View Full Version : PHP Help?

22-11-2006, 06:29 PM
Hay Guys, Like we all need to learn somewhere about php why not now? Like... I know nothing at all about PHP can you guys help me out pls <3 Ty if you can

22-11-2006, 06:31 PM

22-11-2006, 08:51 PM
Thats a good site.

22-11-2006, 10:04 PM
HAve ether of you even tryed to learn php? Php.net is good refrance, Learning its ****. W3 schools are also little more than refrance, they teach you nothing.

Really how you should learn depends on how much you know already? are you familaur with any other programming langwages for exsample? if so looking at code exsamples to get the syntax and code used is really all you need. Otherwize you really need more genral programming info.
I didnt actualy learn php via this site, but it is where i learn html and the tutorals are very inclusive, informative and VERY easy for new people. http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/

23-11-2006, 05:44 PM
Wow, thanks guys ;]] I would give you rep but it wouldn't come out ;[[

23-11-2006, 09:06 PM

That starts a php application


That ends it.

echo "<font face='verdana' size='1'><b>hey</b></font>";

That would send Hey to the browser bolded with the font verdana with the size of 1

23-11-2006, 09:22 PM
HAve ether of you even tryed to learn php? Php.net is good refrance, Learning its ****. W3 schools are also little more than refrance, they teach you nothing.

Really how you should learn depends on how much you know already? are you familaur with any other programming langwages for exsample? if so looking at code exsamples to get the syntax and code used is really all you need. Otherwize you really need more genral programming info.
I didnt actualy learn php via this site, but it is where i learn html and the tutorals are very inclusive, informative and VERY easy for new people. http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/php/
I have to agree with you. I read a lot of the php.net manual before doing php scripts, and I still failed at it (I didn't use w3schools so I can't comment there). Best way IMO, and the way I learnt, was to follow tutorials from pixel2life and techtuts (good for beginners..) and learn as you go, and experiment.

php.net is simply reference - a lot of php developers I know still use it from time to time, just to check something. Once you know what you're doing, it's helpful. But hard to start with that stuff.

And always ask for help if you need it.

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