View Full Version : I want my old life back :{.

23-11-2006, 10:05 AM
Well, this is a very long story.. so I'll try to cut it short :}.

So, I lived in Cheshire which is in the UK near Manchester for all my life, I was popular in primary school I guess, but then I started High School and for grade 7 everything was cool, people liked me and stuff so yeah :] I was happy, but then In grade 8 People started to become stereotypical and people always laughed at me for the way I dressed and my hair etc, but that didn't bother me at all muhc, because I had my friends and they meant the world to me, especially Soph (my best friend). So yeah My life was fine at that part, although school was pretty crap, I still managed to survive the day :]. As I mentioned my friends meant the world to me, I would of gone up town every weekend with them and done things etc as the summer holidays started, so well yeah I knew Soph (my best friend) for about... 7 years and my other friends for less than a year, but I still knew that they were good, and I know it makes me sound like I have not many friends, but yeah Im not popular and don't want to be as they're all s****.

3 or 4 Weeks passed through the summer holidays & I knew I was moving to Australlia, I knew it would be hell moving and I wouldn't ever forget my life in the UK, although I hated the UK I liked my life there, so well yeah, I was prepared to accept when my parents asked if I wanted to move there that final time, Because if I said no we wouldn't of gone because my sister wanted to stay in the UK. So I said goodbye to all my friends on the last dayI saw them, It was so sad, I never told anyone this, but I cried for like hours after that, sounds pretty gay, but how would you like it Lol. So the next morning we had everything packed for about a week before that so we went to the airport and we were finally leaving, I felt sad but excited as I'd never been to Australlia before, anyway the Plain journey took about 24 hours and when I arrived to me it looked HORRIBLE. But the next day when it was light I went out to look around and I realised it wasen't so bad, so the weeks passed by and I knew that I would have to start a new school soon which worried me the most but I was okay about it I guess.

So I started school and made friends pretty easy :}, they seemed good at the time, so yeah I was once again happy, although they weren't half as good as my old friends. So I thought I fit in and everything so yeah I was happy, as I thought people in australlia wren't chavs and stuff so I was pretty happy. That was until everyone started turning against me and apparently I split up friend ship groups when I started school, but that didn't last long and I finally have friends now, ones that I can trust.

I was still upset about my old friends, but I was begining to get over it, so I finally settled in in the country and I was really happy and loved my new life. But then It kinda stopped, my sister left to go back to the UK and I really miss her, my parents started arguing really bad sometimes and school turned bad, although I still had my friends. Well here is where the problem starts:

About 4 days ago this guy added me on msn from my school and said "I HATE U" so I questioned who it was and stuff and I found out it was this guy from school, and he just generally started insulting me calling me a goth and stuff, and then when I saw him in school he was alot taller than me, and he said he was going to beat me up with all his friends, but I ignored this tihnking he was being pathetic, but today after school I was walking home and my friend ashley (she's one heck of a true friend) ran up to me behind me and said don't look back and just walk quickly and when you get around the corner run. So we got around the corner and ran to a safe distance and into the library haha, and she told me that this guy and 13 of his friends (all much taller than me) were following me and were going to beat me up on the way home. I think this is really pathetic but it's really worrying me, as he's going to follow me home every day with his friends, next wekk will be fine as my older brothers in school and he can walk with me, but yeah friday will be bad afterschool if he sees me. I don't want to tell my mum, or a teacher, Im going to leave it a week and see if it continues and if it does I'll tell the deputy principle and get her to sort it out which I think is right to me.

But life just doesn't seem like it used to be, it's not an easy thing to explain and it's very hard to express how I feel through writting, but I just wish everything was back to normal.

23-11-2006, 10:09 AM
You have been through big changes in your life & you have to remember your family has also been through them with you. Talk to your Sister or another member of your fmaily about this guy, you need to tell someone what is going on or it will carry on.

23-11-2006, 11:45 AM
Australia is awesome. Think about it, we are easy going, have a GOOD sense of humor, dress in shorts and flip-flops/thongs/sandals, wear shirts (Hawaiian). And also... we own england at sports (especially cricket :D). I'm sure you will fit in fine and get new friends easily.

P.S Where in Australia did u move?

23-11-2006, 11:56 AM
I moved to Brisbane (Queensland) well around Brisbane, at a place called Cleveland haha...

23-11-2006, 12:09 PM
ok. i live in melbourne (best city in australia)

23-11-2006, 12:39 PM
Just get your mom to pick you up from school until your older brothers come. Just tell her that you injured your leg and it hurts a lot and she'll come and pick you up :)

23-11-2006, 04:35 PM
Yeah I miss you like hell too ryan..

You need to be telling your mum about this guy, Surely she'll do something.. or liam perhaps? Or does he still hate you.. Just try to avoid him, although that sounds a bit hard.

23-11-2006, 08:30 PM
ok thats a bad story
but you should tell someone about it

23-11-2006, 08:35 PM
Omg ryan.

;[ tell your mum or teacher.

dont wait till its too late.

uh huh her
23-11-2006, 10:12 PM
tell your mum or dad how your feeling, & whats going on at school. hopefully they'll be able to help you. just tell the principle that some guys are giving you a hard time. hopefully those prats will get chucked out or something if they're threatening to beat you up.

23-11-2006, 10:13 PM
I hate it when this happens you should try and learn self defense or somthing just incase one of them trys to attack you but if theres too many of them they you should really report it to somone.

Yeah as self defense helps you carnt get anything thrown at you when you use it its completely aloud.

23-11-2006, 11:52 PM
Which part of cheshire did you live in if you dont mind me asking?

24-11-2006, 11:32 AM
I lived in Crewe, hated it there, full of chavs :].

24-11-2006, 02:58 PM
If i lived in Crewe and i was told i was moving to the down under id be over the moon, id make the most out of every situation.

24-11-2006, 03:31 PM
Woah is this a guy talking about beating you up ?! and your a girl.... Thats a bit Pathetic

uh huh her
24-11-2006, 04:34 PM
I lived in Crewe, hated it there, full of chavs :].
lucky to have moved from there to australlia!. hope you get everything sorted, no one deserves to be bullied.

24-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Sounds harsh your problem does, so I suggest you tell your older brothers or your parents and then take it further with the school because you cannot go on like that.

Australia is awesome. Think about it, we are easy going, have a GOOD sense of humor, dress in shorts and flip-flops/thongs/sandals, wear shirts (Hawaiian). And also... we own england at sports (especially cricket :D). I'm sure you will fit in fine and get new friends easily.

P.S Where in Australia did u move?
Sorry but I have to disagree with the sports bit, Australia do not own England at sports and I am not even English but that last bit is total b/s, England are far better at the majority of sports than Australia.

24-11-2006, 11:07 PM
Woah is this a guy talking about beating you up ?! and your a girl.... Thats a bit Pathetic

Read my gender thx, Im a guy.

05-12-2006, 11:39 AM
Learn to fight and defend your self, remember what type of people australians are descended from huh?

Some are nice but quite afew of them are just meh.

Or move to a diffrent part of Australia like melbourne that place is awesome.

Crewe! Thats like 10 minutes away from me xD
Aye theirs Chavs everywhere can be a bit depressing but chesters nice.

11-12-2006, 10:57 PM
Take a beating but go down fighting.
It'll look cool and it'll show them you're up for it.
After they've beaten you up, they wont want to do it anymore.

12-12-2006, 03:46 PM
You need to tell someone ASAP, and get this all sorted. The longer you leave it the worse it will get and it will develop into a situation you can't handle.

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