View Full Version : How To Win, A Duelers Guide

05-11-2006, 04:17 PM
What is this Guide?

RuneScape is a spend money to make money enviorment. But not dueling, you can enter the arena with as little as 1gp and earn your way up. This guide will tell you how to earn your way up, how to earn the success and be respected as a dueler.

What/Where is the Duel Arena?

http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1782/duelarenahw4.png (http://imageshack.us)

The duel arena is set in Al Kharid, North East of the main bank. The duel arena consists of 6 platforms, each holding a different style of combat as shown above.

The duel arena is the only place in the whole of RuneScape where two people can set pre-determined rules and bet on their odds of winning. Because of this, dueling can be a huge money makers for RuneScape players as in they dont need to spend anything to make real money.

Choose Your Options

First off, you need to know how to start a duel! This is simple, find an opponent and right click them.

http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/3126/challengekh9.png (http://imageshack.us)

This time an extra option will appear, 'Challenge'. Click this to challenge your opponent, if they accept it will redirect you to this screen.

http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/7567/setoptionsto0.png (http://imageshack.us)

This is the dueling interface, looks hectic doesnt it? Well, I'm going to explain each one of the buttons to you so get an advantage over players.

Blue Box: This is the information of your opponent, it shows their name, and their combat. Very useful when looking to search up their name.

Green Box: This box shows what items you are going to bet, to do this, simple click an item from your inventory and it will appear in the box. You may remove items by clicking them when they are in the stake option box. Like trading, you are able to stake 28 items, but be warned. If you accept a duel, and lose you will NOT get your items back.

Red Box: This is what your opponent is staking. It is best to make sure that they are staking the amount you agreed on.

Yellow Box: The yellow box shows what items will be worn in the duel. When an item is turned off (unusable) in a duel it will have a circle with a red line through it over that item. If available it will show the item.

For example, in the picture above the only items they will be able to wear is a Cape, Amulet and Weapon.

Orange Box's: These box's are quite important. They determine the most important parts of a duel. Here is a list of the options and what they do.

* No Range: When ticked disables use of ranged attacks

* No Melee: When ticked disables use of melee attacks

* No Magic: When ticked disables use of magic attacks

* No Sp. Atk: When ticked disables use of special attacks.

* Fun Weapons: Fun weapons only. These include Rubber Chicken, Flowers etc.

* No Forfeit: When ticked disables option to forfeit

* No Drinks: When ticked disables use potions/beers

* No Food: When ticked disables use of food or any form of health regeneration (does not include guthans)

* No Prayer: When ticked disables use of prayers

* No Movement: When ticked disables movement

* Obstacles: Players fight in an obstacle based arena.

Silver Box: To accept or decline to given options

Once you have accepted you will be brought to a second screen, much like when trading. This screen outlines the rules and what is being staked so you are 100% sure that the stake is legit.

Inside The Arena:

http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/8722/opponentru7.png (http://imageshack.us)

Inside the arena there normally is quite alot of people, but dont worry they cant attack you. Only one person can and that is your opponent. When in a duel with somebody an arrow will be placed above their head for easy sight, this also appears on the minimap.

After the Duel:

http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3526/victoriouszm4.png (http://imageshack.us)

You will tend to grow very fond of the screen above. It is the screen that appears when you win a duel. It's quite simple, the Red box shows what you won. The blue shows your opponent, and their combat.

If you lose on the other hand, no screen appears and you spawn outside the duel arena, empty pockets.


It just wouldnt be RuneScape if there wernt any scammers now would it? Heres a list of the most common scams and how to avoid them!

Rule Switch: This is alot like the trading scam. Your about to accept, and WHAM! They take an item out. This can also apply for dueling, most people will manipulate items or change rules to suit themselves to give them an unfair advantage. Be aware, check the second screen and do not fall for this fools scam.

The most common types of switching are for:

* Food
* Prayer
* Melee, Range, Mage Orientations
* Armour, Weapon Orientations
* The item staked

X'ing: This is bug abuse, if anyone tricks you with this, report them straight away. X'ing out is used to leave the duel arena in the middle of a duel so they dont lose any items. People usually use this when they are loosing to prevent huge item lose.

When somebody does X-Log this screen will appear.

http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/3315/timeoutmv6.png (http://imageshack.us)

Usually it takes the normal logout time to succesfully x out. So about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Therefore, if you duel with weapons, magic etc they will not have enough time to successfully X. So retrain from no armour no weapon duels.

Lets Get Staking:

Your almost there, you just need to determine which style of dueling is suited best for you. This does not mean your favourite type of dueling, but your strongest charateristics of your character. Note, that people will create characters designed completely for dueling.

In other words, never underestimate anyone. No matter their level, if people put effort into their stats they can beat people even double their level. I must express that you always use the High-Scores to look at an opponents stats.

How to Win?

Heres the fun part. I've been dueling for a long time, and ive won hundreds of mills in the process. People always want to know my secret. My stats arent that great, and I always play fair... so how do I win?

I go by 1 rule. Never duel someone who can beat you. Don't know what I mean by this? I'll eloborate then.

Some people in the duel arena say that its all just pot luck, anyone can beat anyone. Part of this is true, a level 60 can beat a level 126, nobody said it was impossible, but its just EXTREMELY unlikely, and when dueling... you dont want to be placed in that sort of situation!

Play to your stats, never duel anyone who has better stats than you and you will win more than lose. Your probably thinking, who at a lower level would duel me at a higher level? Heaps of people do it, with plenty of reasons.

The main reasons is that they are new to the arena and dont 100% understand the circumstance. Another is that they have recently lost alot of cash and they are overly aggressive and careless with the rest of their money. When this happens, take full advantage.

If you duel people weaker than you, you will win, you will have better odds and you will be making money and not losing it.


Melee is the most common type of staking in the arena. Though its barely simple there are thousands of combinations of each duel. I'll be talking about the main ones.

Whipping: Whipping is simple. Whip on, everything else off. For this you will be needing a good attack and strength level.

I recommened 70 attack and 85+ Strength.

DDS/Whip: The same as whipping but includes Special Attacks. Use a Dragon Dagger Special for any chance of winning if special is on, once your special bar is drained, flick on your whip and hope for high numbers.

I recommend 70 attack and 85+ Strength.

Boxing: Boxing is simple hand to hand combat, no armour, no weapons... nothing. This is unlike weapon fighting as in the max you can hit without a weapon is 11, at 97 strength. So raise your attack and defence.

I recommend 85+ attack, 80 Strength, 85+ Defence.

Note: At 80 Strength you hit 10's, the second highest amount without a weapon.


I cannot stress this enough. You will NOT win without either throwing Knives, Darts or Obsidian Rings. Yes, these are expensive but they are the fastest weapons in the game.

Rarely range duels consist of armour, so knives, darts and obby rings will penetrate their skin easier causing bigger damage. It is vital you carry these if you have any hope in beating other players.

Stats for Ranging:

Range: 80+ or higher than your opponents
Hitpoints: 75+ or higher than your opponents


Magic gets wired down to 3 types. God spells, ancients or wands.

God Spells: Do not attempt to use these unless you have 76 mage or higher. At 76 mage you are able to pot your magic up to 80 and therefor allow yourself to charge, increasing the god spell of your choice's damage from 20 to 30. You must make sure cape is on for full damage.

Ancients: Ancients can be a pain... unless you have them yourself. The main magic advantage with ancients is Blood spells, these allow you to damage you opponent and steal their health for yourself (25% of damage done is transfered to you). You do not need food on which gives a HUGE advantage.

It is quite easy to spot an ancient user. Check their high scores, if they have 53 theiving and 50 firemaking (required stats for Desert Treasure) there is a change they will be using them.

To make sure, ask them to do a normal spell seeing how you are unable to use Ancient and Normal spells at the same time.

Note: You are unable to use Ice Spells if movement is off.

Wands: Wands are quite new to the arena. Wands are the highest 1 handed magic boosting items in the game. In other words, if your maging your opponent and they have a masterwand and your unable to use staffs... your dead. Unless you have a masterwand or ancients yourself, refrain from dueling just weapons on.

Stats for Mage dueling:

Magic: 85+ Minimum
Hitpoints: 70+ or higher than your opponents

Tips, Notes:

That is the general guide, by following the simple rule of dueling people lower than you, then you will win more than you lose. Play your stats and fight to the style of combat that accomedates them.

Best of luck and happy dueling.

:Jamie(Forum Moderator) - Moved to guides :) Very nice guide

05-11-2006, 04:29 PM
Awesome guide, but didnt you leave marcos? +rep.

05-11-2006, 04:34 PM
Awesome guide, but didnt you leave marcos? +rep.

I kinda came back... Just to post animation/graphic design. I stumbled across here to see you didnt have a Dueling guide :o

So I wrote this.

05-11-2006, 04:37 PM
I kinda came back... Just to post animation/graphic design. I stumbled across here to see you didnt have a Dueling guide :o

So I wrote this.

Well stay! I cant rep you aint done enough posts :(

05-11-2006, 04:48 PM
Sweet guide.

05-11-2006, 05:01 PM
Nice guide <3

05-11-2006, 06:15 PM
nice guide lots of effert has been put in well done also ring of recoil dose help a bit :P

05-11-2006, 07:00 PM
Very detailed, I was thinking about taking up staking this has definately helped.

05-11-2006, 08:48 PM
Nice guide Mark and wb <3

12-11-2006, 03:43 PM
Amazing guide!!! :]
Its great ;o

12-11-2006, 08:06 PM
nice guide dude

14-11-2006, 01:10 AM
Markeh <3.
Great Guide dude


14-11-2006, 04:15 PM
Good guide.

I found it really helpful :)

14-11-2006, 06:41 PM
Nice guide :)

21-11-2006, 03:47 PM

21-11-2006, 04:03 PM
Wow! Great Guide! ♥

10-12-2006, 11:55 AM
Good guide, Very helpful. Shame i'm a Noob. Rofl

20-05-2007, 12:16 PM
Nice Guide M8 ;)

i didnt know about x'ing:O

24-06-2007, 10:35 PM
Thanks for the guide

It helps noob duelers out D:

06-07-2007, 05:09 PM
NIce guide.

06-07-2007, 08:28 PM
LOL. Did anyone realise that halo's post was a major bump? And so was Stevo2k5's.

08-07-2007, 11:00 PM
so was yours.

The Professor
09-07-2007, 08:52 PM
so was yours.

Yes, 3 hours between posts is an oh-so big bump :rolleyes:

14-07-2007, 12:34 AM
Rule changing isn't bannable.

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