View Full Version : Halloween Story Competition

31-10-2006, 08:20 PM
Yeah, I was one of the winners.. So I thought I'd post it for you lot to have a read:

October the 20th, 2006, and the Habboween celebrations were ready to kick of again. But what the staff, sitting up in there office listening to Ukchaseral sing, didnt realise that this year one particular character would be making a come back, and this time he was serious.
'In the jungle the mighty jungle...' Ukchaseral sang.
'Oh will he ever shutup?' Heidster proclaimed.
'Doubt it.' Lost_witness replied.
'The lions sleeep tonigghttttt'
'I know! lets watch free willy instead. yeah?' 0rca interuppted.
'No way, I want to sing!'
'But your terrible, free willy, free willy!'
'I'm going down to the Dirty Duck Pub to ask dave to put the Habboween name up.' Lost_witness whispered to Heidster.
'Ok, see you later.'
Lost_witness left the office and proceeded down the stairs. Habboween was the hotel managers favourite holiday, the spooks, the thrills, and the trick or treating, he loved it. As he wandered through the hallways he noticed the usual Habboween ghosts emerging from there pictures like they did every year. It was a cold evening, he could see the frost on the ground as he walked through the Habbo Gardens. He arrived at the dirty duck pub, and to his suprise, Dave had already put the new sign up. "The Dead Duck Pub".
However the pub was deserted, and a trail of blood stained the floor. Lost_witness panicked, so he ran up to the bar to see if everything was alright. 'Sadie.. are you ok? Whats going on?'. Sadie was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, Dave was no where to be seen.
'They.. they took him..'
'Who? Who took him?'
'The.. the aliens from the crash.. last year.. there back'. At which point she fell unconcious.
'Sadie.. Sadie? Oh no.. I have to warn the others!'
He ran as fast as he could out of the pub, nearly slipping over in the blood which seemed never ending. Through the Habbo Gardens, into the hallway.. he froze. Staring him in the face, was hundreds, maybe thousands.. of Daves. 'Whats going on?' He exclaimed.
'We taking our rightful place in hotel, you think you stop us with Habboween, you wrong.' One Dave replied.
'But why?'
'Dave.. dave.. dave..'. They started heading towards him.
He turned round and darted into the Oasis, there was a back door leading to the Staff elevator. Safely he pressed floor 108 and the door closed. Leaving the lift he went straight into the office. 'Everyone.. there back' He said, out of breath.
'What?' Colmc asked.
'The Daves! There has been another contamination.. there are thousands of them.. heading this way!'
'How can that be? I made sure my X's kept guard of the ali...' Redtiz broke off.
'Kept hold of the wat? Redtiz, what aren't you telling us?'
At that point the office door burst open, and daves started to come in.'
'Everyone, we have to get out of here!' Lost_witness shouted.
'But how?' Heidster replied.
'There is a trap door in the floor over there, it leads to my room.'
"SMASH". Helkats beloved tea mug shattered onto the floor. 'Oh no you didn't!' She shouted.
'Come on Helkat, theres not much time.'
'YOU DAMN DIRTY DAVES. YOU BROKE MY MUG AND NOW YOU PAY.' Helkat pulled out two pots of boiling hot tea from under her coat. 'TAKE THIS!' She threw them both at the Daves. 'Quick, there gonna blow!'
Everyone was safely in the tunnel through the trap door. "BOOOM'. There was an explosion in the office, the sound of injured Daves and hot tea filled the air.
After safely navigating through the tunnel, the staff members came into Lost_witness's room. 'Ok, we need to think of a way to stop them.' Lost_witness said. 'Redtiz, you know something dont you? You MUST tell, before its too late!'
'Ok ok.. after the crash last year a group of aliens has been held captive in the hotel. The Hobbas just could'nt manage to withhold them, So I had to think of a new.. Improved team.. then it came to me.. Habbo X's. On the first of January I sent in my X's to guard the aliens, in the Habbotics centre. It turns out the letter X paralyzes the aliens so they can't move. They have been fine until last night..'
'What happened last night?' Lost_witness asked.
'Ok! I Admit it! I ate all of the sweets that we were meant to be giving the Habbos on Habboween.. I did it ok?!' Smash shouted. The rest of the Staff ignored this.
'Anyway, last night one of the X's.. Amzish, turned off her badge before she left the Habbotics Centre. The Aliens seized this chance and broke free! I was going to tell you. BUT there is a way to stop them! In the Habbotics centre there is a button, when pressed it release's a deadly gas. If we can evacuate all Habbo's in time, we can press the button and it should stop the Daves!'
'Ok, so we just need to get there..' Lost_witness pondered. The room started shaking and the sound of moaning Daves grew. 'Quick, in this teleporter!'
All the staff got into the teleporter, and after the usual flashing and feeling of numbness they arrived In Helkat's room. It was a large room, full of samovar's and gold pillows. In the middle was each and every Habbo X, just sitting there drinking tea. 'Whats going on here?' Redtiz shouted.
'My tea! Leave it alone.. Back I tell you back!' Helkat screamed.
'We knew you were coming.' MissAlice the Habbo X said.
'How?' Redtiz replied.
'Because we are the X's... and we know all.'
'Right theres no time to explain, the Daves are on there way and..'
'We know, we know.'
'Just grab the Samovars and be ready.' By which time the X's had already gotten hold of all the Samovars.
'MY TEA! NOOOO!' Helkat cried.
The Daves started pouring in, like a giant army of old, non-alcoholic beer smelling men. The X's stood back, ready to take there command.
'Ok Lost_witness, you need to go through that teleporter to the left then go straight through to behind the curtain in the Theatredrome, behind there is a Laptop which will warn all Habbo's away, then you need to follow the back stairs down into the Habbotics Centre.' Redtiz instructed.
'Aren't you coming?'
'My place is here with the X's.. now X's! ATTACK!'
The X's charged towards the Daves firing tea and flashing on and off there badges. It was a grave site. The staff members dragged Helkat kicking and screaming for her tea through the teleporter. They then arrived in the balcony of the theatredrome, scaring two new Habbo's off down the stairs screaming: 'Its The teleporter of dooom!'
The staff proceded down the stairs at which point a Witch flew round on her broom stick grabbing Glitterkat. 'Ahahahahahahahah!' the Witch cackled flying off with Glitterkat.
'Oh no!' Disarno proclaimed.
'Oh we'll let the Habbo's find her next week.. not like she'll be turned into a real cat or anything.' Colmc said.
The staff ran up onto the stage and got to the curtain when the door of the Theatredrome was knocked down.
'There here!' Heidster shouted.
"BANG". Through the ceiling, came a large group of what looked like, ninja Bunnies! They pulled out there carrots and started fighting the Daves. 'Who? what? How?' Orca asked.
'Dionysus.' Lost_witness muttered, smiling.
The staff proceeded behind the curtain listening to the fight of the Habbo X's and the ninja Bunnies against the Daves. 'Ok, Lost_witness, you send out the warning to everyone whilst we head down to the Habbotics Centre.' Heidster said.
'Good Luck!' He replied.
Each and every Habbo got out safely, and the Dave's were destroyed. Sadie managed to make a full recovery after Helkat gave her tea every two minutes, insisting 'If it can stop those Daves, It can cure you.' The Habbo Staff returned to there office and pretended like nothing had happened. The hotel went on, celebrating the next week, entering competitions, getting Tricked or treated by Colmc. However, that Friday night when Lost_witness was locking up for the night a pair of gleaming red eyes appeared in the darkness. Nobody heard him scream.

Closed by Foxmoth (Forum Moderator) Not news, will be on the habbo homepage tomorrow.

31-10-2006, 08:37 PM
The stories go up tomorrow anyway

31-10-2006, 08:39 PM
From the Habboween Competitions page itself:
"The story must be about Habbo, and should be no longer than 1000 words long."

This story is 1372 words long. This is rubbish for the people who made their stories shorter, and therefore not as good as they could have been.

31-10-2006, 08:40 PM
It probably only won because the staff couldnt be bothered to read the stories so chose random ones.

31-10-2006, 08:41 PM
Oh, thank you.

31-10-2006, 08:42 PM
Im not saying that its bad lol, I havent even read it as I am sure the staff didnt.

Well done on winning nevertheless.

31-10-2006, 08:48 PM
Well, I'm pretty sure someone has read it through to make it win.

31-10-2006, 08:53 PM
Well, I'm pretty sure someone has read it through to make it win.The story is good. I wasn't moaning at you when I said that your story is over 1000 words. I was moaning at Habbo for saying that everyone's story should be less than that, yet they went ahead and selected piece(s) with more than 1000 words anyway. I had to cut a lot of my story out to get it below 1000 words, and it was a waste of time now

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