View Full Version : Comic Relief ( mean? )

12-03-2005, 01:12 PM
Hiya, comic relief is not all good! I got to a Roman Catholic primary were we believe that having abortions is wrong. I have not put any money 2wards CR this year as I just found out they did fund abortoins ( apart 4rm voting 4 Edith ) Instead i give the money that I raised 4 comic relief 2 SCIAF ( Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund ) I love the programme but do you think it is right that they show you all the people in Africa dying but not tell us about the Abortions rite here in the Uk? I know you will hate me for this but Comic Relief are mean in my eyes killin babys inside there mothers! :(

12-03-2005, 01:50 PM
Not being against your beliefs but I personally don't want to see a new born baby die in pain a few years later with HIV which spreads from the mother to the baby inside.

Personally an abortion is the less painful way for the baby as they don't have feelings inside, as they are apart of the mother.

13-03-2005, 05:40 PM
Im followign that Idea as well , no money for CR

14-03-2005, 12:58 PM
I don't like the idea of an abortion, but they have to keep the population down or they will have alot worse problems in the future, places like these need to get rid of poverty, and kids over in africa are dieing and getting abused and made to work at ages early as 3 years old. If you are meaning the money is going to abortions in the uk, i see a slight problem in that as we have good contraception in our countries, but if it means the baby isn't going to be abused and negelected, then i guess it is for the best.

Ashley 12344
14-03-2005, 07:07 PM
ye wot they sed, its beter than a baby livin and dyin wiv aids, it can b horible. altho i agree that it shudnt really go to english abortions, but in sum curcamstances it shud eg teenage pregnancies and rape

14-03-2005, 09:40 PM
It depends on the situation. If you're a young mother, who wouldn't be able to cope, then maybe abortion is the best option

14-03-2005, 09:46 PM
What are you on about?
People don't want those children so they get an abortion, its their choice. Its more cruel to bring a child up with HIV/Aids than it is to have it aborted.

Also abortions aren't cruel, such as teen mums, its beter for them to finish education and get a good job than it is to bring a child up an inch away from poverty.

Also technically its not really a child, just a few cells.

Also you say you go to a primary school, I don't think you are old enough to understand what actually goes on, sorry....

14-03-2005, 11:22 PM
Also you say you go to a primary school, I don't think you are old enough to understand what actually goes on, sorry....

He probably knows as much about this as all of us :rolleyes: Just because hes younger doesnt mean he is any less smart

15-03-2005, 03:19 PM
Not being against your beliefs but I personally don't want to see a new born baby die in pain a few years later with HIV which spreads from the mother to the baby inside.

Personally an abortion is the less painful way for the baby as they don't have feelings inside, as they are apart of the mother.
I agree.
And I want to ad: Young mothers who can't raise a baby need a sollution. So the only sollution is abortion I don't totaly agree with abortion but the baby doesn't feel anything yet and it's better for every-one.
:o Janeh already said this. Oops.
And I don't think those mothers can raise and take care of a kid with HIV because one disease and the kid is dead. So I think abbortion is the only way out.

19-03-2005, 02:55 PM
I don't like the idea of an abortion, but they have to keep the population down or they will have alot worse problems in the future, places like these need to get rid of poverty, and kids over in africa are dieing and getting abused and made to work at ages early as 3 years old. If you are meaning the money is going to abortions in the uk, i see a slight problem in that as we have good contraception in our countries, but if it means the baby isn't going to be abused and negelected, then i guess it is for the best.
i totally agree

19-03-2005, 02:58 PM
I know but the reason people dont have abortions is normally because they feel attached to the baby and love her/him. Sweet but you have to sometimes put it down.

19-03-2005, 03:00 PM
im 16 yeh n i got pregnant n i had an abortion, i am totally against abortions but it was the right fing ta do i wudnt of been able 2 cope n i wudnt hav tym 2 look afta it or anyfin i still disagree wiv abortions tho n i think cr is gr8 i kno it funds abortions but think of how much tht baby wud suffer if it was born

19-03-2005, 03:05 PM
Well! Wow that must of been a shock to you.

19-03-2005, 03:44 PM
He probably knows as much about this as all of us :rolleyes: Just because hes younger doesnt mean he is any less smart

When you are younger to tend to follow what others say, the adults and this person is listening to religion and not making up their own mind on the matter.

20-03-2005, 03:47 PM
Well stop young pregnancies and use self control.
It will solve all the problems.

20-03-2005, 03:54 PM
Well stop young pregnancies and use self control.
It will solve all the problems.

Not always that easy though is it.

20-03-2005, 04:20 PM
Think how many different things comic relief funds, only a small part probably goes to funding abortions, so it's stupid to say your not giving any money just because of that, the money raised goes world-wide for all different reasons, so I think that's a stupid decision.

Sometimes parents get abortions because their children are going to be born with a life-threatening disease, and would rather not become attached to their child, or see them go through pain, it's very hard for any parent to do that, so you shouldn't say they are necessarily 'killing' their child, in some cases, it's not only best for them, but best for the unborn child.

And young mothers would probably rather have an abortion, so they wouldn't become attached to their child, as most teenage mums give away their children, there is so many different reasons.

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