View Full Version : SHOUTcast by SMS

18-10-2006, 12:12 PM
Ok... to keep cost low i used a template and slightly altered it from zymic

www.wyst.net (http://www.wyst.net) is now well surpose in beta - soon providing SHOUTcasts paid for via sms

soon will be hosting + domains

please rate content and now ewwww what a copied template



18-10-2006, 01:05 PM
Nice How did you get the number liek 56745 for a text code :)

18-10-2006, 01:11 PM
He has signed up for a SMS service on the internet.

18-10-2006, 01:15 PM
Indeed it is a SMS service but still... everyone has to start somewhere and if with no money to start with and with an almost unique idea it does well

i use greenlight the same as habbox



18-10-2006, 01:25 PM
whats there website?

18-10-2006, 01:30 PM
very off topic but just google

'Green light Solutions' and its the first result


annoying people try looking at the almost unqiue almost new service...

annoying gits probebly be loads within a week (unless like me you relise you have to make £40 before withdrawing to bankaccount)

18-10-2006, 03:50 PM
very off topic but just google

'Green light Solutions' and its the first result


annoying people try looking at the almost unqiue almost new service...

annoying gits probebly be loads within a week (unless like me you relise you have to make £40 before withdrawing to bankaccount)
Yeh but its not unique is it as you said habbox has done it and so have alot of sites its just no one on habbox has. Many people on habbox have also tried but failed due to 'lack of funds'

18-10-2006, 03:54 PM
Hi .. It says for the 150 listener that it's £3.50 p/m
But wid the 50 listener it's £1.50 1 time payment or is that p/m aswell?

18-10-2006, 04:25 PM
p/m , working on site still

and to quote lite i did say ALMOST , i was very careful with my words the other hosting site i new that did this was 99phost.com (which is now freevirtualservers) not sure if they still do it or not

but still... this is my project acept it with open arms please :)

18-10-2006, 04:31 PM
So how much will it be?

Coz i'm interested in getting a shoutcast server but i'm only willing to pay littlist as possible..

18-10-2006, 04:35 PM
I really like it! :) When you put up hosting i will buy some..

18-10-2006, 04:48 PM
because of the many people with the same feelings as you i'm already looking into a cheap server or enlisting a few hosts i no

18-10-2006, 04:51 PM
Still ain't answered my question lol..

How much are the servers for full time.. And not monthly?

18-10-2006, 04:53 PM
so sorry :) , i'll pm you now

18-10-2006, 05:03 PM
Your very kind :).. Thanks

18-10-2006, 05:06 PM
unique idea ;)

18-10-2006, 05:28 PM
right :)

just finsh talks with a number of hosts and once i build up (/ take a template from zymic or if anyone wants to make me one for free... would be nice)) i'll be offering hosting via sms

18-10-2006, 05:32 PM

do they re-new automatically (does it auto take money off ur phone every month or do you have to re-new manually and do u or anyonwe (other that the company providing the sms serice) going to recieve my phone number

18-10-2006, 05:37 PM
renew manually

18-10-2006, 05:40 PM

do they re-new automatically (does it auto take money off ur phone every month or do you have to re-new manually and do u or anyonwe (other that the company providing the sms serice) going to recieve my phone number

Automatically renew

and my understanding of there terms of service is no information is given to third parties nor used in any other transcations other then the one it was meant for



18-10-2006, 05:45 PM
Sounds cool!

18-10-2006, 05:55 PM
Automatically renew

and my understanding of there terms of service is no information is given to third parties nor used in any other transcations other then the one it was meant for



can i make it so i have to do it manually or be able to cancel subscription because i only want to do a 1 month trial to see if its in the interest of anyone

and will it work with smfforfree sites

18-10-2006, 06:01 PM
aploygies , i meant Manually renew i havn't set it to keep messaging

shoutcast server runs seperate from any site you just put a player on and listen to it

if you want to play around with a shoutcast server just pm me

18-10-2006, 06:28 PM
do they come with a seperate domain that i can link to my site or is it codes (scrips i have to upload)

and finally

can you play songs on it off windows media player or do u have to upload dem somewhere elase

soz for all the qurestions i just wanna make sure i can work 1 before i get it

18-10-2006, 06:31 PM

the server acts independently and you connect to it using the shoutcast pugin on WINAMP or SAM 2 / 3 you then play music and its broadcasted. users can tune in by listened to your ip on winamp or mediaplayer or you can put a player on your site (what most sites do) so viewers can listen

i'm sure another member will explain it better then me

18-10-2006, 07:15 PM
i like the layout and the ideas great as i said in the other thread.

i may buy in a few weeks

18-10-2006, 08:30 PM
Dam Nameservers

trying to hook up a domain of mine with a server... keep forgetting the nameserver and ip's and forgetting it could take 24 hours THAT I NO IT WON'T

stupid expanding project

currently offering a few day trials for anyone who wants one but doesn't no waht to do

(btw prices and packages are due to change soon ... overpriced etc etc)

19-10-2006, 06:36 AM
can i be a tester on the site

19-10-2006, 08:11 AM
quickly last night i knocked up a quick template (from zymic) website for the hosting site which i hope to open this weekend (which i hear is schools halfterm)

for a quick look





19-10-2006, 08:31 AM
What countries will the SMS be available 2?

19-10-2006, 08:47 AM
as far as i can tell from greenlight support desk there sms only works for users within the uk (and of course the same with the phone)

I am looking into sms companies in other countries (America, Canada and Australia)

19-10-2006, 08:55 AM
Yeah i'm australian. So i cant wait for tht

19-10-2006, 08:57 AM
i'm hoping to find users in thoose countries who are able to help me

(i don't want to go through lots of work with transfering funds from country to country , different bank accounts! , just too much work! )

Anyway , i'm hoping to start selling both shoutcasts and hosting Offically from Saturday

19-10-2006, 08:58 AM

yeah the only way I would be able 2 pay is via SMS

19-10-2006, 11:07 AM

I Plan to complete all site content by this saturday (T&C still missing)

and offically start acepting orders that day

Shared Hosting

Shoutcast servers

Shoutcast Resellers

will be avalible for sms / phone buy

from next month resellers will be added

we have a major problem with pricing considering we can only do multibles of £1.50 (hence a reseller problem)

19-10-2006, 06:31 PM
Aploygies for double post, its been several hours


i have now posted in the webdeisgn section


19-10-2006, 06:49 PM
can u turn on trial server please

and can i html code it into my site if i buy it?

19-10-2006, 06:50 PM
i can't provide html code for it (tho i am planning on having the codes in the support section of the site soon) but yes once the server is yours you can embedd it

the trial server is on , i've pm'd you with information to confirm it

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