View Full Version : Prepaid cards verified at store?

16-10-2006, 05:47 AM
Someone told me my prepaid cards probably won't work cause I didn't get them verified at the store. Do you need to do this?

I just want to make sure cause he doesn't play WoW but he said that happened to him with some phone cards he got, and I need to know fast cause I'm selling one of my cards on eBay and I've already got 4 bidders.

I've already put one of the cards on my account but I don't know if it worked cause I'm on the free month.

11/14/06 $29.95 USD 60 Days
10/14/06 N/A Free Month

16-10-2006, 06:32 AM
Someone told me my prepaid cards probably won't work cause I didn't get them verified at the store. Do you need to do this?

I just want to make sure cause he doesn't play WoW but he said that happened to him with some phone cards he got, and I need to know fast cause I'm selling one of my cards on eBay and I've already got 4 bidders.

I've already put one of the cards on my account but I don't know if it worked cause I'm on the free month.

11/14/06 $29.95 USD 60 Days
10/14/06 N/A Free Month

Since when did you need to get them verified at the store :S Also you have added the card to your account and it will become active after your free month.

16-10-2006, 01:01 PM
Buy the card, go home, log into your WoW account via the website, enter game card code, begin playing.

Not so hard now, was it?

If you already have gametime left when adding a gamecard, the gamecard will begin when you finish your current days, so you loose no time.

18-10-2006, 11:15 PM
No I know how to use them, I was just wondering if you had to get them verified at the store because someone told me they'd probably have to be.

19-10-2006, 07:54 AM
They come in a box wrapped up so i doubt it ;)

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