View Full Version : [Bobba] An extremely smart scam!!! :(

10-03-2005, 06:35 PM
Ok folks today in HxHD I was sitting there being lazy :P and a guy whispered to me about actual version 7 pictures. I was intrigued to say the least because after hearing so much about this version seven i had to see what it looked like. He gave me a link to a well known site called leetdesign and the actual link is *** DO NOT GO THERE! I clicked and went and a habbo client popped up with a funny message, instead of the black shockwaves window loading it said habbo v7 loading and went to a hotel view sign in page. My guess is someone who is extremely skilled with flash has created a replica sign in page which claims to be a version 7 beta test and if you log in the person who has designed this or who owns leetdesign will see your user name and password when you type it in and sign in. I have not tried this but it seems what its likely to do after i read the source code in the client window. If this really was version 7 it would be a habbo related window not one from leetdesign!!! I need to get as many people alerted about this as possible because im sure many eager habbo's have fallen for it already!! Please spread the word that this site is a scam and make sure hobbas and staff know about it.

edited by sierk: Please don't post any links to scamsites or sites that you don't trust, even if you warn for them.

Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator) - Thread closed. Bumped after 18 months.

10-03-2005, 06:39 PM
ahhh i just tried it with my spare clone it logged on ok but i will c if it will change my pass...

10-03-2005, 06:51 PM
Im not so sure you should have done this, it could off recorded your ip and could easily have installed a remote keylog file without your firewall picking it up?

10-03-2005, 06:56 PM
ahhh i just tried it with my spare clone it logged on ok but i will c if it will change my pass...

I done that on a scam site just to pee them off when they found out i gave them a clone and they maneged to keylog me, I advice you check your comp!

10-03-2005, 07:00 PM
Sneaky scam, alot of non aware people would fall for that easy.

10-03-2005, 07:03 PM
Yeah ive already gotten four console messages saying someone they know has fallen for it and by the way it does install a keylogger on your computer.

10-03-2005, 07:09 PM
Im not going to try the link but does it come up in the same box as habbo ? I have seen other sites which open up a normal page and these are quite easy to see the difference.

10-03-2005, 07:10 PM
wow, thats a really good scam as it goes (im not condoning it).

It must have took ages to get it done though.

have you reported it to habbo?

10-03-2005, 07:13 PM
AHHH! I have been there and used my character! It has no furni but it has other info on there! Can someone help me get this keylogger off?

10-03-2005, 07:16 PM
AHHH! I have been there and used my character! It has no furni but it has other info on there! Can someone help me get this keylogger off?

u went on it 2? i'm downloadin the stuff to get it off now http://www.impetuous.net/Hobtech/beta.html and click on keyloggers

Lord Zero
10-03-2005, 07:19 PM
It isn't a scam site. The version 7 DCR and other files have leaked. I also somewhat know the owner of leetdesign.com. He isn't really one to "keylog".

10-03-2005, 07:20 PM
Do you think Virex would pick it up? I have that and at the moment im not allowed to download any software or anything that looks suspisious. I didnt realise it puts a keylogger on there automatically.

10-03-2005, 07:23 PM
Well zero I "somewhat know" the owner of leetdesign and i happen to know that his email service which so many stupid people use on/for habbo is very bog standard. Theres no encryption on the data when its sent and the admins can view private emails at will?

Lord Zero
10-03-2005, 07:25 PM
Well zero I "somewhat know" the owner of leetdesign and i happen to know that his email service which so many stupid people use on/for habbo is very bog standard. Theres no encryption on the data when its sent and the admins can view private emails at will?

Which of course means he keylogs people, right?

MANY people have been hosting habbo files recently. He's just another one of them..

10-03-2005, 07:29 PM
Look I am not arguing on habbox forum ok? I have posted this because I see it as a potential scamsite or a threat to habbo users I MAY BE WRONG but its better to be safe than sorry. This is my last word on this matter and i sincerely hope i am wrong as if it is a scam site many stupid people will lose their habbo accounts.

10-03-2005, 07:34 PM
Yeah I for one believe Cypher At least he is warning people that it could contane a keylogger since it is hosted at a different site which looks suspisious.

Lord Zero
10-03-2005, 07:34 PM
Look I am not arguing on habbox forum ok? I have posted this because I see it as a potential scamsite or a threat to habbo users I MAY BE WRONG but its better to be safe than sorry. This is my last word on this matter and i sincerely hope i am wrong as if it is a scam site many stupid people will lose their habbo accounts.

Yep, it's better to be safe than sorry, I agree.

I was only trying to kill the worry, y'know? I sincerely doubt it's a scam site at all. As stated many people are now hosting leaked habbo files.

Sorry if I caused you any offense.

10-03-2005, 07:35 PM
You have to be an idiot to fall for that personally, Habbo UK says somewhere 'Only log on through the Habbo Site' (not the actualy words) and if it was a Version 7 BETA test, why would it have the database of the version currently in use?

10-03-2005, 07:46 PM
how do u know it has a keylogger?!!?
you can't just do 1 scan and it will pop up

10-03-2005, 08:11 PM
Lol I just went on it now And Theres room ignore And I used it and it works lol
But I made a new habbo and I already got Panda Antivirus™ :D

10-03-2005, 08:23 PM
wow, thats a really good scam as it goes (im not condoning it).

It must have took ages to get it done though.

have you reported it to habbo?

It Wouldnt Have Took Ages To Do Its Pretty Simple If you Can Code Its Langauge.

10-03-2005, 08:45 PM
That is not done with flash.
I know how to do that.
You take your notepad
You log on habbo, press F11, you copy the source, past in into the notepad.
You go to the external variables, copy that, paste in notepad.
You go to the external texts, copy that, paste it into notepad.

You get a free web hosting.
Past it into the html-editor, VOILA! Your very own habbo hotel loader. You can change all the codes in the habbo hotel files so you can change names of rooms, furni etc.
You can call dance 'breakdance' and wave 'slap'.
Everything can be changed.

Its like copying a layout and changing the codes and images.

I dont think its a scam.
Its more to fool you so you think you got the habbo 7
You can click the forgot password and it goes to the habbohotel page, exact the one for passwords.
Its definitly not a done with flash, just copying the real habbo loader etc.

This is illegal and if habbox has any problems with this post I will understand and remove it.

10-03-2005, 08:49 PM
That is not done with flash.
I know how to do that.
You take your notepad
You log on habbo, press F11, you copy the source, past in into the notepad.
You go to the external variables, copy that, paste in notepad.
You go to the external texts, copy that, paste it into notepad.

You get a free web hosting.
Past it into the html-editor, VOILA! Your very own habbo hotel loader. You can change all the codes in the habbo hotel files so you can change names of rooms, furni etc.
You can call dance 'breakdance' and wave 'slap'.
Everything can be changed.

Its like copying a layout and changing the codes and images.

I dont think its a scam.
Its more to fool you so you think you got the habbo 7
You can click the forgot password and it goes to the habbohotel page, exact the one for passwords.
Its definitly not a done with flash, just copying the real habbo loader etc.

This is illegal and if habbox has any problems with this post I will understand and remove it.

Lol you are pretty clever.

If people remember what habbo always say s"Only ever type your username and password into the main hotel logg in page"

10-03-2005, 08:52 PM
But people are too dumb and stupid to put their real email address when they register and read simple paragraphs about scamming

11-03-2005, 08:18 PM
Even if i have been mistaken and its not a scam/keylog site like Max has stated above it is illegal and worth Habbo Checking out.

11-03-2005, 08:25 PM
its not actually a scam :l the new sum41 poster rawks :)

11-03-2005, 10:20 PM
My sister fell for one of those scams like 2 yrs ago, and lost some furni, I never have though.... STAY SAFE!

11-03-2005, 10:54 PM
I logged into it nothing's diff,
It's all the same, except room's don't load
I did a virus scan - all clear :-)

11-03-2005, 10:59 PM
nope same jamie no new files show up tht i ain't seen b4

11-03-2005, 11:17 PM
You don't need to be skilled to do that.
1 Habbo Hotel view screenshot.
2 Dynamic text boxes.
1 PHP document
1 OK Button (Whit onpress script)
And some basic "registration" scripting.
Everyone can do that :p
Just follow a tutorial and you got a scam site :/
( Like.. don't try it :/ )

Lord Zero
12-03-2005, 08:22 AM
You don't need to be skilled to do that.
1 Habbo Hotel view screenshot.
2 Dynamic text boxes.
1 PHP document
1 OK Button (Whit onpress script)
And some basic "registration" scripting.
Everyone can do that :p
Just follow a tutorial and you got a scam site :/
( Like.. don't try it :/ )

That was not how it was done..

I have already said how it was done - using the actual files, consisting of the DCR file, sprites, etcetera.

12-03-2005, 08:52 AM
Some pics for people who didnt dare go on

Many stuff is still not coloured ect.
All carpets / rugs are balck or white and all plasto is white

Inore button and still many things are uncouloured - trophies - bb - parasols

Note the pic of your Habbo is still above your name but i just cut it out.

12-03-2005, 12:52 PM
Yea ive heard about this if you have done make sure you visit impeteus someone has more info on it ABOVE^^^^^


12-03-2005, 12:53 PM
That was not how it was done..

I have already said how it was done - using the actual files, consisting of the DCR file, sprites, etcetera.
Damn right dude, just like I said in my previous post.
I have done it myself, I know the URL's to those files, sprites, variables.
Its not one big image flash php thing :s
Its the same coding as habbo has but they changed a few codes (Eg. the colours of the para and rugs)

Some pics for people who didnt dare go on

Many stuff is still not coloured ect.
All carpets / rugs are balck or white and all plasto is white

Inore button and still many things are uncouloured - trophies - bb - parasols

Note the pic of your Habbo is still above your name but i just cut it out.
Yep they just changed some codes and the habbo 7 codes are already there, they just not activated yet (I checked)
Thats how scripters get the furni sprites etc.

PANDA its not just a log in screen, its the whole hotel, they copied all the codes. Why the hell did you tell me by giving rep? Jij zit gewoon kloteverkeerd.

Lord Zero
12-03-2005, 05:17 PM
Damn right dude, just like I said in my previous post.
I have done it myself, I know the URL's to those files, sprites, variables.
Its not one big image flash php thing :s
Its the same coding as habbo has but they changed a few codes (Eg. the colours of the para and rugs)

Yep they just changed some codes and the habbo 7 codes are already there, they just not activated yet (I checked)
Thats how scripters get the furni sprites etc.

PANDA its not just a log in screen, its the whole hotel, they copied all the codes. Why the hell did you tell me by giving rep? Jij zit gewoon kloteverkeerd.

He's right, people.

14-03-2005, 03:41 AM
if u click the link does it give u keylogger or only if u enter ur name and pass?

Lord Zero
14-03-2005, 12:45 PM
if u click the link does it give u keylogger or only if u enter ur name and pass?

It doesn't give you a keylogger.

14-03-2005, 05:10 PM
ahhh i just tried it with my spare clone it logged on ok but i will c if it will change my pass...
They can't change your pass unless they know your birth day and birth year. :D

14-03-2005, 05:11 PM
Well just warn people not to go :)

14-03-2005, 07:14 PM
Its one of the oldist scams in the book. Phishing as its commy know, people replicas in which people login, wich send the detaikls to the owner, habbo one aint realy seriols, its the fake ebays paypals etc which cause the problems

05-04-2005, 02:06 PM
Update: They say it's safe, people have been on there with their main account and they still got it.
I've been on there with a clone and when you go to popular rooms you will see people actual talking and walking. :s
So I think it's safe. But I'm still scared to use my main account in case this is a super planned scam.

05-04-2005, 02:07 PM
Not a scam =/

05-04-2005, 02:40 PM
Not a scam. As you can see, they just loaded the realy habbo v7 onto there website, because this is the HTML code they used:

<object classid="clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/director/sw.cab#version=8,5,1,0" id="habbo" width="720" height="540">
<param name="_cx" value="19050">
<param name="_cy" value="14288">
<param name="BGCOLOR" value="#000000">
<param name="swURL" value>
<param name="swText" value>
<param name="swForeColor" value>
<param name="swBackColor" value>
<param name="swFrame" value>
<param name="swColor" value>
<param name="swName" value>
<param name="swPassword" value>
<param name="swBanner" value>
<param name="swSound" value>
<param name="swVolume" value>
<param name="swPreloadTime" value>
<param name="swAudio" value>
<param name="swList" value>
<param name="sw1" value="connection.info.host=proxy-g-i.habbohotel.co.uk">
<param name="sw2" value="connection.info.port=37011">
<param name="sw3" value="client.reload.url=http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/common/habbo_client/client_popup/?t=1109789059635">
<param name="sw4" value="connection.mus.host=">
<param name="sw5" value="connection.mus.port=37050">
<param name="sw6" value="external.variables.txt=http://www.leetdesign.com/habbo/external_variables.txt">
<param name="sw7" value="external.texts.txt=http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/common/external/?id=external_texts">
<param name="sw8" value>
<param name="sw9" value>
<param name="SRC" value="http://images.habbohotel.no/dcr/release7_20050301/habbo.dcr">
<param name="AutoStart" value="TRUE">
<param name="Sound" value="TRUE">
<param name="swRemote" value="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true' ">
<param name="logo" value="TRUE">
<param name="progress" value="TRUE">
<param name="PowerMenuEnabled" value="TRUE">
<param name="swModifyReport" value="FALSE">
<param name="swClickThroughUrl" value>
<param name="swStretchStyle" value="stage">
<param name="swStretchHAlign" value="center">
<param name="swStretchVAlign" value="center"><embed src="http://images.habbohotel.no/dcr/release7_20050301/habbo.dcr" bgColor="#000000" width="720" height="540" swRemote="swSaveEnabled='true' swVolume='true' swRestart='false' swPausePlay='false' swFastForward='false' swTitle='Habbo Hotel' swContextMenu='true'" swStretchStyle="none" swText sw6="external.variables.txt=http://www.leetdesign.com/habbo/external_variables.txt" sw2="connection.info.port=37011" sw4="connection.mus.host=" sw3="client.reload.url=http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/common/habbo_client/client_popup/?t=1109789059635" sw1="connection.info.host=proxy-g-i.habbohotel.co.uk" sw7="external.texts.txt=http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/habbo/en/common/external/?id=external_texts" sw5="connection.mus.port=37050" type="application/x-director" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/">

05-04-2005, 04:11 PM
someone has got the script codesof habbo hotel and it is related to habbo hotel but if you notice they havent eddited any of the inside they just changed the page by adding a scripted key loger on the front page the rest is a un updated habbo.

05-04-2005, 04:12 PM
how did you get the code?

05-04-2005, 05:00 PM
They very good coders.

05-04-2005, 07:14 PM

05-04-2005, 07:36 PM
That trick comes out everyyear but thx anyway! I also tryed it with a clone along time ago and it just keeps loading and dosn't sign you on :)

05-04-2005, 10:37 PM
There is NO malcious coding on my website. I do not like to be called a scammer and I'll explain to you what I've done. First I have replaced co.uks DCR with .NO (DCR7)


<param name="src" value="http://images.habbohotel.co.uk/dcr/release6_(some numbers)/habbo.dcr">


<param name="src" value="http://images.habbohotel.no/dcr/release7_20050301/habbo.dcr">

Then I have copied .NO's variables allowing the user to have the ignore feature


Anyone who says they've been keylogged, etc from this site - they lie. I have no intention in wasting my time just to rid of your pathetic furniture. Now I believe you owe me an apology. Along with this email I have sorted out with Jane:

The site http://www.leetdesign.com/habbo/ has been reported by over a dozen Habbos that it contains a keylogger. Please remove it within 3 days. Below is the copyright infringement notice. If it is not removed, I will contact your network admin. I look forward to hearing from you.


::Jane O'Holleran

::Safety Officer, Sulake Corporation

::[email protected]


06-04-2005, 04:58 AM
I owe noone an apology :)

Lord Zero
06-04-2005, 07:27 AM
I owe noone an apology :)

You made accusations. You were proven wrong. You owe him an apology.

06-04-2005, 09:01 AM
I owe noone an apology :)

To who? But, be careful there is some sites that will have that code, but they will change a little bit of the code to there website, so they can like, change furniture names

06-04-2005, 09:13 AM
Ok folks today in HxHD I was sitting there being lazy :P and a guy whispered to me about actual version 7 pictures. I was intrigued to say the least because after hearing so much about this version seven i had to see what it looked like. He gave me a link to a well known site called leetdesign and the actual link is www.leetdesign.com/habbo DO NOT GO THERE! I clicked and went and a habbo client popped up with a funny message, instead of the black shockwaves window loading it said habbo v7 loading and went to a hotel view sign in page. My guess is someone who is extremely skilled with flash has created a replica sign in page which claims to be a version 7 beta test and if you log in the person who has designed this or who owns leetdesign will see your user name and password when you type it in and sign in. I have not tried this but it seems what its likely to do after i read the source code in the client window. If this really was version 7 it would be a habbo related window not one from leetdesign!!! I need to get as many people alerted about this as possible because im sure many eager habbo's have fallen for it already!! Please spread the word that this site is a scam and make sure hobbas and staff know about it.
Ant is One Of The Best Programmers i Would Say *Ant Owns LeetDesign* He Owns Toolbox and Other Scripting Program's He's Very High Skilled Programer.

06-04-2005, 11:12 AM
I owe noone an apology :)
Fair enough. I wouldn't apologize either.

To who? But, be careful there is some sites that will have that code, but they will change a little bit of the code to there website, so they can like, change furniture names

All they do is change the external variables. No big deal.

06-04-2005, 11:29 AM
Ant is One Of The Best Programmers i Would Say *Ant Owns LeetDesign* He Owns Toolbox and Other Scripting Program's He's Very High Skilled Programer.

I did that once. I went onto microsoft frontpgae edited the bit that has all the furni ect. names on. Then I got habbo and changed them bit i needed to, then I went on preview, and when I went onto a message it came up at:

Blank lol

06-04-2005, 11:33 AM
Dude It Aint Simple..

14-04-2005, 12:07 PM
Thanks for the warning, although I know NEVER to type my password ANYWHERE except www.habbohotel.(com,co.uk,ca, etc etc)

16-04-2005, 02:54 PM
Thats the best idea drew, as for the owner of this site I will lock this topic but I still do not owe you nor anyone else an apology. I was looking out for people not trying to start anything else.

16-04-2005, 02:56 PM
You made accusations. You were proven wrong. You owe him an apology.

If you would read what I said a BIT MORE carefully, it says "my guess is" Noone had to take my advice, it was me acting on instinct. When i posted this the leetdesign website looked very shabby so what was I meant to think?

16-04-2005, 03:41 PM
:o so is it safe beacuse i tried it like 3 days ago :{

16-04-2005, 04:06 PM
might be......

16-04-2005, 07:31 PM
Even If They Tryed To Put A Keylogger On My Computer, They Wouldent Be Able To Install It. I Have A Private DSL.

16-04-2005, 07:39 PM
Should of told people in your thread not to go there before stating the site.
Some people just click things without reading on.
But nice one for alerting people about that :D

16-04-2005, 10:36 PM
Best thing to do when that happens is report it, but I guess you never know if it is really a link.

I could have been just like the links that made you be able to get onto

www.habbohotel.com before it was out of beta.
But it was probably a scam.

You can normaly tell if it is a scam if the sulake thing comes up but the sulake bar thing doesn`t load.

16-04-2005, 11:39 PM
I don't see why the URL was edited out :S He was warning , how can he warn them about a site without the URL?

21-04-2005, 03:19 AM
LOL CMON DONT BE GIVING away are matnience break Site it is habbo but its the version they make so no matnience breaks and stuff its reall fun lol :)

21-04-2005, 03:20 AM
I use it sometimes even when habbo is up its much faster and eficient easier to win games ;) but yea no scam i use it on all my real accounts WITH FURNI AND CREDZ!

22-04-2005, 03:56 PM
curiousity killed the habbo :(

22-04-2005, 05:17 PM
Dcr files.. right =/
You can simply just download the damn needed files from the habbo homepage.
All they have to do is change source a bit.
And it works as I have friend who tryed and succeeded.
They just can't figure out how to send the inputs to their PC and not Habbo's server :)

08-09-2006, 03:39 AM
come across many of these

Catzsy (Forum Super Moderator)- This is a very pointless post as the thread is 18 months old.
Please do not bump threads.

itz jer m8
08-09-2006, 03:45 AM
come across many of these
you just bumped a thread from last year.

08-09-2006, 03:59 AM

pritty much.

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