View Full Version : Looking for HC Plasto.

25-10-2006, 02:20 AM
I don't want any crap about how your HC set is worth 25HC and is a rare. I know what they are worth, and so do you. I am like, one of the only people who wants it. Catalogue plasto is more expensive. Here is the deal:

8-9cr for a set
1.5cr per chair
2cr per table

I have good norms to trade. I will probably selling a rare or two soon so I will be stocked back up. Just don't waste your time if you want more than what I am offering because you won't get it. I also know what the rares are worth and how hard or easy they are to sell so if you are trying to pull one over on me that way you can leave too. I am making a straight up offer to anyone who wants to get rid of theirs for a fair price for both of us.


25-10-2006, 05:02 PM
i have 10 hc chairs and 2 hc tables

26-10-2006, 11:39 AM
I have got one set of Hc Plasto, Offer?

26-10-2006, 07:14 PM
Yay someone is buying ;]]

I have 20 Tables


14 Chairs

So i have 3 Sets Plus 2 Chairs And 17 Tables

I would like 12 Per set, 3 Per table and 2 Per Chair

But we can work something out

26-10-2006, 07:22 PM
i have 47 chairs
n 4 tables

26-10-2006, 07:28 PM
Showoff ;]]

Well if we combined ours we would have like soo many sets ;]

Like i only have 3 sets due to not having many chairs but i have loads of spare tables, and you have only 4 sets due to not have enough tables but having lots of chairs ;O

27-10-2006, 11:06 AM
Sorry for the late response guys, I want all of it. PM me your habbo names or post them here and I will get to you whenever I can. You want to see loads of HC plasto? Search afrobran and go to HC Plasto Trades...then go in the tele and there is more.

27-10-2006, 11:55 AM
f/r dlox he has a room full of it. Or check his room.

27-10-2006, 12:20 PM
My User Is :Fixed

I sent you a f/r

27-10-2006, 12:39 PM
ive f/r'd you

27-10-2006, 07:56 PM
I didn't get a f/r from either of you. It's afrobran.

29-10-2006, 01:32 PM
i sent a f/r to AfroBran

AfroBran. hasnt been on since 2004....

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