View Full Version : Going out tonight. =]

26-11-2006, 11:58 AM
Tonight, I'm going out to rock city with friends for the under 18s night, and the girl I like (she probably knows) and she likes me is going. We haven't spoken much off MSN, so how do you think i could go about slipping away from the crowd and what should I doo?

Tips pls. =]

26-11-2006, 12:56 PM
Just ask her to sit down or go to the bar with you. Play it cool & be suggestive ;) Even if you know, ask her if she is going out with anyone & carry it on from there. Be confident but not over confident.

26-11-2006, 03:56 PM
Any more help?

26-11-2006, 04:12 PM
Say hi? talk to her? etc "/

26-11-2006, 04:15 PM
It's not hard to talk to girls really, you just need to know what not to say rather than what to say ;) Dance with the girl a bit maybe, then ask her if she wants to sit down/get a drink.

Edit: Or if shes sitting down then ask if she wants to dance.

26-11-2006, 04:20 PM
It's not hard to talk to girls really, you just need to know what not to say rather than what to say ;) Dance with the girl a bit maybe, then ask her if she wants to sit down/get a drink.

Edit: Or if shes sitting down then ask if she wants to dance.

An easier option is just to come to terms with the fact 'Girls' are People, not some sort of alien life form, which have to be communicated with by means of some sort of special language "/ (to the what not to say part)

to poster? Considering, do you have any just friends who are girls? o.0

26-11-2006, 04:32 PM
Not too sure what you're trying to say there o.O

26-11-2006, 04:36 PM
Just dont worry lolz
Rock City<333333333333

26-11-2006, 04:41 PM
An easier option is just to come to terms with the fact 'Girls' are People, not some sort of alien life form, which have to be communicated with by means of some sort of special language "/ (to the what not to say part)

to poster? Considering, do you have any just friends who are girls? o.0

yeah, i don't get why some people seem to think of talking to the opposite sex as a massive challenge.

26-11-2006, 04:43 PM
Just be cool and try not to worry about it. If you know she likes you then what could go wrong. [:

26-11-2006, 05:12 PM
yeah, i don't get why some people seem to think of talking to the opposite sex as a massive challenge.

Me either.
Just be yourself. Have fun, I just got back from a date with my boyfriend <3

26-11-2006, 10:32 PM
I find it hard with shy girls, cause we're both shy. I went, but I flopped it, we spoke a bit and i managed to mouth 'bye' to her at the end. =[

27-11-2006, 10:22 PM
when you talk to her always look at her eyes, always!

27-11-2006, 10:27 PM
You should of asked her if she wanted a drink and then gone up to the bar with her, got her a drink and then gone back to your own table or something.

27-11-2006, 11:30 PM
i hate being so shy with people I haven't spoken to before.

28-11-2006, 03:40 AM
i think "mouthing bye" is actually a good thing, shows that even though you couldnt make it over to her, you still made an effort to say bye to her.

personally, i think thats better than actually saying bye, shows that you were thinking about her, without being to full-on by walking through the whole room just to say bye.

sumthin else i think could help you, is if there is a wall next to you wenever your talkin to her, try to lean on it, i think that makes you look more relaxed, and dont ever cross your arms, makes you look bored.

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