View Full Version : Sort of debate but different lol. Here is the topic: God does exist.

10-03-2005, 06:06 PM
Hello people,

I want to know where you do or don't believe in, and if you think there is or isn't something bigger etc etc.

Here is what I think (sorry if it gets long)

I personally don't believe in a god (or God like some people want it). It's just there is no proof. And all those stories about jesus and who ever they talk about, how can 1 guy split the sea and walk through it?? Or how can jesus walk on water??
I think the whole thing was a way to gain power for the church back in the middle ages.
And all those miracles only happened in the time of "jesus" so why doesn't god do anything these days?? Why doesn't he put a stop to all the bad things on earth if he is so powerfull. If he did make us why did he give us all those bad things like guns.
Where DO I believe in? Uhm nothing ectually.
What happens when we die?? I think we go to another world waiting till we can go back to earth or even to another planet (if there are "aliens", like we call them.)

So now you know a part of what I think, if you have more questions ask them or/and post your own believes and disbelieves.

Thankies from me

10-03-2005, 06:10 PM
Ermm this thread should be closed, its been done before, i made one a few months ago



10-03-2005, 06:12 PM
Ermm this thread should be closed, its been done before, i made one a few months ago


ohw woops didn't know that. lol sorry.

12-03-2005, 12:37 PM
I dont really think god does exist cause im not religeous or anything.

12-03-2005, 01:12 PM
I dont really think god does exist cause im not religeous or anything.
Me neither. Give me proof and I'll believe. :D :p

12-03-2005, 01:15 PM
You can't just say that 'God" exists... Well you can say it but it has to be proven. If he does exist do you think that he stays up in 'Heaven' Because he is afraid of what he has created?

12-03-2005, 01:36 PM
You can't just say that 'God" exists... Well you can say it but it has to be proven. If he does exist do you think that he stays up in 'Heaven' Because he is afraid of what he has created?
Wow that's a good one.
But IF he/she/it does exists I think he would be a person on this planet, somewhere and he will change body once in a while.

12-03-2005, 03:57 PM
Sorry but I think this is a useless thread, first of all, its been done before, second of all , if people believe in god and others dont, whats the point of say , I DO, and I DONT, just because you dont believe, doesnt mean you should try to convince, If you dont believe in God. Then that is absolutly fine.

14-03-2005, 11:45 AM
Sorry but I think this is a useless thread, first of all, its been done before, second of all , if people believe in god and others dont, whats the point of say , I DO, and I DONT, just because you dont believe, doesnt mean you should try to convince, If you dont believe in God. Then that is absolutly fine.

I agree, we shouldn't be debating over which one is right, as both answers are right, i believe that if you believe in something, it is real, if you don't, it isn't, its your own belief, and something as big as god should not be other peoples decisions wether you should believe it or not!

14-03-2005, 06:44 PM
I agree, we shouldn't be debating over which one is right, as both answers are right, i believe that if you believe in something, it is real, if you don't, it isn't, its your own belief, and something as big as god should not be other peoples decisions wether you should believe it or not!
if i belive i have a cookie, i stil unluckly dont. Both connot be right due to outright contradiction. And shying away from a topic is pointless, both sides can make good points, and in the end it is mostly down to opion, as its currantly imposibvle to prove one outright, athogh due to the pace of sciances and knolage groth, i do not think religion will prevail, to a large exstnet in to the future, unless theres a massive catsrophy of some sort. Times of suffering result in wide spred religion, due to the fact m,any humans need the illusion they are somehow in ocntrol, and a god gives them this. If people are happy people mostly dont need one, so the persption dissappares.

14-03-2005, 06:48 PM
i believe in god *respects* :) he is great

14-03-2005, 07:01 PM
Im Jewish I dont believe in any sort of god or Jesus...

14-03-2005, 08:49 PM
Apparently..( NOTE I SAID APPARENTLY, I AM NOT STATING THIS AS A FACT, IT IS JUST WHAT I HAVE HEARD! :D ) the oringinal copy of The Bible was never found, therefore someone could have made the whole thing up...
I've never believed anyway, I believe that Scientists account of how the world was much more proof

14-03-2005, 09:12 PM
if i belive i have a cookie, i stil unluckly dont.

But people can prove that you didn't have a cookie in the first place, where-as nobody can prove there is a god or not, so it is all down to your own instincts, so if you believe he is there, you will die, and if there really is a god, you will go to heaven, and if you spend your whole life not believing, evenm if god does exist or not, you will still die and not go to heaven, as you never believed in such a place.

14-03-2005, 10:29 PM
I am not sure on this topic. I would like to believe there is someone or something watching over us but with science etc its hard to believe. Also the bible says God is foregiving, if he was why is there a need to a heaven and a hell?

14-03-2005, 10:44 PM
Wow that's a good one.
But IF he/she/it does exists I think he would be a person on this planet, somewhere and he will change body once in a while.

Exactly... Nobody knows. i think my point is right though

14-03-2005, 10:56 PM
I don't believe in god, I have no religion.

15-03-2005, 01:24 AM
I am an athiest. Everything has a scientific explenation to me. Look in my sig. Greatest quote of all time (Not below it. Thats a modest mouse song)

Religion- A sorce of comfort and strenth in a world torn apart by religion.

If you think about this, it makes perfect sence. Its a vicious cycle that unfortunatly takes lives :(

15-03-2005, 06:44 AM
I don't beleive in god, im an atheist also .. I think it was a story made up to stop people being scared of death. I do beleive in Jesus though, I think he'd be more like Brian from the Monty Python film.

15-03-2005, 06:51 AM
But people can prove that you didn't have a cookie in the first place, where-as nobody can prove there is a god or not, so it is all down to your own instincts, so if you believe he is there, you will die, and if there really is a god, you will go to heaven, and if you spend your whole life not believing, evenm if god does exist or not, you will still die and not go to heaven, as you never believed in such a place.
I never said I don't believe in heaven. I don't belive in god but I do believe in something afer death but if it's called heaven? I don't know. :p

15-03-2005, 05:28 PM
But people can prove that you didn't have a cookie in the first place, where-as nobody can prove there is a god or not, so it is all down to your own instincts, so if you believe he is there, you will die, and if there really is a god, you will go to heaven, and if you spend your whole life not believing, evenm if god does exist or not, you will still die and not go to heaven, as you never believed in such a place.

If i say i had a cookie, and io belive i did, if you were not there you canot prove i dint, even if you wnet threw frenic evidance thers no way of probving it 100%

Meaning my belife i had a cookie (still wish i did) vcannot actaly be discredited or proven agaist.

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