View Full Version : Email my room for the Habboween section

27-10-2006, 10:55 PM
Please can you send in an email for my new room!
It would mean so much for me to win this iv been on habbohotel since 2001 and not won oen competition! and im counting on you lot to help me win this one!

Use the email adress used on this link:
http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/entertainment/habboween/competitions.htmlAnd send this in to it if you want to vote:
Email Subject Line: Habboween Room
Room owner: !-.Cutie.-!
Room name: Crypt of the PumpkinKing&&Queen

If I win the selection of habboween furni I get I will give away to those who have sent the email in.

And so you don't have to go look yourselves! heres a piccy!

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