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View Full Version : Discussion: Blair Admits Iraq Was a Disaster: But Why?

18-11-2006, 02:20 PM
Nearly four years has passed since Britain and the USA, well Tony Blair and George Bush declared war on Iraq. Many called upon it as a disaster from the word go, now the British PM is agreeing that the Iraqi invasion has been a complete disaster. But is he only saying this because he knows that exactly the same thing will happen to him, as just happened to George Bush in the American Mid-Term Elections. Where George Bush has lost complete control of the power of the Government as his opposition has gained more seats in both the House of Representivies and the Senate. (Click here (http://www.habbox.com/site/content/view/1425/95/) to read a fully detailed report on the American midterms). So why is Tony Blair regretting his actions? Does he really see the damage he has caused to both Iraq and the UK, or is this just a stunt to ensure that the Labour Party stay in power. With David Cameron making the statements the public want to hear, Blair clearly has a lot to worry about.

18-11-2006, 02:45 PM
It's because he's got nothing to lose and he wants to clean up his legacy, however I disagree that Cameron is making Statements that we want to hear, He hasn't got any subtance in what he says.

18-11-2006, 02:47 PM
I like what Cameron is saying and I'm a socialist. But I think he is only saying what he is saying because Blair isnt saying it.

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