View Full Version : Whats A Ouija Board?

11-03-2005, 07:14 PM
Whats a Ouiga Board And What Does It Do?

11-03-2005, 07:18 PM
I have no idea.
Do you want us to guess?? Or do you want to know it??
I have never heard of it so I can't help you sorry only if we have to guess :D

Thankies from me.

11-03-2005, 07:20 PM
Oh yeah , its like a thing whcih you can talk to the dea or something? watch the excorsist , the girl has one :)

11-03-2005, 07:46 PM
I think its like a board with lots of different symbols on and a pointer, its a way of dead people/ghosts to comunicate with humans I think anyways.

11-03-2005, 07:46 PM
I got this from Google:

A Ouija board is simple tool used for communicating with the dead. A typical board has the letters of the alphabet and 'yes' and 'no' placed in a circle on a smooth, flat surface. The participants place an upside-down glass in the centre of the letters and rest their fingers on it. They ask questions and the answers are spelled out by the glass as it moves from letter to letter. Some participants have experienced phenomena other than the moving glass such as draughts and objects smashing in the room. It is advised that this powerful and often frightening device is not used by the inexperienced.

It's spelt Ouija board :)

11-03-2005, 07:56 PM
I dont believe in it.

11-03-2005, 08:01 PM
I dont believe in it.

lol me neither :p

11-03-2005, 08:03 PM
You never know... Lol

11-03-2005, 08:08 PM
You never know... Lol
That's true but I still don't believe in it lol.
Those people probably just move the glass with their finger lol.

11-03-2005, 08:08 PM
I think its like a board with lots of different symbols on and a pointer, its a way of dead people/ghosts to comunicate with humans I think anyways.

correcto. ;)

Watch charmed

11-03-2005, 08:09 PM

Isnt it where u have a wine glass, u put it in the middle of the table with all the letters of the alphabet around it, and when the glass moves it spells out words from the dead, u all have 2 put 1 finger on it and it moves when u say is anyone there. spirits apparently. i did it 1 day, i came home so freaked out all i did was sit on the end of my bed just staring at the wall, dont try it, its not nice. Its V.FREAKY :'(

11-03-2005, 08:15 PM

Isnt it where u have a wine glass, u put it in the middle of the table with all the letters of the alphabet around it, and when the glass moves it spells out words from the dead, u all have 2 put 1 finger on it and it moves when u say is anyone there. spirits apparently. i did it 1 day, i came home so freaked out all i did was sit on the end of my bed just staring at the wall, dont try it, its not nice. Its V.FREAKY :'(
I'm not gonna do that in my room, if I do I won't be able to sleep even though I want to meet dead people ( lol ) I still don't want them in my bedroom, only the thought freaks me out. AAAAAAAH mommy hold me.

11-03-2005, 08:19 PM
I did it at a mates thank god

11-03-2005, 10:36 PM
Oh yeah , its like a thing whcih you can talk to the dea or something? watch the excorsist , the girl has one :)

The exorsist girl also has a revolving head, for all you know the ouija board could be a hunk of cardboard drawn on with marker pen ;)

And I think it is true, although I wouldn't try one.

11-03-2005, 10:37 PM
It scares me, I watched that one Darren Brown did...freaky

11-03-2005, 10:43 PM
My mate wanted me to go with him to a graveyard with one of those i cheickend out

11-03-2005, 10:45 PM
That's true but I still don't believe in it lol.
Those people probably just move the glass with their finger lol.
ure wrong, if you go to a place were there is alot of something energy than you can set up a ouija board, it contacts the dead, the finger on the glass thing is just an excuse for wen it doesn't
work because there isn't the "energy" needed.
thats my opinion andthe fact i beleive.
i would try one but im only a young teen and my friends won't do it
as soon as i try it i'll tell u the results.
if you try one you might want to ask it questions that are ipossible to answer or that other people in the room don't know the answer to.

expert by popular demand !GOTH!

11-03-2005, 10:53 PM
Any1 seen most haunted? that looks real

11-03-2005, 11:04 PM
I have, sometimes it, in theory, could be real. Other times it could be so fake.

"My spritual aid John is contacting me. Yes John, ok John, large pepperoni stuffed crust *cough* the ghost's name is..."

I reckon's his "Spiritual Aid" is the director ;)

11-03-2005, 11:18 PM
I have, sometimes it, in theory, could be real. Other times it could be so fake.

"My spritual aid John is contacting me. Yes John, ok John, large pepperoni stuffed crust *cough* the ghost's name is..."

I reckon's his "Spiritual Aid" is the director ;)

Lmao sam aswell :)

11-03-2005, 11:59 PM
Ugh, stupidest things. A couple of my friends always use dto do and they were like "Are you there charlie?" and pushing this counter towards answers, I think its silly. :P

12-03-2005, 01:04 PM
Lol some people did that in year 6 and they were just pushing it around
Idiots =]

31-05-2005, 05:11 PM
Ummm I belive.But most of the time people do just push it.But belive me it is real.

31-05-2005, 05:26 PM
it is real; I've done it before. So as my dad when he were younger and it worked with him too. But it's something I wouldn't advise anyone to try! very dangerous they are, you can get connected to a poltergeist, like an evil spirit, and once you invite them into your lives it's hard to get rid of them

31-05-2005, 05:53 PM
A Ouija Board is a board that is used to communicate with spirits (dead people/ghosts). There are many different types of boards. Some of them, have the simple alphabet and the words YES, NO and GOODBYE. Some of them have numbers attatched and some even have the star signs I think. A minimum of 2 players is said that is needed and it works best if the 2 players are a boy and a girl. It is also said to work best if the board is lying on both their knees, however you can play with as many people as you like and on a table if you prefer. Each person should place a finger on the wine glass and ask a question ("Is anyone there?") and wait for a response. It is said that the glass will start to move, however that it will take sometime to warm up and may be going all directions. Many people have played ouija boards over the years and some people have said that they have contacted dead relatives. Some say they contacted EVIL spirits. It is said that if when playing a ouija board, when getting rude answers and bad answers (swearing, violent etc.) that you should move the glass to the GOODBYE immeadiately to end the session.

I have been fascinated with ouija boards for quite a while, however I strongly suggest that you do not attempt to use one.

31-05-2005, 05:58 PM
A Ouija Board is a board that is used to communicate with spirits (dead people/ghosts). There are many different types of boards. Some of them, have the simple alphabet and the words YES, NO and GOODBYE. Some of them have numbers attatched and some even have the star signs I think. A minimum of 2 players is said that is needed and it works best if the 2 players are a boy and a girl. It is also said to work best if the board is lying on both their knees, however you can play with as many people as you like and on a table if you prefer. Each person should place a finger on the wine glass and ask a question ("Is anyone there?") and wait for a response. It is said that the glass will start to move, however that it will take sometime to warm up and may be going all directions. Many people have played ouija boards over the years and some people have said that they have contacted dead relatives. Some say they contacted EVIL spirits. It is said that if when playing a ouija board, when getting rude answers and bad answers (swearing, violent etc.) that you should move the glass to the GOODBYE immeadiately to end the session.

I have been fascinated with ouija boards for quite a while, however I strongly suggest that you do not attempt to use one.
Brillantly said.lol.Do you belive in getting scratchs?I do as I havce got them before.

31-05-2005, 05:59 PM
I did one with my friend and it burnt my hand :s
Its strange yet again you would not think it works, i aint sure bout it really.

31-05-2005, 06:00 PM
Wow, Long Reply Lerf

31-05-2005, 06:12 PM
A kid used it and apparently The Devil possesed him! He used to live in my area before he got killed in a car accident :S

I don't believe the Devil part but I know that a kid who used a Ouija board did get killed in a Car Accident

31-05-2005, 06:13 PM
thread is over two month old.. :s Why bring it back?

31-05-2005, 06:17 PM
People do this stuff, but hey it's intresting!

31-05-2005, 06:31 PM
thread is over two month old.. :s Why bring it back?
well, people have a big go at you if you start a thread and its already been started before. and maybe they wanted to comment on it

31-05-2005, 06:40 PM
I brought it back cause i want to discuss this topic and I didn't want to spam the boards by starting a new topic.

01-06-2005, 12:06 PM
I don't know.

01-06-2005, 12:48 PM
ive done a ouiji board its hard to say if its true because more than 1 person was doing it , my mate tom was taking it all seriously like asking it questions like how old are you =S trying to communicate with the dead it spelt out 23 but it could of just been people moving it ! then we heard a bang on the wall we thought it might be the neighbours though Lol but you dont know !

oh yeah the first charmed episode
it spelt attic pmsl

01-06-2005, 01:44 PM
It's a board of which you contact spirits, both evil and good.

01-06-2005, 03:15 PM
Ouija boards are illegal to use in some countrys.
I don't know wether it works or not, i would never try it.
I think, that people that are down on this earth are down here for a reason, and inviting them back into our lifetime is stupidity, we don't know the harm ghosts can do, and i'm not meaning physically. They can harm you mentally, causing alot of mental health problems in later life. People shouldn't fool about with the dead, it can also disrupt the soul they are trying to get in touch with. I say charge all people who use oujia boards, they aren't doing it for any good reason anyway.

01-06-2005, 03:19 PM
It's something not to be messed with, u can easily make ur own with cut out letters, yes and no's and a cup. You can contact spirits with it and it can be dangerous. Its said that if someone is really weak (Usually doing it alone) They can be possesed. You can bring unwanted spirits to your house. My auntie did one when she was younger and was wearing a cross necklace. It burnt into her neck, apparently she had a scar for years but its to faint to make out now. If you believe in ghosts dont do it and if u dont then u shouldnt have any want to do it!

05-06-2005, 10:35 AM
It's something not to be messed with, u can easily make ur own with cut out letters, yes and no's and a cup. You can contact spirits with it and it can be dangerous. Its said that if someone is really weak (Usually doing it alone) They can be possesed. You can bring unwanted spirits to your house. My auntie did one when she was younger and was wearing a cross necklace. It burnt into her neck, apparently she had a scar for years but its to faint to make out now. If you believe in ghosts dont do it and if u dont then u shouldnt have any want to do it!

I agree with you completely there!

05-06-2005, 11:31 AM
Me and Some friends tried it once, it didnt work so well though.

17-06-2005, 11:19 PM
i'm scared to do it. ;_;

17-06-2005, 11:29 PM
I've tried it in a friends basement, and it went up the dresser, and came back down.
We screamed and ran upstairs.

here is an example of a ouija board

18-06-2005, 12:46 AM
I definantely dont believe in it. And who really wants to connect with the dead. Who knows what you could get into. An angry spirit maybe?

18-06-2005, 10:35 AM
I think they're true. I did one with my 3 bm8s We got so freaked out. My mom told me once that her & her mates did it & her mate got this evil spirit follow her home & it was turning the lights on n off and in the end she got killed in some kind of accident?
Do it if you dare BUT be careful. It freaked me out mentally and i still have holusinations about it now.

Happy hunting x :)

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