View Full Version : PS3 Backwards Compatibility Problems

12-11-2006, 11:50 PM

Read 'em and weep.

Problems with: menus, controls, background music, games not working at all, sound problems, and more.


12-11-2006, 11:52 PM
No, Wii is a social console to play with everyone round your house, not really a serious console. I'm a pro gamer, I need a PS3!

12-11-2006, 11:56 PM
No, Wii is a social console to play with everyone round your house, not really a serious console. I'm a pro gamer, I need a PS3!
Pfft. I'm so sick of this silly "Nintendo is for kids and not serious gamers" mess. The Wii will have games coming out on the PS3 and many FPS (which I'm sure many serious gamers will find its a lot better ont he Wii) I know you're not really saying that but its about the same gist. Anyways, this thread is not primarily about that.

13-11-2006, 12:01 AM
I have a PS2 and gamecube.. Gamecube is so much better. I only use my ps2 for dancemats and dvds but im getting a wii and not wasting my money on a ps3

13-11-2006, 12:33 AM
Kjata u are not a pro gamer.....you play runescape.
nothing against runescape i used to love it myself. but lets face it, anyone who says they are a pro gamer are just fronting.
i personally think a pro gamer is someone who plays games for a living or people who shell out alot of cash(most of their cash) on gaming. my self spend quite abit of my money on games but i dont see my self as a "pro" gamer.

sorry for that off topic paragraph.
ps3 in my opinion is a waste of money [MY OPINION]
and too all the fanboys who said the 360 was just full of bugs and didnt work... look at your magical machine now, cant even get old games to work properly. good luck to the wii, which i will be buying now seeing the reports of the ps3

13-11-2006, 04:30 PM
Pfft. I'm so sick of this silly "Nintendo is for kids and not serious gamers" mess. The Wii will have games coming out on the PS3 and many FPS (which I'm sure many serious gamers will find its a lot better ont he Wii) I know you're not really saying that but its about the same gist. Anyways, this thread is not primarily about that.
I second that. Nintendo had many serious games but a high age rating doesnt make a game good.

13-11-2006, 04:48 PM
Yay! Another Fanboy Thread ;D

Wii - A new idea, will attract many people. If: Zelda and red steel pull people over then it's gonna be for the sheer amount of fun your gonna have from something that is around 3 times less than a ps3.

Xbox360 - For all those halo fans this is gonna be the console that many people want. The main point of an Xbox360 is obviously Xbox Live. This attracts many people who want to test their skills against people all over the world.

Ps3 - The world isn't really ready for blueray yet. If some random person went up to say a parent and said "Buy the ps3 because it has blue ray and it holds more than a dvd", parents reaction is going to be: Wth? And no offence but lmao at the tilt sensor. did you see westlife trying to play it on something for the weekend? Looked a bit confused to me. :rolleyes:

The winner in my eyes is the Wii for the amount of fun that its going to bring, and it is a huge change. Xbox360 coming in very close 2nd for Live and the Ps3 in last due to the amount its going to cost and the amount of people not ready for blueray.

My Opinion ;]

13-11-2006, 05:15 PM
No, Wii is a social console to play with everyone round your house, not really a serious console. I'm a pro gamer, I need a PS3!

You play games sfor a living? a proffessional? Wow! :rolleyes:

Wii is a serious console, that's why they made it. The only fact that it's not a heavy games machine is because people just don't make games for Nintendo.

13-11-2006, 05:16 PM
I dont really see why anyone would get a PS3 and play ps2 games. Most good ps2 games will be released on ps3 I think as well. I have never played ps1 games on my PS2 as thats just going back a stage :p.

13-11-2006, 05:25 PM
I dont really see why anyone would get a PS3 and play ps2 games. Most good ps2 games will be released on ps3 I think as well. I have never played ps1 games on my PS2 as thats just going back a stage :p.

The idea is that you can play your old games on it.

13-11-2006, 05:35 PM
I dont really see why anyone would get a PS3 and play ps2 games. Most good ps2 games will be released on ps3 I think as well. I have never played ps1 games on my PS2 as thats just going back a stage :p.
Dont try and cover up for the ps3 if the wii had a fault i wouldnt go nah thats rubbish

13-11-2006, 05:35 PM
;2533511']The idea is that you can play your old games on it.

But then you'd make your ps2 useless...
I mean if you wanted to buy ps2 games, your obviously gonna get a ps2 cuz theyre cheaper...

13-11-2006, 05:41 PM
But then you'd make your ps2 useless...
I mean if you wanted to buy ps2 games, your obviously gonna get a ps2 cuz theyre cheaper...
unless you want both?
One of the reasons im buying the wii to play gamecube games

13-11-2006, 09:30 PM
I dont really see why anyone would get a PS3 and play ps2 games. Most good ps2 games will be released on ps3 I think as well. I have never played ps1 games on my PS2 as thats just going back a stage :p.

Sorry, no offense, but I think that's a pretty stupid post. Of course people will want to play ps2 games. PS2 was actually a very good console dispite it's Disk Read Errors. I know that if I was getting a PS3, I would want to play PS2 games. Just my opinion.... PS2 has great games. Sequels aren't always as great as the originals.

16-11-2006, 07:16 PM
No offence or anything but ANYONE who playes games for a living like teengager not adults must be sad. Get out more

16-11-2006, 07:25 PM
No, Wii is a social console to play with everyone round your house, not really a serious console. I'm a pro gamer, I need a PS3!

The Wii isnt serious? Lol, what you been smoking. :rolleyes: If it wasn't serious it wouldn't be here.

Sorry, no offense, but I think that's a pretty stupid post. Of course people will want to play ps2 games. PS2 was actually a very good console dispite it's Disk Read Errors. I know that if I was getting a PS3, I would want to play PS2 games. Just my opinion.... PS2 has great games. Sequels aren't always as great as the originals.

The Playstation 2 had continuous problems, 3/4 (three quarters, not 3 people out of 4) of the people I know that have a PS2 have had to get a new one because it kept crashing, failed to play games, would not save games, etc. If it were a good console it wouldn't do any of that.

;2533414']people just don't make games for Nintendo.

Since when?
I guess thats why the Wii has 45 odd launch titles while to PSP had like 5. :rolleyes_

But then you'd make your ps2 useless...
I mean if you wanted to buy ps2 games, your obviously gonna get a ps2 cuz theyre cheaper...

If you wanted to buy PS2 games you can, and you will play them on your PS3. The whole point is to make the PS2 useless. Would you rather play PS3 and PS2 games on your PS3 or play PS3 games on PS3 and PS2 games on PS2? Your'd have to keep switchign between consoles if you did that, theres no point.

19-11-2006, 08:25 AM
Wii- For we are playing together. We meaning everyone can play.
The point is...everyone can. There are agmes for hardcore gamers and ones like wario ware smooth moves that are just fun!.
If you call yourself a pro gamer? get off runescape and buy zelda fgs!

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