View Full Version : Chatroom for forums.

19-11-2006, 09:36 AM
This is a basic chatroom, although the code isnt.

Ok, i have used this on my own forum which i have closed. it is compat with any forum (VB, MYBB, PunBB, invasion) all you have to do is change the username var ($mybbusername) and the paths to your forum, i dont think there is any more to change. this one is made for MYBB 1.x and if that is what you are using you can just paste it, ifyou are using MYBB 2.x look on the website as i posted about how to change it about 1 month ago (i cant remember the username var but it is somthing like $username=>somthig)

you will need to have basic php skills to change the code, but i tried to make it as simple as possible, all you really need to edit is the login boxes so they will work with your forums, the paths to do things like send messages (without the username/id at the end) and the $username.

Ok, i will try to make it as simple as pos. first make a page, call it MESSAGES.HTM.

This is the page the messages will write to. you do not need to put any code here.


ok, make a page, call it chat2.php change the $username var, the path to the different pages, e.g. /forums/global.php, make sure the login boxes will work with your forums, just change like the path to the pages.
also where you see a url like:
what you have to do is change the url to the forums, and the url to send a PM or what ever, do not include the userid, include the uid var, for MYBB 1.x it is $mybbuser[uid].

paste and edit this code to CHAT2.PHP

/*-----------FIRST GET THE OLD MESSAGES FROM messages.htm-----------*/
// Read file into an array
$message_array = file("messages.htm");
// Compile the string
for ($counter = 1; $counter < 20; $counter++) {/*INSTEAD OF 20 WRITE SOMETHING ELSE, SAY 30*/
$old_messages .= $message_array[$counter];
/*-----------SECOND GET AND MODIFY THE NEW MESSAGE-----------*/
$time = date("H:i");
$link_html .= " <?php
chdir('forums'); // path to MyBB
require './global.php';
?><a href='forums/private.php?action=send&uid=$mybbuser[uid]' target=\"_new\"><font color=\"$color\" face=\"wingdings\">$url</font></a></a>".
//ADD name chat
$name_html .="&nbsp;&gt $name".

//ADD to name chat
$name_html2 .= "<i>".

//ADD email
$link_html .= " <?php
chdir('forums'); // path to MyBB
require './global.php';
?><a href='forums/member.php?action=emailuser&uid=$mybbuser[uid]' target=\"_new\"><font color=\"$color\" face=\"wingdings\">$email</font></a></a>".
$link2_html .= "<img border=\"0\" src=\"$mail\">".
$new_message = " <?php
chdir('forums'); // path to MyBB
require './global.php';
$link2_html $name_html2 <b><a target='_blank' href='/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=$mybbuser[uid]'><font color=\"$color\">$mybbuser[username]</font></a></b>".
"$name_html<b>:</b> <font color=\"$color\">$message</i></font><font size=\"1\"><i>&nbsp;Sent at:($time)</i></font>$link_html <br>\n";

/*-----------THIRD MAKE THE HEADER AND THE FOOTER-----------*/
// It's important that there are no newline
// characters except at the end of the string.
// This keeps all the headers together.
$header = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"8\">". /*INCREASE THE REFRESH TIME FROM 8 TO 20*/
"<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex\"> <style type=\"text/css\">A:link {TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:active {TEXT-DECORATION: none} A:visited {TEXT-DECORATION: none}A:hover {TEXT-DECORATION: none} </style></head>".
"<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" text=\"#000000\">\n";

$footer = "<font color=\"#000000\">".
"<br><p align=\"center\">&copy; Site Name 2006. All Rights Reserved.</a></font></p></body></html>";
// Opens file for writing and truncates file length to zero.
$open_file = fopen("messages.htm", "w");
/*-----------FOURTH UPDATE THE messages.htm-----------*/
// write file header...
fputs($open_file, $header);
// ... new line...
// (stripSlashes because we don't want all
// our escape characters appearing in the
// message file)
fputs($open_file, stripslashes($new_message));
// ... old lines ...
fputs($open_file, $old_messages);
// ... and footer.
fputs($open_file, $footer);
// Close the file when you're done. Don't forget to wash your hands

<!-- div --->
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border-right: 3px solid black;
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visibility: hidden;
.hintanchor{ /*CSS for link that shows hint onmouseover*/
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margin: 3px 8px;
<!-- max --->
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function textCounter(field,counter,maxlimit,linecounter) {
// text width//
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<!-- max --->
<form name="inpform" action="chat2.php" method="post" onSubmit="html2entities(this.message)">
<!-- no html --->
<script type="text/javascript">
function html2entities(){
var re=/[(<>"'&]/g
for (i=0; i<arguments.length; i++)
arguments[i].value=arguments[i].value.replace(re, function(m){return replacechar(m)})
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if (match=="<")
return " "
else if (match==">")
return " "
else if (match=="\"")
return " "
else if (match=="'")
return " "
else if (match=="&")
return " "
<!-- no html --->
<td>Name :
<td><input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name?>"><!-- name help ---> <a href="#" class="hintanchor" onMouseover="showhint('Please choose a username. Should consist of alphanumeric characters only.', this, event, '150px')">[?]</a> <!--namehelp--->
<td><select size='1' name='color' value='<?php echo $color?>'>

<option>Sky Blue</option>
<td>Message :
<td><textarea rows='6' name='message' cols='60' id="maxcharfield"
<div id="progressbar1" class="progress"></div>
<td><input type="submit" value="Send">

<td>URL :
<td><select name="mail" value="<?php echo $mail?>" size="1">
<option value="/images/flags/gb.gif">UK</option>
</select> </td>

<td>Allow members to send me personal messages:
<td><select name="url" value="<?php echo $url?>" size="1">
<option value="2">Yes</option>
<option value="">No</option>
<td>Allow members to send e-mails:
<td><select name="email" value="<?php echo $email?>" size="1">
<option value="*">Yes</option>
<option value="">No</option>
<script language="javascript">

edit it as you wish with things like CSS, i suggest using refs instead of pasting css as it will make it easy to change in the future. also make sure you put the CSS in the right page so it doesnt write to the messages.htm page.

this code in the one above:

<select name="mail" value="<?php echo $mail?>" size="1">
<option value="/images/flags/gb.gif">UK</option>
lets the user choose a country flag from a list, and this will write to the page. you can add more flags or delete it it wont matter (also the option value must be the url to the flags, betwene the option is the flag name.)

Make a page and call it CHATROOM2.HTM

The first bit you need to edit is marked with // path to MyBB, just change it to the path to your forum. the next is the login boxes, make sure they work with your forum. if not ask someone on your forums forum and ask them to make you a code, im sure they will be happy to,

chdir('../forums'); // path to MyBB
require './global.php';
<title> Chat room </title>

// The user is logged in, say Hi
echo "<iframe name='messages' width="100%" height=70% src='messages.htm'>This page requires frames, but your browser does not support them.</iframe><iframe name='sendinp' width="100%" height=30% src='chat2.php'>This page requires frames, but your browser does not support them.</iframe";
// The user is not logged in, Display the form
echo "<form action='forums/member.php' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='url' value='chatroom2.htm' />
<input type='hidden' name='action' value='do_login'>
Username: <input type='text' name='username' size='17' maxlength='30' /><br />
Password: <input type='password' name='password' size='17' /><br><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type='submit' class='submit' name='submit' value='Login' /><br><br>
<p align='center'><a href='forums/member.php?action=register'>
<font size='1'>Sign up</font></a><font size='1'>
<a target='_blank' href='forums/member.php?action=lostpw'>Forgot password</a></font></p>

You cant view this clientside so you need to upload it. i made everything in this code, except the login boxes which MYBB released the code for.

*make sure all the pages above are in the same directory
*Make sure to CHMOD MESSAGES.HTM to 7777 or 0777 so the php can write to them.
*I havnt given you the full version. what i have given you is one that will work with most different versions and with all the styles removed so you can make yourown.
*any non-noob help Qs just PM me
*look at the online.php page of your forum (dont vieew source look at the origanal page) and look at the code to see who is where, addapt it to the forum page and add it to CHATROOM.HTM page.

i hope someone will use this and i diddnt waste my time doing this :s
As soon as my rubbish server is back up (zeeblo.com) i will paste a link to my forums :S

19-11-2006, 10:07 AM
Wont it need a db? (Only skim read so may have missed it)

19-11-2006, 10:08 AM
Nope, you dont need the SQL db, it is done using the global.php page

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