about it 24/7 gives the site more popularity. We all get the drift you actually dont like the site but although you don't like it you don't shut up about it? :s
You 2 pretty much summed it up there. When we told Geo all she went on about was "where am i going to dj?". All you care about Geo is your ****ing dj career on an online radio station. Get over yourself. I mean ok if i could turn back time now then i wouldn't have said its closing to you and then change our minds saying "what's this rumour about. We're not closing". Yes i admit maybe that was a bit out of touch but we realised how much of the community we hurt. Oh and you said Billy didn't turn on you. Think again he is back with us. I don't know what he was saying to you but he is so sorry about what he said. So much for friends eh Geo?

16-10-2006, 03:36 PM
Exactly, what's the point in keep chatting about it moaning, your just giving us more popularity and you moan about us flooding and ****, have you actually seen how many threads there are about ThinkHabbo on this forum.

Your flooding yourself with threads to be honest and you all join in.

Its ****ing hilarious really.

You know what's hilarious? Your moderation team on your forum. Last night a few people were basically controlling the forum with spam, swearing, insults and etcetera.

The first time I listened to TH, ages ago - there was a line up of continuous little boy's who had voices like mice, squeak squeak. Your DJ's also influence the habbo public to flood in public rooms, flood on MSN, skype, everything.

If anybody is in the wrong, it's certainly the majority of your ****** DJ's, thanks and goodnight.


16-10-2006, 03:36 PM
Nobody monitors it 24/7 idiot, it's your stupid little suck ups that flood every concevable thing about anything to with your stupid site, THATS how everyone knows.

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

That gave me the giggles!!! You'd know all about having heads up ***'s wouldn't you, you've got plenty up yours and you love it. Secondly, we "discuss" it because it gets on everyones nerves and this is a way to vent it :) Oh yesterdays actions, why not enlighten people?? You plan this whole big "lets close thinkhabbo down" and omg, it reopens with a brand new layout, did they layout just fall into place when you opened the site again? no i didn't think so, it has to be planned.

You have no idea what you are talking about seriously.

Dont like the site, dont talk about it and dont go on it.

O WAIT thats too hard for you coz u have to talk about it coz u love it LMAO!


16-10-2006, 03:36 PM
Oh and you know this for a fact right Undesirable? No you dont. The site was definately going to close but we decided not to in the end.

16-10-2006, 03:37 PM
Dont double post before the time limit ends just edit your previous post..
Also, dont call people babies, and we're not monitering it 24/7

Most people no what your like. And they think your just another one who lies and says it's closed.. But yet it opens.

Also you copied habbos.net - "End of an era" ..

So were you scared about getting sued?? Shouldnt have took the copyright sign off..
End of an era? Sued? Copyright?

What the hell are you on about love?

Get your facts straight, have you never heard the term end of an era?


16-10-2006, 03:38 PM
You know what's hilarious? Your moderation team on your forum. Last night a few people were basically controlling the forum with spam, swearing, insults and etcetera.

The first time I listened to TH, ages ago - there was a line up of continuous little boy's who had voices like mice, squeak squeak. Your DJ's also influence the habbo public to flood in public rooms, flood on MSN, skype, everything.

If anybody is in the wrong, it's certainly the majority of your ****** DJ's, thanks and goodnight.

Monitoring the forum now are we :)

16-10-2006, 03:38 PM
I don't need to explain myself and i'm not going to because incase you haven't guessed, i dont care what you say about me, my staff ro my site.

I have always believed it's not what other people think it's what u think and that's what i stick by so you mean nothing to me and tbh you moan about the site but what are you doing?

Sitting here posting about it.

They must really love us :rolleyes:

No, you don't have to explain yourself. But for a site with a huge and dedicated fanbase such as yours (:rolleyes:), with twice as many people that dislike or hate the site; I think an explanation would be nice - otherwise, all you are going to get is people slating the site.

16-10-2006, 03:39 PM
Nobody monitors it 24/7 idiot, it's your stupid little suck ups that flood every concevable thing about anything to with your stupid site, THATS how everyone knows.

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

That gave me the giggles!!! You'd know all about having heads up ***'s wouldn't you, you've got plenty up yours and you love it. Secondly, we "discuss" it because it gets on everyones nerves and this is a way to vent it :) Oh yesterdays actions, why not enlighten people?? You plan this whole big "lets close thinkhabbo down" and omg, it reopens with a brand new layout, did they layout just fall into place when you opened the site again? no i didn't think so, it has to be planned.

Firstly, did it ever occur to you that layout was made before the site closed last night? OH WELLDONE.. because it was.
Secondly, how the hell is he meant to control people who 'suck' up? Im very sure people have been like 'OOOH WHATS THAT BADGE OMG PLS ACCEPT MY FR PLSPLSPSPSL URE SO COOL'... so you have been there too.
If the site gets on your nerves... ignore messages about it. It was closed for genuine reasons... and it opened for genuine reasons.

16-10-2006, 03:39 PM
Dont double post before the time limit ends just edit your previous post..
Also, dont call people babies, and we're not monitering it 24/7

Most people no what your like. And they think your just another one who lies and says it's closed.. But yet it opens.

Also you copied habbos.net - "End of an era" ..

So were you scared about getting sued?? Shouldnt have took the copyright sign off..
What ****ing rumours have you been listening to? We never got sued. We were charged £150 for server damage when someone made a bot which created over 20,000 members. And btw we cannot get into trouble for removing the copyright sign. I think Barmi said it another thread that Greg who made the layout has no copyright or patent on it. Jeez...people think if you say copyright on something then you can get them into trouble for taking it. Guess what, you can't matey. We closed and discussed it months ago because we were not as enthusiastic as we were used to.

16-10-2006, 03:40 PM
One of the reasons i couldnt close it was because i realized what i had done and i couldnt let down everyone that loved the site so much. I respect people alot that give me the same respect back and i received 200+ emails from dedicated listeners and people within the community asking me not to shut it and telling me what the site meant to them.

That touched me alot and then my own sister even asked me why the hell i did what i did. I couldnt just leave it and if you have worked so hard on something then thrown it away and regretted it im sure most of you would have done the same thing.


16-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Monitoring the forum now are we :)

I was actually on it - there's a difference between monitoring and being on something. Where were you educated, Nkay? Habbo Hotel? Is that what you took for your GCSE's? Habbo Hotel?

Seriously, darling - when your website staff are the slightest bit professional, call me.

16-10-2006, 03:40 PM
I think an explanation would be nice .

We arent really bothered what you think. Sorry.

16-10-2006, 03:40 PM
Oh and you know this for a fact right Undesirable? No you dont. The site was definately going to close but we decided not to in the end.

You can't Definitely decide to close something, then not lol, that's contradicting lol! definitely means your definitely gonna close it, idiot lol.

Firstly, did it ever occur to you that layout was made before the site closed last night? OH WELLDONE.. because it was.
Secondly, how the hell is he meant to control people who 'suck' up? Im very sure people have been like 'OOOH WHATS THAT BADGE OMG PLS ACCEPT MY FR PLSPLSPSPSL URE SO COOL'... so you have been there too.
If the site gets on your nerves... ignore messages about it. It was closed for genuine reasons... and it opened for genuine reasons.

LOLOL, and it happened to re-open with the new layout :( 'cos of course, nothing was planned. I'd love to ignore messages, BELIEVE me, but you have that many idiots constantly flooding, spamming whatever, it gets harder and harder to, if we wanted to listen to your stupid site, we would.

16-10-2006, 03:41 PM
No, you don't have to explain yourself. But for a site with a huge and dedicated fanbase such as yours (:rolleyes:), with twice as many people that dislike or hate the site; I think an explanation would be nice - otherwise, all you are going to get is people slating the site.

Thats a fair enough point, but why do you HAVE to know when it won't change your opinion of the site anyways? You won't suddenly feel a huge amount of sympathy and decide to like it?
Why would he pull a 'stunt' which cost him a couple of hard working staff and could have potentially cost the listeners to drop... some crazy 'stunt# I'd say.

16-10-2006, 03:41 PM
No, you don't have to explain yourself. But for a site with a huge and dedicated fanbase such as yours (:rolleyes:), with twice as many people that dislike or hate the site; I think an explanation would be nice - otherwise, all you are going to get is people slating the site.

all im going to get is people slating it?

ONE WORD.......


16-10-2006, 03:41 PM
Monitoring the forum now are we :)

The forum, Is crap, This is what you call a forum. Good Mods, Good Running Of It, All that. Update Forum, Get new Mods, I have proof, Of your so called "Mods" at "Work" My Sig! Its Pathetic, I Like The Djing Tho.:)

16-10-2006, 03:42 PM
You can't Definitely decide to close something, then not lol, that's contradicting lol! definitely means your definitely gonna close it, idiot lol.

Why not? Is there some rules against it?

16-10-2006, 03:42 PM
Nobody monitors it 24/7 idiot, it's your stupid little suck ups that flood every concevable thing about anything to with your stupid site, THATS how everyone knows.

Also, if you had any idea what the reasons for yesterday's actions were you would understand.. well you probably wouldn't because your so far up each others *** you wouldnt understand...

That gave me the giggles!!! You'd know all about having heads up ***'s wouldn't you, you've got plenty up yours and you love it. Secondly, we "discuss" it because it gets on everyones nerves and this is a way to vent it :) Oh yesterdays actions, why not enlighten people?? You plan this whole big "lets close thinkhabbo down" and omg, it reopens with a brand new layout, did they layout just fall into place when you opened the site again? no i didn't think so, it has to be planned.

The layout was made before we closed you *****. We decided because we deleted the original index that we should release the halloween layout that we planned to release and so we did :)

16-10-2006, 03:42 PM
I was actually on it - there's a difference between monitoring and being on something. Where were you educated, Nkay? Habbo Hotel? Is that what you took for your GCSE's? Habbo Hotel?

Seriously, darling - when your website staff are the slightest bit professional, call me.
lmao, MORE PROFESSIONAL than youll ever be my darling :)

Jamie W
16-10-2006, 03:43 PM
The only long serving staff that has gone is Nicci and nobody gives a damn about her anymore becuase of the way she acted today.

Antony how dare you say that about nicci when she stuck up for you when you got sacked for saying danny did sweet fa! Shows how two faced some people are and as for a fact i know this is a PR stunt but most people have a life. Its funny how nigel openly admitted to me he has no social life and i wonder why? Ofcourse typing this from my hotel in tennereife , He hasnt been on a holiday with his family for god knows how long now?

Seeing the pathetic responses from Amy , Dal and Nigel it shows that he cant fight his own battels and openly tells his freinds over skype to argue on habboxforum?

As im far as im conserned nigel ,**** off back to runescape

16-10-2006, 03:43 PM
Monitoring the forum now are we :)

OMG, posting screenies of the site now, you really do love us.

Your insults on the basis of "Oh you must love the site cos all you do is talk about LMAO" are getting boring now. We talk about the site because we need to vent our annoyance about it.

No one was "monitoring" people were on it and laughing at it, laughing at your staff. People on this forum get abuse all the time; and do you know why that is? It is because it is ran properly and professionally. People may not like it, but at least this forum has rules that are enforced.

16-10-2006, 03:43 PM
The forum, Is crap, This is what you call a forum. Good Mods, Good Running Of It, All that. Update Forum, Get new Mods, I have proof, Of your so called "Mods" at "Work" My Sig! Its Pathetic, I Like The Djing Tho.:)
OMG, posting screenies of the site now, you really do love us.

Thanks :)

16-10-2006, 03:43 PM
lmao, MORE PROFESSIONAL than youll ever be my darling :)

No i dont think so, the only thing your more professional than is a 6 year old.

16-10-2006, 03:44 PM
I was actually on it - there's a difference between monitoring and being on something. Where were you educated, Nkay? Habbo Hotel? Is that what you took for your GCSE's? Habbo Hotel?

Seriously, darling - when your website staff are the slightest bit professional, call me.

Since when did a site have to be fully professional? Some professional DJs actually work on there? If you hadn't noticed the majority of people who go on Habbo are generally 13-16 and you cant expect all 13 year olds to have low voices and if you only gave jobs to them with low voices it wouldnt exactly be fair? :s
Everyone deserves a chance at something they like and I would LOVE to hear your professional DJing for a Habbo Fansite full of teenagers.

16-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Antony how dare you say that about nicci when she stuck up for you when you got sacked for saying danny did sweet fa! Shows how two faced some people are and as for a fact i know this is a PR stunt but most people have a life. Its funny how nigel openly admitted to me he has no social life and i wonder why? Ofcourse typing this from my hotel in tennereife , He hasnt been on a holiday with his family for god knows how long now?

Seeing the pathetic responses from Amy , Dal and Nigel it shows that he cant fight his own battels and openly tells his freinds over skype to argue on habboxforum?

As im far as im conserned nigel ,**** off back to runescapeI havent had a holiday with my family for god knows how long.

Right firstly you have no idea who my family are and what we do... i dont even have a family for your information because most of them have passed away, the only family i have left is my mum and my lil bro and sis and yes we do go on holiday.

Secondly, im sure Nicci would like to know what you said behind her back wouldnt she Jamie :)

Jamie W
16-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Since when did a site have to be fully professional? Some professional DJs actually work on there? If you hadn't noticed the majority of people who go on Habbo are generally 13-16 and you cant expect all 13 year olds to have low voices and if you only gave jobs to them with low voices it wouldnt exactly be fair? :s
Everyone deserves a chance at something they like and I would LOVE to hear your professional DJing for a Habbo Fansite full of teenagers.

The only proffesinal DJ on there is Damien and thats know as a fact

16-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Antony how dare you say that about nicci when she stuck up for you when you got sacked for saying danny did sweet fa! Shows how two faced some people are and as for a fact i know this is a PR stunt but most people have a life. Its funny how nigel openly admitted to me he has no social life and i wonder why? Ofcourse typing this from my hotel in tennereife , He hasnt been on a holiday with his family for god knows how long now?

Seeing the pathetic responses from Amy , Dal and Nigel it shows that he cant fight his own battels and openly tells his freinds over skype to argue on habboxforum?

As im far as im conserned nigel ,**** off back to runescape
Jamie have you forgotten something? Who was the pathetic one yesterday when you told all our listeners and council staff that you bought the site and put an offer in. Tbh jamie you are a backstabber and a lying little ****. Funny how you got assistant radio manager job because you sucked upto me and nigel. And btw nigel doesn't play runescape or so i think.

16-10-2006, 03:45 PM
Antony how dare you say that about nicci when she stuck up for you when you got sacked for saying danny did sweet fa! Shows how two faced some people are and as for a fact i know this is a PR stunt but most people have a life. Its funny how nigel openly admitted to me he has no social life and i wonder why? Ofcourse typing this from my hotel in tennereife , He hasnt been on a holiday with his family for god knows how long now?

Seeing the pathetic responses from Amy , Dal and Nigel it shows that he cant fight his own battels and openly tells his freinds over skype to argue on habboxforum?

As im far as im conserned nigel ,**** off back to runescape

Jamie, your saying Nigel is sad, yet, you have gone holiday and what do you do? Use the computer!!! LOL!!

Oh, and as for the Nicci bit, I did have respect for her but the way she acted was just plain pathetic.

16-10-2006, 03:45 PM
OMG, posting screenies of the site now, you really do love us.

Thanks :)

No I Dont Love You. Forum Sucks. End Of.
Nkay. You are the most pathetic acuse of a human being. Get a life. You live on Habbohotel. God man, Do something about it.

Your staff suck, and so do you.

We're Thinkhabbo.com, and curently we have 2 listeners WOO!

16-10-2006, 03:46 PM
lmao, MORE PROFESSIONAL than youll ever be my darling :)

I highly doubt it. I'm educated, it looks as if half of your forum staff know as much as a potato does, and that's not alot - you know!

You can't even have a rational conversation without trying to make humour out of it.

"I didn't want to hurt all of the listeners, didn't want to let them down..."
Absolute bull****. You do it all for popularity, that's what's funny.

16-10-2006, 03:46 PM
Your insults on the basis of "Oh you must love the site cos all you do is talk about LMAO" are getting boring now. We talk about the site because we need to vent our annoyance about it.

No one was "monitoring" people were on it and laughing at it, laughing at your staff. People on this forum get abuse all the time; and do you know why that is? It is because it is ran properly and professionally. People may not like it, but at least this forum has rules that are enforced.
Your getting boring constantly posting about the site :)

Get a hobbie fgs

16-10-2006, 03:46 PM
I highly doubt it. I'm educated, it looks as if half of your forum staff know as much as a potato does, and that's not alot - you know!

You can't even have a rational conversation without trying to make humour out of it.

"I didn't want to hurt all of the listeners, didn't want to let them down..."
Absolute bull****. You do it all for popularity, that's what's funny.
You would know, you would know :)

16-10-2006, 03:46 PM
Your getting boring constantly posting about the site :)

Get a hobbie fgs

Grow some pubes.

Jamie W
16-10-2006, 03:47 PM
Since when did a site have to be fully professional? Some professional DJs actually work on there? If you hadn't noticed the majority of people who go on Habbo are generally 13-16 and you cant expect all 13 year olds to have low voices and if you only gave jobs to them with low voices it wouldnt exactly be fair? :s
Everyone deserves a chance at something they like and I would LOVE to hear your professional DJing for a Habbo Fansite full of teenagers.

I havent had a holiday with my family for god knows how long.

Right firstly you have no idea who my family are and what we do... i dont even have a family for your information because most of them have passed away, the only family i have left is my mum and my lil bro and sis and yes we do go on holiday.

Secondly, im sure Nicci would like to know what you said behind her back wouldnt she Jamie :)

Tell her? Do i look bovered?

Antony - I was checking email and i got a phone call ;) I fancied an argument

Dal - ever heared of a prank?LMAO

16-10-2006, 03:47 PM
No I Dont Love You. Forum Sucks. End Of.
Nkay. You are the most pathetic acuse of a human being. Get a life. You live on Habbohotel. God man, Do something about it.

Your staff suck, and so do you.Thats a load of rubbish because i barely log onto the hotel anymore LMAO!

Get your facts straight before you start posting moron

16-10-2006, 03:47 PM
Antony how dare you say that about nicci when she stuck up for you when you got sacked for saying danny did sweet fa! Shows how two faced some people are and as for a fact i know this is a PR stunt but most people have a life. Its funny how nigel openly admitted to me he has no social life and i wonder why? Ofcourse typing this from my hotel in tennereife , He hasnt been on a holiday with his family for god knows how long now?

Seeing the pathetic responses from Amy , Dal and Nigel it shows that he cant fight his own battels and openly tells his freinds over skype to argue on habboxforum?

As im far as im conserned nigel ,**** off back to runescape

Im not on skype with them thankyou. And your childish swearing is such a non-pathetic response Jamie. People can change their opinions of people it doesn't make them 2 faced. And you cant say anything about anyone being two faced because you have been aswell.
Nicci did work hard but after what she did, im glad she has gone. I had alot of respect for her and she did a brilliant job and put alot of effort and time into the site... but after she said what she said on air with no reason in alot of cases... I dont think someone with her attitude should be on any team if she can just turn when she isnt happy.

16-10-2006, 03:47 PM
Thats a load of rubbish because i barely log onto the hotel anymore LMAO!

Get your facts straight before you start posting moron

Good, your doing something right

16-10-2006, 03:47 PM
Tell her? Do i look bovered?

Antony - I was checking email and i got a phone call ;) I fancied an argument

Dal - ever heared of a prank?LMAO
You will be bovad my friend and that shut you up didnt it u idiot.

Your just like te rest Jamie, get your facts straight before you post yeh :)

16-10-2006, 03:48 PM
Thats a load of rubbish because i barely log onto the hotel anymore LMAO!

Get your facts straight before you start posting moron

And what...? Your best mates with your cat!

16-10-2006, 03:48 PM
You will be bovad my friend and that shut you up didnt it u idiot.

Your just like te rest Jamie, get your facts straight before you post yeh :)

Dont post at all please.

16-10-2006, 03:48 PM
Oh lord, why does everything have to get personal? Nicci's show went into nigels personal life, and you think jamie the fact you use to be friends with us gives you the right to post private things about him? I think thats abit low.
It closed, its back.. why cant you just all shut up and carry on how we were? Nigel had his reasons for closing, and myself and the DJ's had our reasons for coming back, and that reason was that thinkhabbo weather you people like it or not.. Is a popular site. Listeners are high, we have a good community, and because its such a good community, we dont take crap from you lot - just makes us laugh! So carry on if you want too.. but i seriously dont see the point.. more intrest for us!

16-10-2006, 03:48 PM
And what...? Your best mates with your cat!
*****!!!! No my bunnies sozzz :(

16-10-2006, 03:48 PM
No I Dont Love You. Forum Sucks. End Of.
Nkay. You are the most pathetic acuse of a human being. Get a life. You live on Habbohotel. God man, Do something about it.

Your staff suck, and so do you.
FYI we have 220 listeners at the moment so shut the hell up.

Jamie W
16-10-2006, 03:49 PM
Im not on skype with them thankyou. And your childish swearing is such a non-pathetic response Jamie. People can change their opinions of people it doesn't make them 2 faced. And you cant say anything about anyone being two faced because you have been aswell.
Nicci did work hard but after what she did, im glad she has gone. I had alot of respect for her and she did a brilliant job and put alot of effort and time into the site... but after she said what she said on air with no reason in alot of cases... I dont think someone with her attitude should be on any team if she can just turn when she isnt happy.

She was voicing her opinions Amy

Dude ,ive moved on. I dont care if im like the rest and ive finally seen what thinkhabbos like

16-10-2006, 03:49 PM
Good, your doing something right

What he said ^_^

16-10-2006, 03:49 PM
I don't see why you all have a problem with ThinkHabbo, yes they do get there DJ's to get listeners to flood rooms [i know this for a fact as Ive heard it severel times on air] Maybe if you stop that people will stop hating you? You've said yourself you get 600+ listeners, they arn't going to go away. Infact you have more of a chance of losing them by flooding [getting them banned ect]
Thread closed to prevent arguements.

16-10-2006, 04:33 PM
Exactly, what's the point in keep chatting about it moaning, your just giving us more popularity and you moan about us flooding and ****, have you actually seen how many threads there are about ThinkHabbo on this forum.

Your flooding yourself with threads to be honest and you all join in.

Its ****ing hilarious really.

I agree. Site's get a lot of popularity out of being discussed in a bad way. Why do you think ClubHabbo got so popular? Because they had a little fansite-war with ThinkHabbo.

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