View Full Version : Need a PHP script.

30-10-2006, 10:41 PM
I need a script that can delete all files on a drive on a server.

So it would delete all files on the drive the script is on.I will offer a small PayPal reward for the script.No questions, just the script please.

Please hurry, this sript urgent.Don't ask why, or what the reward is.Please reply here that you have the script and PM me your PayPal address, and the script obviously.After i have the script and i have tested it, i will send the PayPal money through.Thats the way it goes, no questions about the scripts intensions.If you do supply the script i may use you in the future, aslong as theres no questions, just scripts and things were both happy.

- James

bomb-head (forum moderator) - Moved to 'Coding', please post in correct forum.

31-10-2006, 07:29 AM
i do not think this is possible. All the files would need CHMOD of 777 wich is unsecure and you cant delete the whole contents of the drive. That would mean half the OS aswell!

31-10-2006, 10:11 AM
Do you mean your hosting, or your own computer?

31-10-2006, 05:38 PM
Its just somthing i need, it needs to format the drive if you will.

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