View Full Version : Super Volcano? / Ice Caps? *What A Load Of Twoddle*

14-03-2005, 10:38 PM
Yes, while watching an Advert i heard this quote from a OAP :

"What A Load Of Twoddle!"

This was to do with the Advert about Global Warming melting the Ice Caps making the Sea Level rise, causing us to be flooded in many areas of the world.
I've seen that most people aren't that bothered by it.

But have any of you also heard about the Super Volcano as well?
It apparantly erupts every 'so many' years, and we're apparantly in the time zone of it's eruption.
If this does erupt it will cause a murky dust that will cover most of the Earth.

Ok, now think about this :

Due to Global Warming, already an Ice Block the size of Jamaica has fallen off Anatartica and melted into the sea, causing the Sea Levels to rise. But now they're saying that one the size of Spain is threatened to split off anytime throughout this year.
It is also predicted that if we carry on with Pollution as such, half of the UK will be underwater by 2050. (Including London) It's not just the UK that will be affected, the whole world will be.

Now Imagine this :

If the Volcano Erupts round about 2050, when we're in the mess of what i've written above. Which will cause a massive dust to cover most of the Earth. This Murky Dust will cover out the Sunlight (so they say) and make the temperature on Earth much Colder than usual.

Now put them together :

No Sunlight, Very Cold, Flooded Areas, Freezing =


Yes Boys and Girls, if we carry on in our ways we could have an Ice Age between 2050 and 2060. (Predictions)
Frozen on our own Planet, for many years. 1000's perhaps.

It's very scary to think like this, but i guess it's better to be warned 50 Years earlier so that we can have some time to prevent this from happening.
But of course it will also cause Panic and make people turn into utter Psycho's.

14-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Interesting post - I would give you rep but it says I have to 'spread it out' before giving it to you again :p

15-03-2005, 12:55 AM
Yep. The most dangerous one is right in the middle of yellowstone national park(US) I hope the hotel survives :o Lol

15-03-2005, 02:06 PM
I completely agree, we have ruined this earth, volcanoes come naturally, but if we weren't polluting so much, we wouldn't have to worry about the ice caps melting, heres a thread i started in the Discuss Anything Outside Habbo(x), it is called, Look what we have done, here is a quote of it.

I'm just going to see how many people can argue back with this thread...

Look what we have done to the world, the more we get, the more we want, the more new products that come out, the more we buy...

Here are some things that are going on in the world that HUMANS have done:
1.War - Yes, even although you may not be involved in a war, you still dislike some people, and wether it is physical contact or not, you are still causing arguements.

2.Cruelty - I know you must be bored of me saying this, but it if it wasn't for animals we wouldn't be here, but no, some people are so ungrateful, and kill animals for pleasure, animals ruled the earth at one point, and we have to respect that...

3.Pollution - I bet you atleast 75% of you have atleast 2 cars, there is nearly double the ammount of cars in america than there is people. Pollution ruins the o-zone layer, thats why britain has had such weird weather recently, actually, a few weeks ago it was snowing, AND there was lightning, that's abnormal for the weather to react like that.

4.Oil - Well, this is what nearly everything i have mentioned is caused by, the wanting of oil, some countrys like the US and the UK are so greedy, they just want more oil, so they decide to make up a whole excuse about helping other countries like Iraq from poverty, but all they are wanting is the oil. And because of all of our greedyness, the earth has only 40 years until we run out of Oil.

5.Money - Well, this is the cause of EVERYTHING in this planet, MONEY! Big companys don't care about what kind of effects there products or there actions will have in the future, they do it so they can become rich, and live healthy and wealthy. If everyone wasn't so greedy, no countries would be in poverty, as large companys and rich countries would help them. But no, we decide to sit back, and watch the earth fall to peices while we eat our caviar.

6.The products - Okay, so we all want a big house, with a large screen tv, and loads of cars, and our own personal areoplane, but, if everyone was to have this dream, what would the world be like? I'm quite surprised the earth has survived with all of the substances that have been taken out of it. Like gold, silver, copper, iron, tin. All of these things are in the ground we walk on for a reason, but again, greedyness takes over, and so we all need our big diamond and gold rings, and our gold genuine watches. Then there is things that don't rot away, not cfc friendly, so these things will still be on this earth for millions of years to come (if the earth even survives for that long).
Then there is the cars, think about the fumes that come off of them, the more lazy people get, the less people walk, or cycle, walking is the most natural thing to man, but soon, there will be no such thing as walking, as everyone will be driving in there new cars.

Humans have ruined this earth, We think we are so smart, and that we are the boss, WELL, if i was in work right now, and i was causing so much destruction and i was the boss, I WOULD BE FIRED! These things may not matter much to us just now, but if you get a warning in a few years time telling us that the world only has 20 years to survive, what will you do?
And if none of these warnings come out while we are alive, we are leaving it to the next generation, i don't see how it is so hard to save a little energy, to be friendly, and to keep our greedyness to a very low minimum is so hard to do!


15-03-2005, 02:58 PM
I indeed agree, very long, but very good.

15-03-2005, 04:57 PM
"The World Is Dying, and it needs some mouth to mouth resasitation"

Yes, i told this to my best friend, and she knew as well, and said this. Keep in mind that she comes from a Hippie Nature.

Yes the world is dying, and we will eventually die, whether it's an earthquake, volcano, or eruption etc.
I bet someone's going to make something and set it off into the world.

Besides there's always 'Pandora's Box'.
The world is full of oppisites, and we have to bring them all into balance.
Lil' Poem for balances :

Earth, Sky.
Day, Night.
Sound and Silence.
Dark & Light.

One alone is not enough, we need both together.

Winter Summer, Moon and Sun :)


Besides i also bet that someone's going to create something and let it loose for someone's use, then K'ABOOM we all 'fall down'.

17-03-2005, 06:38 PM
could you imagine if that happend :o lol

18-03-2005, 10:34 AM
Yeh i no, i mean we're killing the Earth anyway.
And i bet most of us knew something like this would come.
That we'd all die.

But i dont wanna die before the 20th March (Sunday)
Cause i wanna turn '15'. :D

19-03-2005, 11:47 AM
Thread Stuck until 26th March :)

24-03-2005, 11:16 PM
Nice one, the heat also stops the caribean winds that keeps us warm. That stops, we freeze. We have about ten years before it goes into ireversible mode.

26-03-2005, 01:05 AM
Ok Im Scared

Its True Thatll Happen Proboly
And The Volcanos Are Big Threats
Its Not For 50+ Years So Live A Little >:D

I Guess To Stop The Pollution We Will Have To
1.Kill All Cows Or Stop Them From Farting
2.Stop Deodrants
3.Use Bikes And Scooters
Itll Take Years For Us To Do All That
And That Volcano Is predicted To Erupt From Last Week To 10,000 Years From Now Lol

26-03-2005, 06:44 AM
Oooh i saw a film made about that it was called Supervolcano (funnily enuff!) on BBC 1, it was very interesting and it showed you in extreme detail how a supervolcano worked and how it effected our planet. It was basically scary, it showed you that the magma chamber of a supervolcano is extremely (like hundreds times) bigger than that of St Helens. It also had a documentary on BBC 2 about the next predicted super eruption at yellow stones park, it was only whilst watching this i actually realised that the next eruption is overdue and could happen at any time.
It was an interesting film and documentary except now i keep having dreams where a supervolcano erupts right outside my house- not a very nice dream!
Even though its apparently overdue i hope a super eruption doesnt happen for a long time, and if it does happen then i hope we are prepared for it. Even though if such thing were to happen we'd probably have no chance of survival as you can see with the ice age era repeating itself we'd more than likely freeze. Still better than getting caught in a pyroclastic flow where you would burn to death and choke on cement like ash that suffocates you.
hmmmm, i get even more scared just thinking about it.

Nice topic though, im very interested in volcanoes and there actions.

*Gives Rep*




26-03-2005, 10:41 AM
I feel some of the posts here are a bit one sided.. but anyway, its a real thing and quite worrying. btw hu eva sed about cows farting, lol, methane doesnt really speed up global warming, compare this to factories, houses and cars.

26-03-2005, 12:49 PM
I feel some of the posts here are a bit one sided.. but anyway, its a real thing and quite worrying. btw hu eva sed about cows farting, lol, methane doesnt really speed up global warming, compare this to factories, houses and cars.

No Idea Just Like Farting Cows Lol >:D

30-03-2005, 01:11 PM
interesting post, 10/10

30-03-2005, 02:07 PM
Global warming can be stopped, but to do it we would have to pretty much stop all CO2 emissions NOW, and let all the rainforests that have been cut down grow back to get rid of the exess CO2 in the atmosphere. However, it's not looking good at the moment, because the governments of countries all over the world have done nothing to stop it. They have managed to cut down emissions of sulphur dioxide, and other poisonous chemicals, but unless they cut down CO2 completely, in a hundred years, the world will be unrecognisable.

As for supervolcanoes, yes, it is a matter of when it will erupt, and not if it will erupt. Yellowstone is not the only site of a possible super volcano, and when one does erupt, i'm certain humans will be able to survive. When it erupts, there will be a volcanic winter, as the temperatures on earth will drop by a few degrees. This won't last anywhere near as long as the last ice age, and even if the temperatures drop as low as it, humans have survived 1 ice age, so i'm sure they can survive a volcanic winter.

30-03-2005, 02:24 PM
:o Scary!
Although i think in time we will find other means of energy before the worst comes.

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