View Full Version : Dude..Lab Testing

13-03-2005, 11:52 AM
How Do U Feel About Them Injecting Cancer And Stuff Into Rats Then Seeing If They Can Cure It?
And How About A Monkey Using Soap?
Ime Against It

13-03-2005, 11:56 AM
Anyone who has a decent mind would and please stop naming your threads
"Dude.. Something" or Dude italy its realy anoying me :(

13-03-2005, 12:05 PM
I don't find it annoying saying Dude...

I am against Animal Testing in your way Rupsie

13-03-2005, 12:07 PM
Hes just making loads of random threads though :s

13-03-2005, 12:12 PM
I think the titles are random, not the actual post.

13-03-2005, 12:26 PM
Unless youdm rather it be you they tested drugs and cures on, or you would arther millions died of easly treatbale desises, your being a bit of a hyprocrit by going agsist it. Amimals arnt consios so dont realy cair, all it allows is for us to get data and impove are knowlage, plus now days its all done in humian ways so the animal dont suffer, ebven thogh iots persptions would not interpt this data anyway

13-03-2005, 12:26 PM
im against it its sick 2 animals

13-03-2005, 12:43 PM
Unless youdm rather it be you they tested drugs and cures on, or you would arther millions died of easly treatbale desises, your being a bit of a hyprocrit by going agsist it. Amimals arnt consios so dont realy cair, all it allows is for us to get data and impove are knowlage, plus now days its all done in humian ways so the animal dont suffer, ebven thogh iots persptions would not interpt this data anyway
I agree, although, going off on a tangent, personally i would question whether animals have a 'soul' as it were. :rolleyes:

13-03-2005, 12:57 PM
I agree, although, going off on a tangent, personally i would question whether animals have a 'soul' as it were. :rolleyes:
<Offtopic Tangent>

an animal is not consios of its own exsitance, its brain is not cabale of bewing aware of what it is. This is unqie to humans. If your not aware of being, then you do not cair wahat happens. Its like if your unconios, you odnt cair what happens your not even aware of the not cairg, and if you never wokre up you never would be, as an animal never becomes consios life and death mean nothing to them.

Athogh maybe this is a topic for another debate?

</Offtopic Tangent>

13-03-2005, 12:58 PM
How Do U Feel About Them Injecting Cancer And Stuff Into Rats Then Seeing If They Can Cure It?
And How About A Monkey Using Soap?
Ime Against It

They don't test most soaps on animals anyway. Also aniamls are dumb, they don't know whats goign on...it won't do anything to them. Personally I am not bothered if they test things on animals or not.

13-03-2005, 01:00 PM
<Offtopic Tangent>

an animal is not consios of its own exsitance, its brain is not cabale of bewing aware of what it is. This is unqie to humans. If your not aware of being, then you do not cair wahat happens. Its like if your unconios, you odnt cair what happens your not even aware of the not cairg, and if you never wokre up you never would be, as an animal never becomes consios life and death mean nothing to them.

Athogh maybe this is a topic for another debate?

</Offtopic Tangent>
Thats why it is ok to Fox Hunt and kill them. As they are not aware of it!

13-03-2005, 01:22 PM
Thats why it is ok to Fox Hunt and kill them. As they are not aware of it!
That's awfull. I hate fox hunts. That is just sad.
And I know it's sarcastic what you are saying but fox hunting and animal testing are 2 very different things. I mean we aren't comparing a flood and a war either are we?

13-03-2005, 01:30 PM
A Fox doesn't feel pain neither does an animal in a testing lab as it doesn't know of it's own existence. All they live by is hunting for food, sleeping, making babies and going to the toilet.

13-03-2005, 05:47 PM
I say if your against it you should be reccomended to be tested on.

No? So we'll just live with all sorts of diseases we have the potential to cure, but nothing to test them on?

13-03-2005, 05:50 PM
I say if your against it you should be reccomended to be tested on.

No? So we'll just live with all sorts of diseases we have the potential to cure, but nothing to test them on?

Good thought :D

If people want to stop it, there free to sign up insted

14-03-2005, 12:04 PM
I totally disagree with animal testing, and who ever said animals have no idea whats going on are very idiotic. Of course animals know whats going on, if not, then they wouldnt have to chain the animal down and force it into them, animals know when they are going to get hurt, or if they are in danger, as they try to run away, thats why you see prey running away from its predator, thats why animals hide from the humans who hurt them.
Animal testing is wrong in all diffrent ways, first of all, animals have no say in wether they want to be tested on or not. Second of all, animals have a completely diffrent system to the human body, so the results are innacurate, even if the animals body wasn't COMPLETELY diffrent, it would still be innacurate, as one small change could affect the whole test, so they should use humans as a test. I completely disagree with animal testing, and its better about 5 humans dieing for a ACCURATE result, rather than 500 animals dieing for INACCURATE results.

14-03-2005, 06:40 PM
I totally disagree with animal testing, and who ever said animals have no idea whats going on are very idiotic. Of course animals know whats going on, if not, then they wouldnt have to chain the animal down and force it into them, animals know when they are going to get hurt, or if they are in danger, as they try to run away, thats why you see prey running away from its predator, thats why animals hide from the humans who hurt them.
Animal testing is wrong in all diffrent ways, first of all, animals have no say in wether they want to be tested on or not. Second of all, animals have a completely diffrent system to the human body, so the results are innacurate, even if the animals body wasn't COMPLETELY diffrent, it would still be innacurate, as one small change could affect the whole test, so they should use humans as a test. I completely disagree with animal testing, and its better about 5 humans dieing for a ACCURATE result, rather than 500 animals dieing for INACCURATE results.

Actaly the diffrence between a mouse an a human isnt that differnt, a human and a pig is almost identcicle, where no a complty diffrent thing.

If youd rather they test on you, go sign up. Overwize you cant realy complein.

ANimals run due to instinced., not fear, rection to a sitution doenst not requite consios intlergetnt.


Think of the bots on my forum. They have thounsds of diffrent responces fior differnt sitution etc. that doesnt mean its consiolly making a desiion.

14-03-2005, 09:07 PM
Are you trying to compare animals with robots? Animals have feelings, they know when they have done wrong, they know when they're in trouble, there for, THEY HAVE A CONSCIENCE, if they had no conscience, they would be animals that would just attack all the time, as nothing would be saying not to, its PEOPLE who don't have conscience's, if they did, they would realise that animal cruelty is wrong. The technology nowadays is alot better than what it was 10 years ago, so they have no excuse to use animals for tests, they could easily take blood samples from humans and work on it from there. AHHHH it makes me so stressed, EVERY SINGLE CREATURE ON THIS EARTH HAVE FEELINGS, THATS WHY THEY RUN FROM THINGS AND GET SCARED, AND GET EXCITED, IF ANIMALS HAD NO CONSCIENCE, OR HAD NO FEELINGS, IM PRETTY SURE YOU WOULD HAVE A VERY BORING DOG, WITH NO SHOW OF FEELINGS AT ANY POINT IN TIME!

14-03-2005, 09:25 PM
Are you trying to compare animals with robots? Animals have feelings, they know when they have done wrong, they know when they're in trouble, there for, THEY HAVE A CONSCIENCE, if they had no conscience, they would be animals that would just attack all the time, as nothing would be saying not to, its PEOPLE who don't have conscience's, if they did, they would realise that animal cruelty is wrong. The technology nowadays is alot better than what it was 10 years ago, so they have no excuse to use animals for tests, they could easily take blood samples from humans and work on it from there. AHHHH it makes me so stressed, EVERY SINGLE CREATURE ON THIS EARTH HAVE FEELINGS, THATS WHY THEY RUN FROM THINGS AND GET SCARED, AND GET EXCITED, IF ANIMALS HAD NO CONSCIENCE, OR HAD NO FEELINGS, IM PRETTY SURE YOU WOULD HAVE A VERY BORING DOG, WITH NO SHOW OF FEELINGS AT ANY POINT IN TIME!

I can't be bothered to read any post by you anymore, its a laod of garbage all this animals rights rubbish, who cares?

14-03-2005, 09:55 PM
I can't be bothered to read any post by you anymore, its a laod of garbage all this animals rights rubbish, who cares?

Good, i'd rather you didn't read them as you just come out with sarcastic comments like that, which mean no sense and nobody finds amusing, and if animal rights are rubbish, then as someone said 'we are animals' so technically so are our rights, IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY?

14-03-2005, 10:00 PM
Good, i'd rather you didn't read them as you just come out with sarcastic comments like that, which mean no sense and nobody finds amusing, and if animal rights are rubbish, then as someone said 'we are animals' so technically so are our rights, IS THAT WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO SAY?

1) Yeah, it is sarcasm :)
2) Didn't really want people to find it amusing
3) Yes we are animls but our brain power is alot better. I was talking about other animals, the stuff that is tested on.

15-03-2005, 06:54 AM
All the people who think animals don't know what's going on or don't feel pain are nuts!!! If I accidently step on my dogs leg he gives a scream (or what ever it's called when a dog shouts) so you are telling me animals don't feel pain?? AND when pigs are taken to the slaught house (or something) they know something is not right, they can feel it in the air.
So stop telling me animals don't know what's going on or don't feel a thing.


15-03-2005, 05:25 PM
All the people who think animals don't know what's going on or don't feel pain are nuts!!! If I accidently step on my dogs leg he gives a scream (or what ever it's called when a dog shouts) so you are telling me animals don't feel pain?? AND when pigs are taken to the slaught house (or something) they know something is not right, they can feel it in the air.
So stop telling me animals don't know what's going on or don't feel a thing.

Feeling pain is not in dsipute, how pain is persived is. an animal is NOT consios. Humans are. Humans have both rection and the coniso rection. If you touch somthing hot, you will quickly retct your hand, and posibly yelp, complty unconioly. But also you will then afterwards persive what the pain is, and rdat to it. Animals dont, they are instinctive, there is no need or reason for them to eveolve a higher sence of pain, so they dont. A human can kill itself, no other animal on the planet can do it, why? becuse no other animal is coniso of its own exisnace and therefor unable to even ciontplate the desion, or the cause.

15-03-2005, 05:43 PM
They don't test most soaps on animals anyway. Also aniamls are dumb, they don't know whats goign on...it won't do anything to them. Personally I am not bothered if they test things on animals or not.
That is a horrible thing to say! Animals are not dumb. We are intelegent. I personally dont normally agree with animal testing but only if they are certain of what they are doing and actully not doing any old thing.

Also your mentor post lastly is not true. Dolphins kill themselfs. True fact. :eusa_danc

15-03-2005, 05:53 PM
That is a horrible thing to say! Animals are not dumb. We are intelegent. I personally dont normally agree with animal testing but only if they are certain of what they are doing and actully not doing any old thing.

Also your mentor post lastly is not true. Dolphins kill themselfs. True fact. :eusa_danc
whered you get that from, ive just checked a few serches all of them giving results that they cant, and im unable to find anywhere where it says they do have the persption of the future and therefor this copasity :/

15-03-2005, 05:55 PM
whered you get that from, ive just checked a few serches all of them giving results that they cant, and im unable to find anywhere where it says they do have the persption of the future and therefor this copasity :/
It was on one of the nature programs. On The Natural Channel! :) Trust me its true. :)

15-03-2005, 05:58 PM
It was on one of the nature programs. On The Natural Channel! :) Trust me its true. :)
nature programs tend to make alot of assumptions that arnt true, i woulnt take most of them at face value. i dopubt its a real fact i bet they just over heared a sinle exspernt, considering it, and added it in, as a i know the majority of authritys on the subject would be likly to agree, and its not a well known or proven fact.

15-03-2005, 06:03 PM
Well heres were I copyed and pasted the infomation into why dolphins kill them selfs

The dolphin story is fascinating, if unproved. A group of researchers from Leicester General Hospital in England is launching a study to look at the therapeutic effect of interactions with dolphins on mild depression.

They basically wash themselfs up shore caused by deppresion.

15-03-2005, 06:06 PM
Nature channels and shows are good at lying.

I only watch them for information that I want to back up knowledge already, like cats having scent mark thingies infront of their ears, thats why they rub their heads against you. Stuff like that, but why would a Nature Channel give a lecture randomly on a Dolphin killing itself? Even saying that is a bit werid!

15-03-2005, 06:07 PM
Well heres were I copyed and pasted the infomation into why dolphins kill them selfs

The dolphin story is fascinating, if unproved. A group of researchers from Leicester General Hospital in England is launching a study to look at the therapeutic effect of interactions with dolphins on mild depression.

They basically wash themselfs up shore caused by deppresion.

intereting, never heared about that before. :/
But then agiost its drug induced depression, which dosnt mean they can craet the own deprion form the own persptions, just thet drugs can stimute brain parts to make them suisdal.

16-03-2005, 05:17 PM
Hold on there are no drugs used? It doesnt say that. Basically this is one of the few reasons why quite a lot of dolphins are turning suicidal.

01-04-2005, 12:43 PM
Well....Most Rats Are Being Given Cancer And Then "Cures" Being Put into them That Dont Work And Kill Em.

01-04-2005, 01:00 PM
Well I don't agree with it, but it's not the sort of thing I would go out of my way to stop. I don't really know that much about it and I think it is cruel some of the stuff I've heard about it, but as I said I'm not like an animal rights protestor or anything, and wouldnt really want to be.

01-04-2005, 01:02 PM
I Think It W.R.O.NG

01-04-2005, 04:31 PM
I don't see any problem with testing stuff on animals, as long as they are fairly certain it will work.

01-04-2005, 04:40 PM
Well....Most Rats Are Being Given Cancer And Then "Cures" Being Put into them That Dont Work And Kill Em.
would you rather they did this to humans?

02-04-2005, 07:11 AM
Sure, animals don't know what's going on - but they're still living things. Depending on what type of animal it is... rats are abundant. Not monkeys.
Would you kill a animal - like a cat, for example - if instructed? I know this stops diseases, etc. but it's still sort of cruel, you know what I mean?

02-04-2005, 11:21 AM
Sure, animals don't know what's going on - but they're still living things. Depending on what type of animal it is... rats are abundant. Not monkeys.
Would you kill a animal - like a cat, for example - if instructed? I know this stops diseases, etc. but it's still sort of cruel, you know what I mean?
Killing somthing for no reason is wrong, but if its to cure canser aka save millions of people, then yes without hesitation

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