View Full Version : TeXas Week

13-11-2006, 03:30 PM
The habbo Xs are holding some events =]

http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/help/hab...nts/texas.html (http://www.habbohotel.co.uk/help/habbo_experts/habbox_events/texas.html)

Yeee Haw!

Listen up all you spur-clinking, rope-whirling, fast-draw varmints! Brand MONDAY 27TH NOVEMBER into your tough hides and remember it good. Why? Cos that's when the Habbo X possee are ridin' in ta town with a week of events and the best ho-downs to be 'ad fer all ya cowboys n' gals out thar.

'Whoooaa - hold on to yur stetsons n' hobble yer lips there good people, that's not all! You see thars bad feelins atwixt some a these Xs n' afor ya know it they be fast-drawing in tha ole Dirty Duck. Well we don't need more for the bone orchard, so Sheriff Redtiz has told 'em that they gotta quit the ballyhoo n' sort thur differences gentlemanly like over a set of divillish games. Let's not beat the devil round the stump here, theys need yer help ta decide whoze the biggest toad in the puddle. Thar be 5 gang leaders n' they each be fixin' to recruit 10 of the finest Habbos in the West to slug it out like mad hens in a corn trough, 'till the best gang is crowned. Hear say is that thars treasures ta be won.

All you varmints need ta do is pickle ya brains on which gang you want ta pin yur spurs ta and get down ta the gang-leader's recruitment drive. Be prepared, these young bucks are lookin' fur the best n' yu'll have ta show yur the toughest gun-slinger that ever did chew a grit.'


Which team do you want to be in?

13-11-2006, 03:34 PM
hmm.. sounds alright but i dont like the way Xs are being treated like staff with the blogs and events.. its unfair on the other habbos...

13-11-2006, 03:41 PM
I'll take part for the prizes.

But this is getting rather silly, all these X blogs and events. -.- I thought they help people. Now they have there own blogs, events e.t.c.

13-11-2006, 03:44 PM
I'll take part for the prizes.

But this is getting rather silly, all these X blogs and events. -.- I thought they help people. Now they have there own blogs, events e.t.c.
yeah.. i dont think they should get all this special treatment just because they have a badge and help people out... its unfair on everyone else..
people are helping people out all the time but they dont need a badge, blogs or special events do they....

13-11-2006, 04:04 PM
Like the idea of more X events but I'm not into these quests that involve teams and making "bases" etc. Good luck to anyone who enters though. ;)

Off topic:

If Xs "just help people out", maybe you should give up all your spare time answering questions like, "How do you get credits?" or "What is that badge for?". Personally, I admire anyone who can put up with that day in day out. SO WIPE AWAY THE TEARS AND QUIT BEING JEALOUS. :eusa_shhh

13-11-2006, 04:07 PM
http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/2927/events1yo1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Your more than welcome to send in your events lol.

These event's and blogs are done for a reason they are not just randomly done, they have meaning like holding tips and hints in the blogs.

The events will be related to safety or something i am guessing.

I dont see the problem

13-11-2006, 04:14 PM
It's not special treatment at all; and I can't believe people are kicking up a stink.

It's obvious that they're going to hold events, hosted and planned by Habbo X's - it helps to promote the scheme, keeps them in contact with Habbos, make them more approachable, etc. It keeps them in the forefront, for obvious reasons.

It's just a bit of fun, lighten up. Considering people here are always complaining about how boring Habbo is, I'm surprised to see people complain when an event is organised.

13-11-2006, 04:18 PM
hmm.. sounds alright but i dont like the way Xs are being treated like staff with the blogs and events.. its unfair on the other habbos...
Hey, it's you again! :love3:

TeXas Week is a Habbo X orientated event (hence it's been placed in the Habbo X Events section). Habbo X's do help new Habbos and show them around - but part of that is showing them what they can do, and the fun they can have on the Hotel. I *think* the majority of Hotels with X's on them have got them to run some events to do just this. :) (Aside from Safety X's - which pass on safety information in a fun way.) Were there any complaints during XFest, or any of the other events run by the Habbo and Safety X's?

You can talk about blogs in the other thread. (http://habboxforum.com/showthread.php?t=261229) ;)

I am also a little puzzled that there are complaints when there are no events, but complaints when there are (like this). :( Organised events encourage user participation, shows them the fun they can have, provides MORE events, and Kotu said the rest.

And I'll finish on this note. ;)

It's not special treatment at all; and I can't believe people are kicking up a stink.

It's obvious that they're going to hold events, hosted and planned by Habbo X's - it helps to promote the scheme, keeps them in contact with Habbos, make them more approachable, etc. It keeps them in the forefront, for obvious reasons.

It's just a bit of fun, lighten up. Considering people here are always complaining about how boring Habbo is, I'm surprised to see people complain when an event is organised.

Edit: And to anyone who doesn't necessarily like "gangs"... ;)

Don't worry if you don't get in a gang, because there's a bail of rootin' tootin' games and events during TeXas Week for everyone to join in with!

13-11-2006, 04:27 PM
Well I see it as just the X's wanting to be more popular on the hotel as they don't even need all this special attention as they are supposed to be there to help people.

13-11-2006, 04:29 PM
So, what was it when Hobba's held events?

Afterall, they were just a team of volunteers fulfilling a pupose as well.

13-11-2006, 04:30 PM
The Hobbas held events as they were leaving and I dont actually believe this thread is for discussing Hobba Events?

13-11-2006, 04:33 PM
The Hobbas held events as they were leaving and I dont actually believe this thread is for discussing Hobba Events?

There were plenty of other times too while they were around, not just the ones in December.

And, no, it's not - but I was posing a question.

13-11-2006, 04:46 PM
Good luck to anyone who enters, I won't be. I'm tired of the X program on UK. They have too many events, no other Hotels do that much with the Xs. Only USA and CA, and then, it is like one event.

And I love the stereotype they have in place, that makes Habbo a real nice place to visit for people who are actually from Texas :l

13-11-2006, 05:29 PM
What, i cant believe you actually moaned about it been called teXas week lol dude its just the name its not aimed at people from texas LOL.

Doing these events are fun for habbo and fun for the X's, something extra to do aswell as Xing constantly.

The Hobbas held events as they were leaving and I dont actually believe this thread is for discussing Hobba Events?

was the thread created to complain about X's?
nope it wa created to talk about a event run by eXperts.

13-11-2006, 06:07 PM
What, i cant believe you actually moaned about it been called teXas week lol dude its just the name its not aimed at people from texas LOL.

Doing these events are fun for habbo and fun for the X's, something extra to do aswell as Xing constantly.

The Hobbas held events as they were leaving and I dont actually believe this thread is for discussing Hobba Events?

was the thread created to complain about X's?
nope it wa created to talk about a event run by eXperts.

I don't think he's moaning about the title, I think it's about how they wrote it and I think he's saying there sterotyping. but I'm against what he said, because there not going to write english if it's Texas week.

13-11-2006, 06:07 PM
Changing sides now.. kind of, i know its not the X's fault that they have to do events, it is just to raise the awareness of that Habbo/Safety X's are there.. HOWEVER, it seems a bit unfair its almost the same X's who take part in the events.. No offense to them in anyway may i add. Plus, shouldnt they be helping people instead of doing fun events? If they want to do that, get a freakin events team for Habbo UK.. -.-

13-11-2006, 06:28 PM
Changing sides now.. kind of, i know its not the X's fault that they have to do events, it is just to raise the awareness of that Habbo/Safety X's are there.. HOWEVER, it seems a bit unfair its almost the same X's who take part in the events.. No offense to them in anyway may i add. Plus, shouldnt they be helping people instead of doing fun events? If they want to do that, get a freakin events team for Habbo UK.. -.-
wow finally for once i agree with you!

13-11-2006, 06:29 PM
This really is getting quite pathetic. I sent in an event to redtiz several months ago and asked about a hotel events team and she said they wouldn't do such a thing due to favouritism etc. Well what has the X scheme turned into then? :rolleyes:

13-11-2006, 06:31 PM
This really is getting quite pathetic. I sent in an event to redtiz several months ago and asked about a hotel events team and she said they wouldn't do such a thing due to favouritism etc. Well what has the X scheme turned into then? :rolleyes:
yay people that i agree with! btw i live in norwich too

13-11-2006, 06:52 PM
The X Team was never intended to be a mobalised force of Habbos (rather like Hobbas) who were tied into doing lots of tasks. It was always intended as more of a loyalty reward to those Habbos who were most involved in the hotel community. Therefore we're not looking for people to be online 24/7 in the WL helping people we're simply looking for Habbos who *already* liked to give help and advice to others and who simply continue to do that, but with a bit of staff back-up to help them realise a few of the event ideas they've probably always wanted to do and with a few nice 'freebies' chucked in

'nuff said

13-11-2006, 07:08 PM
Changing sides now.. kind of, i know its not the X's fault that they have to do events, it is just to raise the awareness of that Habbo/Safety X's are there.. HOWEVER, it seems a bit unfair its almost the same X's who take part in the events.. No offense to them in anyway may i add. Plus, shouldnt they be helping people instead of doing fun events? If they want to do that, get a freakin events team for Habbo UK.. -.-

It was a random draw.

And as I've said many times, if you don't like it, don't go to the events. Nobody is forcing you :)

13-11-2006, 07:22 PM
Lol I noticed something strange.... the [WWJ] Wild West Jokers have a green uniform while the [CCC] Cola Crazy Cowboys have a Blue/Black uniform. Would make more sence if the [CCC] wore green. :p

13-11-2006, 09:36 PM
i don't think x's should have blogs and stuff.

14-11-2006, 03:48 PM
i don't think x's should have blogs and stuff.
i dont think they should either.. they are meant to be there to help people, not hold events and write blogs... now watch how many Xs and wannabe Xs will go against this and say its a good thing..

14-11-2006, 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Habbo Staff
The X Team was never intended to be a mobalised force of Habbos (rather like Hobbas) who were tied into doing lots of tasks. It was always intended as more of a loyalty reward to those Habbos who were most involved in the hotel community. Therefore we're not looking for people to be online 24/7 in the WL helping people we're simply looking for Habbos who *already* liked to give help and advice to others and who simply continue to do that, but with a bit of staff back-up to help them realise a few of the event ideas they've probably always wanted to do and with a few nice 'freebies' chucked in

'nuff said

did you not read?

14-11-2006, 04:31 PM
It was a random draw.

And as I've said many times, if you don't like it, don't go to the events. Nobody is forcing you :)

1. I didnt know it was a random draw, so i apologise for my remark of it being the same people.

2. I dont plan to go to this event.

14-11-2006, 04:45 PM
http://img336.imageshack.us/img336/2927/events1yo1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Your more than welcome to send in your events lol.

These event's and blogs are done for a reason they are not just randomly done, they have meaning like holding tips and hints in the blogs.

The events will be related to safety or something i am guessing.

I dont see the problem

hmm.. sounds alright but i dont like the way Xs are being treated like staff with the blogs and events.. its unfair on the other habbos...

You Again! :rolleyes:

Rather than just moan about it and making sly remarks about "X's" why not email habbo and complain if your so concerned?

I think this event sounds good since Habbo X's don't host as much events as compared to Safety X's. So am looking forward to this event should be fun :p

Also you said it's unfair to other habbos? I don't see why it's unfair when you can easily email habbo stating your own event which will be published on the homepage on habbo. Or if you have an event suggestion you wish the X's to run you can easily email in your own idea for that aswell.

14-11-2006, 05:00 PM
Like the idea of more X events but I'm not into these quests that involve teams and making "bases" etc. Good luck to anyone who enters though. ;)

Off topic:

If Xs "just help people out", maybe you should give up all your spare time answering questions like, "How do you get credits?" or "What is that badge for?". Personally, I admire anyone who can put up with that day in day out. SO WIPE AWAY THE TEARS AND QUIT BEING JEALOUS. :eusa_shhh

X's are starting to be like hobbas, this is what happens ...

One day i was in a room and habbo x was there and all the noobs where like "OMG ITS A HABBO X" i was like who cares? its a person with a badge ... (Not like i can say anything about badges but bleh)

And there should be a event team they should be picked by the best speechs etc or answering why it should be you ....

So why don't we start something .... like everyone on this forum email habbo get a event team if enough do it we'll get it

14-11-2006, 05:32 PM
You Again! :rolleyes:

Rather than just moan about it and making sly remarks about "X's" why not email habbo and complain if your so concerned?

I think this event sounds good since Habbo X's don't host as much events as compared to Safety X's. So am looking forward to this event should be fun :p

Also you said it's unfair to other habbos? I don't see why it's unfair when you can easily email habbo stating your own event which will be published on the homepage on habbo. Or if you have an event suggestion you wish the X's to run you can easily email in your own idea for that aswell.
you said 'you again!' as if you knew me, well you dont.
i just dont like the way they are being treated.. end of.

14-11-2006, 05:41 PM
uhh, i can't stand the 'i look for words with an x in to make me look cool' stuff
eXtraordinary*+*+* yes, we get the point you are an x now shut up

15-11-2006, 06:06 PM
you said 'you again!' as if you knew me, well you dont.
i just dont like the way they are being treated.. end of.
You are only jealous that it isn't you.

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