View Full Version : My friends self harming.

22-11-2006, 09:39 AM
Yeah well my friends an emo and she's really depressed coz lyk her dads got cancer and stuff and she's being bullied at school.

Well she's started sliting her wrists and punching herself in the arm and im really worried because she slits her wrists like LOADS. She's got 12 marks on 1 wrist and 8 marks on the other and she passed out because she did like the 8 at the same time.

Me & me friends have been trying to stop her alot by like telling her that if she doesn't do it for like a week we'll give her a hug everyday for a month and stuff.

But she's only 13 and she needs help </3

Also, Somtimes I feel like slitting my wrist because of various reasons but im worried if I get really depressed if I do because A: My wrists are extreamly thin and the vains are verry close to the top of the skin & B: Because depression runs on my dads side.

So yeah, stuffs pritty messed up at the moment.

I need advice and help.

22-11-2006, 04:06 PM
Okay, well, basically, selfharming is pretty addictive, no, not pretty, very, so i wouldnt suggest even starting. Although depression may run in the family, chances are, it wont be passed on. There is a slight chance it could, but my mother has depression and my sister and me havent been passed on with it, considering our past, ect.


You cant really force your friend to stop, she must want to stop, all you can do is be a friend and try your best at it, like you already are now. I can only advise this especially; Talk to her parents. Cutting on the wrist is dangerous, and life risking, so i wouldnt take any chances. Considering she passed out doing some cuts, that simply explains the risks of her actions.

I cant really advise anymore, but to be there for your friend, and to find other techniques instead of selfharming.

Goodluck and take care.

22-11-2006, 04:12 PM
Okay, well, basically, selfharming is pretty addictive, no, not pretty, very, so i wouldnt suggest even starting. Although depression may run in the family, chances are, it wont be passed on. There is a slight chance it could, but my mother has depression and my sister and me havent been passed on with it, considering our past, ect.


You cant really force your friend to stop, she must want to stop, all you can do is be a friend and try your best at it, like you already are now. I can only advise this especially; Talk to her parents. Cutting on the wrist is dangerous, and life risking, so i wouldnt take any chances. Considering she passed out doing some cuts, that simply explains the risks of her actions.

I cant really advise anymore, but to be there for your friend, and to find other techniques instead of selfharming.

Goodluck and take care.

This is excellant advice. i had a long period of horrible depression in which i did self harm , having someone someone you no it there to talk to at anytime always helps that won't pass comment . i dislike the idea of telling there parrents because i would hate that if it were me but it is the right thing to do. unfortunitly you have to keep a close eye on them if they say things are getting better they are probebly lying. just stay close to them and don't give them the chance to hurt themselves. whenever i find out a friend of mine is getting low i spend atleast a day with them making sure they are laughing once a minute. (which is quite easy with an ugly face like mine ;)

22-11-2006, 04:15 PM
Only reason why i suggested telling her parents is because the risk of cutting on your wrist is highly dangerous and can cause alot of damage.
Also, taking into consideration that she passed out on only 8 cuts.

From experience, trust me, id know alot about selfharming, and 8 cuts isnt much, well, it would be to someone who hasnt really had any experiences with it, but if she passed out on 8 cuts, then im even quite concerned about her safety.

If you dont feel like doing that as it'd be an untrue friend action, then dont, but please try and encourage her to do something else other than hurting herself.

22-11-2006, 04:17 PM
Only reason why i suggested telling her parents is because the risk of cutting on your wrist is highly dangerous and can cause alot of damage.
Also, taking into consideration that she passed out on only 8 cuts.

From experience, trust me, id know alot about selfharming, and 8 cuts isnt much, well, it would be to someone who hasnt really had any experiences with it, but if she passed out on 8 cuts, then im even quite concerned about her safety.

If you dont feel like doing that as it'd be an untrue friend action, then dont, but please try and encourage her to do something else other than hurting herself.

I wasn't saying telling her parrents was a bad idea.. its the right thing to do was just saying that the kind of thing i hate and still hate,

something that helped me / is helping me is ice... putting v cold ice in your hand and trying to crush it ... actually works

22-11-2006, 04:19 PM
That does work :p

Heres a bunch of other techniques;


22-11-2006, 04:24 PM
Wow. Thanks guys <3

i'll tell her to do that ice thing when she comes on Msn.

I think her parents already know, but I think they think she only did it once.

Another thing that might get her down is that it's almost certian im moving schools because of the bullys so I dont know if that'll make it worse.

I'll try and make her laugh as much as possible :)

Thanks again x

22-11-2006, 05:49 PM
Well my ex-girlfriend used to be like this but I helped by being the one good person she needed to come in her life to change everything and somewhat make things better. Maybe you should be this person.

First take all her things that could be used to cut herself and explain that your doing it because you care for her.

Always be there for her to come to with problems. Listen to her and give her advice. Let her cry on your shoulder. Be that shoulder to lean on for her.

Make her happy. Do things she like to do, whatever that may be. Go out and have fun. Keep her away from the negative things at home as much as possible.

Help her out with her problems. The bullies at school etc. can be stopped.

Hope everything works out. Dont get depressed yourself

22-11-2006, 05:53 PM
She'll get over it soon enough.

22-11-2006, 06:17 PM
Try reading a wee guide I created based upon Self Harming, as I think it could be really useful for you. :)


22-11-2006, 08:01 PM
Yeah well my friends an emo and she's really depressed coz lyk her dads got cancer and stuff and she's being bullied at school.

Well she's started sliting her wrists and punching herself in the arm and im really worried because she slits her wrists like LOADS. She's got 12 marks on 1 wrist and 8 marks on the other and she passed out because she did like the 8 at the same time.

Me & me friends have been trying to stop her alot by like telling her that if she doesn't do it for like a week we'll give her a hug everyday for a month and stuff.

But she's only 13 and she needs help </3

Also, Somtimes I feel like slitting my wrist because of various reasons but im worried if I get really depressed if I do because A: My wrists are extreamly thin and the vains are verry close to the top of the skin & B: Because depression runs on my dads side.

So yeah, stuffs pritty messed up at the moment.

I need advice and help.

Don't do it, it doesn't actually solve anything and just becomes addictive tbh and you feel you need to everytime your upset, me and various numbers of my friends have been down that road.

Also, tell you friend to see a school councellor, her parent's don't have to know and it's completely confidential, it's what I do, it help alot tbh.

22-11-2006, 09:39 PM
She's sounding suicidal. That ***** of a boyfriend is being a little idiot.

(Edited out swear words and this is copied from her Bebo)


My life is f***ing pointless. My life is a moral s**thole of dispair and hatred. My life is a black abyss.

And you know the f**k why?

Everyone I have EVER ******* loved, and the one person I thought I loved most, lets me down.>>dead<<

//One person I thought I could trust, someone who...'liked' me for who I was...//

Every f***ing thing goes away in the end

And I guess the end has f***ing come.

((So...see you, f***ers, and the one day I find a sharp enough razor blade to slash myself up so much to the point where I don't get back up again will be the happiest f***ing day fo my misrible wasted pathetic little excuse for a life.\\

{So long, c**tfaces.}

I never f***ing asked for this.

<How does it feel when everything you thought you knew was a lie>


23-11-2006, 03:18 AM

Okay, well you can only be there for her, and try and stop her from doing it.

Suicide is to be taken seriously, whether it sounds fake or not, in this case, id say not.

I think her parents really DO need to know. This could really become serious, more so than it already is.

Take care. <3

23-11-2006, 08:39 AM
Thanks for the advice, i'm really worried about her :'(

I have a mentor at school for various reasons. I could get my friend to come and see her... mabye she'de tell her parents.

I told her that I most proberly are moving schools and she really got depressed, but she promised me she wouldn't do anything stupid, but I don't know :'(

23-11-2006, 10:04 AM
Self harming isn't the answer, you need to talk to someone in authority about this & about any concerns you have for you & your mate.

23-11-2006, 10:20 PM
Please god self harming is wrong.

Really wrong my wrists are scared badly and its horrible when you have to wear long sleeves in warm weather. seriously its bad and very so addictive but youll have to help her tell her the consequences make it seem more worse than it is may be tough but should work..

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