View Full Version : New Help Desk / Website & Forum

14-03-2005, 03:23 PM
Hi, it's me Jaskia :)

We've just opened our new Help Desk on Habbo UK :)

And at the moment we're looking for all sorts out staff, such as :

Forum Staff :

- News Reporters :o
- Room Reviewers :o
- Writers :o
- Competitions Staff :o
- Hobba Spotters :o

Staff have their own forums like +Writers Only+ that only Writers can see when they log in :)

There's many many more.
If you would like to apply for a Job on our forum go on :

www.rhdeskforum.tk and Register
(Habbo name = User name)

And then look for '+Jobs On The Forum+'

We're also in need of :

Help Desk Staff

If wishing to apply go on :

www.rhdeskforum.tk and Register.
(Habbo name = User name)

And find '+Help Desk Applications+'

If you want to find us on Habbo UK, search Jaskia. :D

We've just re-decorated ready for Easter :D

15-03-2005, 05:02 PM
I'll be happy to host a phbb one that don't have adverts. PM me if you want a free phbb board =PCan I have a job as a Competitions Staff please? Manager please or just staff.

Name on forum: Gallerys. (with dot)

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