View Full Version : Lol? -.-

04-11-2006, 11:30 PM
Well, theres this girl i've liked for a while, and then this other girl, who ive never really looked at in that way.. lets call her girl two ;]. Well, girl two, a while ago, invites me to her house, and starts flirting with me, and after a short while we were kissing on her bed, and so im like 'ok..' and then the next day, the first girl stops talking to me, and seems all moody, so i ask her whats wrong, and she just says it doesnt matter, and for the next month or so she just avoids me. And meanwhile, whilst shes avoiding me, girl number two invites me to her house three or four times, and we go into town and stuff, and spend a lot of time making out. And, the first problem is girl number two has a boyfriend, so by now im feeling pretty down. And after a while, she tells him whats been going on, but he doesnt blame her or me, just seems to forget it. And while i was all upset having to watch girl number two and her boyfriend being all couply, and pretending nothings going on, i dont have that problem any more. But then, the first girl starts talking to me again and basically says she doesnt know what happened, and that she just got really upset because she heard i kissed the second girl, and that she had liked me all along, so i told her i liked her too, and we start flirting and stuff. And then the second girl tells me that she likes me.. because before she was using me to get over her boyfriend, but now she DOES like me, and she doesnt want to watch me with the first girl. So basically shes in my place, except her and her boyfriend are now me and the first girl. And then today me and the first girl kissed, and the second girl is all upset now, and making me choooose. Which i think is unfair, because she was using me to begin with, but she a close friend too.. but i like the first girl more, and im nto exactly sure how to tell the second girl.

sorry if the first girl second girl thing confuses youu.. and sorry for teh long post ;].

anyway.. Thoughts on ways of telling her people?

04-11-2006, 11:42 PM

08-11-2006, 11:00 PM
Do what you feel you should do. I'd say girl one [love the name :P] would be a nice option to go with, she sounds nice, she lies you, girl two said she used you. not good. not good at all

Go who you want to go with, do what you like. You can either go out with one and upset the other, or just dont go out with anyone at all. Your choice, and by the sounds of it, it should be made fast :)


21-11-2006, 06:49 PM
Just tell 'girl two' - You like her and all but it was unfair how she used you, you don't think it's right and that you feel you can't trust her?

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