View Full Version : Do you stand up for gays and lesbians?

26-11-2006, 11:41 PM
If someone was talking nasty abouts gays or lesbians or talking nasty directly to them would you step up and tell them to back off? I have stood up for them before, because its just not right i mean they are people too. So answer the poll and tell your story if you answered yes.

My story:
My family was having a nice meal when all of the sudden my father brings up gays and lesbians. He calls lesbians Lesbos. And lesbian can get reallly offened when you call them lesbos, its really an insult. So i told him "Don't call them that. Its rude." and he goes "so they don't have feelings." I go "They're people to and its very rude for you to call them that!" then i walk away and take my dinner to my bedroom.

Another story: My brother watches musicals and calls all the guys in them gay. So i told him "Not all guys in musicals are gay!" So i guess he feels he had to bring up my cousin and he goes "Our cousins gay and disgusting and hes in musicals!" I give him a crazy look and say "Whys he disgusting."
He shrugs and says "Well i don't know hes gay though!"

So yeah whats your stories if any? And if u havn't had the chance to stick up for them jus say that you would or your wouldn't.

26-11-2006, 11:55 PM
If someone was talking nasty abouts gays or lesbians or talking nasty directly to them would you step up and tell them to back off? I have stood up for them before, because its just not right i mean they are people too. So answer the poll and tell your story if you answered yes.
No more than i would stand up for anyone else, homosexuals arnt all magicly nice people, some of them are complete ******s, just like with straight people, so no im not going to stand up for someone, just becuse there gay, sexualy doesnt really have anything to do with weather id stand up for someone or not

My story:
My family was having a nice meal when all of the sudden my father brings up gays and lesbians. He calls lesbians Lesbos. And lesbian can get reallly offened when you call them lesbos, its really an insult. So i told him "Don't call them that. Its rude." and he goes "so they don't have feelings." I go "They're people to and its very rude for you to call them that!" then i walk away and take my dinner to my bedroom.
At the beginning of this? what exactly offensive about lesbo's? Its a just a word, and has no negative connotations other than what the user or listener assigns to it "/

Another story: My brother watches musicals and calls all the guys in them gay. So i told him "Not all guys in musicals are gay!" So i guess he feels he had to bring up my cousin and he goes "Our cousins gay and disgusting and hes in musicals!" I give him a crazy look and say "Whys he disgusting."
He shrugs and says "Well i don't know hes gay though!"
For the first part? thats not standing up for homosexuals? Thats more standing up for straight people, whos hetrosexualty is being challenged?
And although the "discusting" part makes no sence, stateing that your cousion is both gay and in musicals is giveing evidance towards his clame? not particaly good evidance due to the sample size, but still evidance "/

So yeah whats your stories if any? And if u havn't had the chance to stick up for them jus say that you would or your wouldn't.
As i said at the beginning, i dont actualy attach much importants to sexualty, for the most part its completety irrelivent and doesnt come in to the equasion "/ So it depends on a person whether i stand up for them, not there sexuality "/

27-11-2006, 12:05 AM
If a lesbian gets offended by the word "lesbo" it's no worse than me getting offended by someone calling me short. Gays and lesbians have rights, yes, but just because someone is part of a "minority group", that doesn't give them extra rights.

Do you get annoyed like this whenever anyone says anything that could somehow be offensive to someone? If you do you're a very boring person.

27-11-2006, 12:11 AM
If my friends were talking about them then I wouldnt stand up for them and say maybe we shouldnt joke about that. I wouldnt go up to a gay and say something mean to their face. But in the culture I live in people say things they dont like "Gay". But I wouldnt stand up for retarted people if my friends were talking mean about them. Nor would I stand up for any type of people if they were talking abuot them because it is not like they are doing any physical harm. Like I would stand up if they were beating up some gay person but I know no one I know would do that.

27-11-2006, 12:18 AM
well i know i did the right thing, so i'm happy. And i guess i'm mean now too cuz anyone that would not stick up for gays or lesbians is most likely homophobic and homophobics are sick people that should all rot in hell. (I'm usually not mean like that, and that probably wasn't mean anyway.)

27-11-2006, 12:50 AM
No more than i would stand up for anyone else, homosexuals arnt all magicly nice people, some of them are complete ******s, just like with straight people, so no im not going to stand up for someone, just becuse there gay, sexualy doesnt really have anything to do with weather id stand up for someone or not

At the beginning of this? what exactly offensive about lesbo's? Its a just a word, and has no negative connotations other than what the user or listener assigns to it "/

For the first part? thats not standing up for homosexuals? Thats more standing up for straight people, whos hetrosexualty is being challenged?
And although the "discusting" part makes no sence, stateing that your cousion is both gay and in musicals is giveing evidance towards his clame? not particaly good evidance due to the sample size, but still evidance "/

As i said at the beginning, i dont actualy attach much importants to sexualty, for the most part its completety irrelivent and doesnt come in to the equasion "/ So it depends on a person whether i stand up for them, not there sexuality "/ Owned.

And id probably say something like "Chill come on thats burnt" cause making fun of anyone is mean..But i aint gonna yell out in a crowd "SHUT UP JUST CAUSE HES GAY! GO TAKE A HIKE". Its like u feel bad cause the poor person is getitng cracked on its just like thats burnt

27-11-2006, 12:53 AM
Id cuss them out


27-11-2006, 01:38 AM
well i know i did the right thing, so i'm happy. And i guess i'm mean now too cuz anyone that would not stick up for gays or lesbians is most likely homophobic and homophobics are sick people that should all rot in hell. (I'm usually not mean like that, and that probably wasn't mean anyway.)
hehe, im amused how you bring hell in to this, when takeing in to account the ignorant often stupid view religion usealy takes on this kinda issue "/ Peronsaly i dont actualy belive in hell and i also dont belive im in anyway homophobic? I really dont see sexualty as something that important in an everyday socal context "/
So if somones an annoying ****, being homosexual isnt going to change that, the same as if someones a nice decent person who you get along with, them being homosexual isnt going to change that in any way, The fact is the issue for the most past has abosulty nothing to do with what a persons like.

Im not going to stick up for somone i dont like, gay or not gay. Im going to stick up for someone i do like, gay or not gay.

Whether somone gay is pretty much irrelevant in my opinion, as i belive i said in my orignal post "/

27-11-2006, 09:46 AM
Well it seems that the only thing you were standing up for is your opinions. Why would a lesbian take offence at the phrase 'lesbo'? People always use different words to describe things.

You are all probably guilty of saying insulting things about people, be it because their ethnic origin, weight, height.

Your brother was simply voicing his opinion, a very narrow minded opinion but still his opinion.

I think you need to lighten up and stop being so defensive, because it looks very much like you are the one with the sexuality problem here.

Just my opinion though.

27-11-2006, 09:53 AM
if anyone says anything completely wrong to anyone i'll say something, not just gay/lesbians

27-11-2006, 10:00 AM
If someone said something really bad which I thought ws totally out of order then I would say theres no need for that etc.

27-11-2006, 03:15 PM
anyone that would not stick up for gays or lesbians is most likely homophobic and homophobics are sick people that should all rot in hell.

What? I don't stand up for gays and lesbians because I don't think that people deserve special treatment just for being different, that doesn't make me homophobic. Also, on a side note, homophobic people can't often help how they are, it's the same as any phobia, it's just that this politically correct era that we live in can't handle the fact that some people do discriminate.

I completely agree with Mentor's statement:

"Im not going to stick up for somone i dont like, gay or not gay. Im going to stick up for someone i do like, gay or not gay."

27-11-2006, 04:12 PM
I slapped my dad when he called me a gay so and so

Yes i would stand up for Gays/Lesbians as im gay myself.

27-11-2006, 04:14 PM
yeah, i do. like if someone was being homophobic i'd say somthing.

27-11-2006, 05:53 PM
I do, Plus im Gay. I have every reason too :P

27-11-2006, 05:59 PM
one of my best friends is gay and he used to get a load of crap for it in high school and i stuck up for him then, so, yeah i guess?

27-11-2006, 06:05 PM
not rly i dont care about there sexuality

and im not homophobic its like a gay guy taking the mick out of sum1 for being strait

i mean sure if somethink rly bad is being said then i would step in but i wouldnt stand up for some1 who is gay jut because they are gay

uh huh her
27-11-2006, 07:29 PM
yes. but i'd stand up to anyone if i saw someone being bullied about anything or w/e.

27-11-2006, 07:54 PM
Well it seems that the only thing you were standing up for is your opinions. Why would a lesbian take offence at the phrase 'lesbo'? People always use different words to describe things.

You are all probably guilty of saying insulting things about people, be it because their ethnic origin, weight, height.

Your brother was simply voicing his opinion, a very narrow minded opinion but still his opinion.

I think you need to lighten up and stop being so defensive, because it looks very much like you are the one with the sexuality problem here.

Just my opinion though.

I think your right :rolleyes:
He seems abit not right in the head too.
If he came to my school he would just get laughed at,
and it seems he has problems
Lighten up?

27-11-2006, 08:59 PM
at my skool gay isnt a big deal and me and my mates joke bout it sayin oh your gay but at my skool gay means like retarted or annoyin it doesnt mean homosexual at all but ye id stick up for a gay or lesbian coz they r people to sexuality dont matter

27-11-2006, 11:52 PM
Well it seems nobody ever understands the point i try to make. And i'm a girl by the way. And yes maybe i am deffensive, but at least i don't go off attacking people. Its how i am, i don't start anything i only fight back. You might not believe me but oh well. Obviously most of you don't get what i am trying to say so i guess that is that. I can't explain in much clearer. Of course u would stand up for almost anyone, but if you'd stand up for them too you'd still be in the yes or i would if i could. And a clearer thing is that Lesbo is just a rude name to call them and thats all i think. It is my opinion and i understand if you disagree, opinions are opnions so that once again is that.

27-11-2006, 11:59 PM
ok trying to answer your question.

I dont think I would stand up for a gay person if me and my friends were talking about them. But we dont talk like bad about specific people because they are gay. Some times we joke around like touching eachothers nipples but I dont see that being really dissrespectful. A lot of people are gay at my school and we dont really bag on them or anything because they are gay. Maybe for other reason like they always walk around by themself or they are gothy and stuff like that. But we dont target people because they are gay.

28-11-2006, 12:09 AM
never. and stop acting like that. Your frAking me out. No, no NO.

28-11-2006, 12:24 AM
i think its fear. Its fear people will think that your not streight because your standing up for them. Its like your afraid to stand up for them. In fact it seems like everyones afraid to stand up for anybody. Well i shall respect your opnions/decisions anyway.

29-11-2006, 11:49 PM
i think its fear. Its fear people will think that your not streight because your standing up for them. Its like your afraid to stand up for them. In fact it seems like everyones afraid to stand up for anybody. Well i shall respect your opnions/decisions anyway.
o.0 i cant really see how this equates in to the opinion i put over, aka sexualty is completely irrelevant, i stand up for friends, i dont for enemies, to me that makes sence. Whether the person in question is gay or not is really of no consiqnece? so how can not standing up for someone i dont like, mean im scared of being thought of as gay? I dont follow the logic?

30-11-2006, 12:19 AM
ok well i see what your saying. But see i meant like if people were talking bad about gays or lesbians would u stick up for em and tell those people to stop or anything?

30-11-2006, 10:43 AM
I wouldn't TBH, because i know we would only be having a laugh.
Anything more than that though, i'd step in right away!
Homophobics dont have the right to live! :D

01-12-2006, 12:04 AM
i really don't see why you wouldn't stick up for them and yet you say homophobics have no right to live? So your not homophobic but u still wouldn't stick up for them? Jeez i am confused! :P

01-12-2006, 03:47 AM
i must go about minding my own business. but people should be strong enough to not get hurt verbally.

01-12-2006, 03:52 AM
I don't think standing up for someone like that is really the best choice. It secludes that particular person even more. I'm all for giving no special attention, whether positive or negative towards someone for making a different choice than I do. Instead of being all mighty and courageous just treat them like anyone else you know.

01-12-2006, 07:41 AM
i stand up for whoever i think is right in the argument, so if the person is gay or somthing, and they're in the right, i'll stick up fo them. and if people start saying homophobic things i'll step in. well mostly because i am gay so y'know.

01-12-2006, 10:58 PM
I wouldn't...

01-12-2006, 11:06 PM
Situations Usually Arise With In Some Of My Classes With Gay Bashing Etc, I TRY Sticking Up For Them But I Get Called A Gay Myself

How Mature ..

02-12-2006, 03:08 AM
Situations Usually Arise With In Some Of My Classes With Gay Bashing Etc, I TRY Sticking Up For Them But I Get Called A Gay Myself

How Mature ..

well i'm glad that you at least try. As i was saying before that is probably the most common reason people won't even try. So for being courages +rep :)

09-12-2006, 09:57 PM
I used to till i started to think i was bi :s now im to scared to incase people think im gay/bi [Im not out]

10-12-2006, 05:06 PM
as long as your not homophobic its all good. :)

19-12-2006, 01:56 PM
Of course i would.

You would stick up for someone if they had been called fat or a ******, so why not stick up for someone if they're called a ******.

We find comfort in numbers.

19-12-2006, 02:03 PM
I don't see why a lesbian would be offended by the word "lesbo" any more than someone from England would be offended at been called "English" - They're both just abbreviations of a word. It depends on the context and the connotations you have of the word. Most people have this crazy thing of assuming that a certain group of people will be offended by something, when actually the group couldn't care less. (E.g. Christmas, where we go out of our way to make it as neutral as possible so that we don't offend Muslims, when in fact 99% don't care).

I don't see why minority groups need sticking up for more than anyone else. In fact, in terms of gay and lesbian people, if they didn't make such a big deal about themselves when 'coming out' then every one wouldn't make such a big deal when they do, because society would learn to see it as normal. But we can't see it as normal if they feel the need to make a huge thing out of it...

19-12-2006, 02:07 PM
I don't see why a lesbian would be offended by the word "lesbo" any more than someone from England would be offended at been called "English" - They're both just abbreviations of a word. It depends on the context and the connotations you have of the word. Most people have this crazy thing of assuming that a certain group of people will be offended by something, when actually the group couldn't care less. (E.g. Christmas, where we go out of our way to make it as neutral as possible so that we don't offend Muslims, when in fact 99% don't care).

I don't see why minority groups need sticking up for more than anyone else. In fact, in terms of gay and lesbian people, if they didn't make such a big deal about themselves when 'coming out' then every one wouldn't make such a big deal when they do, because society would learn to see it as normal. But we can't see it as normal if they feel the need to make a huge thing out of it...
that's utter crap. how the HELL would you know? it takes a hell of a lot of courage to come out to friends & family, somthing you OBVIOSLY don't know anything about. a lot of people don't want to make a huge thing out of it, but it's others reactions that make it a huge thing? jesus christ..

19-12-2006, 02:09 PM
No I don't, they can stick up for themselves. However, if they are really defenseless and it's really getting to them I will.

19-12-2006, 02:13 PM
How do I know they make a big deal out of it? I only have to read a few threads in this Forum, "OMG how do I come out", "I came out like this, what do you think of that", "I came out, did I do the right thing" are the kind of threads posted every day. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I am just saying that Forums usually reflect society and if this is the behaviour then I'm not suprised people's reactions are "huge".

BTW I don't mind debating things with people but if all your posts are going to be as rude as that then I suggest not debating at all until you've grown up and learned to accept other people may have different views to you.

that's utter crap. how the HELL would you know? it takes a hell of a lot of courage to come out to friends & family, somthing you OBVIOSLY don't know anything about. a lot of people don't want to make a huge thing out of it, but it's others reactions that make it a huge thing? jesus christ..

19-12-2006, 02:15 PM
How do I know they make a big deal out of it? I only have to read a few threads in this Forum, "OMG how do I come out", "I came out like this, what do you think of that", "I came out, did I do the right thing" are the kind of threads posted every day. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I am just saying that Forums usually reflect society and if this is the behaviour then I'm not suprised people's reactions are "huge".

BTW I don't mind debating things with people but if all your posts are going to be as rude as that then I suggest not debating at all until you've grown up and learned to accept other people may have different views to you.
lol i was hardly being rude. people only post for help because they havn't got the first clue about what to do. and others post about when they've came out because they see it as a big achievement for them. and yeah i do know you don't have a clue because it's quite obvious your straight, so you wouldn't have the slightest idea about how hard it is would you? :s

19-12-2006, 02:15 PM
How do I know they make a big deal out of it? I only have to read a few threads in this Forum, "OMG how do I come out", "I came out like this, what do you think of that", "I came out, did I do the right thing" are the kind of threads posted every day. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I am just saying that Forums usually reflect society and if this is the behaviour then I'm not suprised people's reactions are "huge".

They do it like that on a Forum because it is actually very hard to gather the confidence to come out in real life. The fact is that on a Forum if people don't accept you, you can just turn off the computer or close your browser and that's that. In real life it's a lot harder and so people seek reassurance on Forums etc.

19-12-2006, 02:17 PM
I Feel It's Their Choice. If That's How They want To Be, Then Let Them Be It. People Just Make Fun Of Them because They're Different!

19-12-2006, 02:22 PM
No I wouldn't so I am quite biased. But my point is that if the gay and lesbian people themselves find it hard to come out then they must be ashamed or something? Obviously there is something that stops them and if they saw it normal themselves then they'd just do it and not care what others think, and then over time people in society would also accept it. That's kinda starting to happen now, especially with gay marriages been legalized e.t.c.

Take abortion for example... In the 1950s abortion was unheard of and society would exclude anyone who even thought of one. Then the Abortion Act 1967 was introduced and now when someone says they're having an abortion it's "fine, good luck". That'll probably happen with been gay now this new law has been passed where gay people can marry. But it's not going to happen until gay people themselves see it as normal and don't make such a big thing of coming out or defending gay people at every opportunity.

19-12-2006, 02:26 PM
No I wouldn't so I am quite biased. But my point is that if the gay and lesbian people themselves find it hard to come out then they must be ashamed or something?

You will find that the majority of gay/lesbian and bisexual individuals are scared of the reaction they may receive. I know you say they shouldn't be ashamed, but it's still very hard and you wouldn't know that because you are straight.

19-12-2006, 02:27 PM
Well until they accept their sexuality most people won't either :) Me not included because I don't really care what sexuality people are but I wouldn't ever go out of my way to defend them.

19-12-2006, 02:30 PM
How do I know they make a big deal out of it? I only have to read a few threads in this Forum, "OMG how do I come out", "I came out like this, what do you think of that", "I came out, did I do the right thing" are the kind of threads posted every day. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I am just saying that Forums usually reflect society and if this is the behaviour then I'm not suprised people's reactions are "huge".

BTW I don't mind debating things with people but if all your posts are going to be as rude as that then I suggest not debating at all until you've grown up and learned to accept other people may have different views to you.

For the first time (IN HISTORY... IT'S GONNA START RAINING MEN) i agree with him, and if something reflects society it's called a "microcosm" ;)

Urm i don't defend them, as i don't see the point on being biased simply because there's a few haters. For everything people CAN stand for there will always be haters and cynics, and on the other hand defenders and supporters?

19-12-2006, 02:34 PM
Well until they accept their sexuality most people won't either :) Me not included because I don't really care what sexuality people are but I wouldn't ever go out of my way to defend them.

Yes I see what you mean. In my opinion (mainly because in my experience it works) you should just do it, and ignore the often negative reverberations that result from it. Eventually it dies down and no one really cares.
You must appreciate the fact it is difficult however, you would know if you were put in that situation :P.

19-12-2006, 03:15 PM
lmao I bet you only agreed with me so that you could use that word :P

For the first time (IN HISTORY... IT'S GONNA START RAINING MEN) i agree with him, and if something reflects society it's called a "microcosm" ;)

Urm i don't defend them, as i don't see the point on being biased simply because there's a few haters. For everything people CAN stand for there will always be haters and cynics, and on the other hand defenders and supporters?

19-12-2006, 03:20 PM
No, i seriously dislike overly passionate people who get excited and worked up over nothing... but then again i get worked up over nothing alot so i guess i hate myself in a way.

20-12-2006, 08:53 PM
well alright, you really confused me but alrighty then. :P

21-12-2006, 02:06 AM
How do I know they make a big deal out of it? I only have to read a few threads in this Forum, "OMG how do I come out", "I came out like this, what do you think of that", "I came out, did I do the right thing" are the kind of threads posted every day. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it I am just saying that Forums usually reflect society and if this is the behaviour then I'm not suprised people's reactions are "huge".

Seacat you're being quite narrow minded.. Coming out is a very scary ordeal for a gay person to go through. You hear horror stories everywhere. "Mum threw me out" "Dad disowned me" etc etc. It's only natural that people will want to share their experiences or seek advice from people who have been through it alreadyy. I understand where you're coming from but unless you've felt the pressure that a closetted gay person has felt, then you're not in a fit position to be saying that we make a big deal over nothing. Lol

21-12-2006, 03:24 AM
Seacat you're being quite narrow minded.. Coming out is a very scary ordeal for a gay person to go through. You hear horror stories everywhere. "Mum threw me out" "Dad disowned me" etc etc. It's only natural that people will want to share their experiences or seek advice from people who have been through it alreadyy. I understand where you're coming from but unless you've felt the pressure that a closetted gay person has felt, then you're not in a fit position to be saying that we make a big deal over nothing. Lol
As seacat has said, it reflects society, since socity is not yet fully acceptant of homosexuals, you get the scare storys.
But i do agree with him, gay people make a very big deal about comeing out? What do i base this on? the fact that "comeing out exists" i personly dont see why a gay person would ever feel the need to "come out" if they truely belived it was normal and acceptable themselves. You dont hear storys of straight people telling there friends and family they are straight do you? Why? most would say because that is seen as normal. But if thats true the homosexual community as a whole must thing that they are abnormal in order to feel a need to come out.
I feel the whole issue will end up like feminism has, aka at first (like with homosexualy at the moment) people feel the need to express themslves, test the new freedom, these people are the ones who have been somewhat oppressed, as time goes on, people wont have exspernced this opression, and the need will cease, like feminism, you will end up with the small minaorty who feel the need to blow everything related out of proportion, and then the rest of people who just get on with it "/

Personly i dont see sexually as such a big issue, i would think its strange if someone needed to specifically tell me they were straight or if they were gay. I mean, why would i really need to know? The whole need to come out, is one things thats always seemed pretty strange to me.

21-12-2006, 04:14 AM
no, i don't stand up for them.

21-12-2006, 02:24 PM
i don't stand up for them ... but i treat people who are being horrible / calling names etc to people who are gay/lesbian the same as i do racists , so i don't see it as sticking up

21-12-2006, 11:28 PM
don't get me wrong here, i'm not saying that we should treat them any differently, all i'm saying is if they are getting talked nasty about just because of there sexuality we should stick up for them. What i really want to know is would u step in if they're getting talked nasty about just because of there sexuality?

21-12-2006, 11:34 PM
I wouldn't stand up for them just because.
There'd have to be a reason.
Nothing against them or anything.
Just if it was bad.
Not just someone's opinion.

22-12-2006, 02:07 AM
i think i get wat your saying, but then again i don't really understand much, cause i'm always confused! lol

22-12-2006, 04:35 PM
I would if given the chance.

23-12-2006, 03:02 PM
Look at all the people that have Yes and i would if given the chance, those are my kind of people! :P

31-12-2006, 09:27 AM
If a lesbian gets offended by the word "lesbo" it's no worse than me getting offended by someone calling me short. Gays and lesbians have rights, yes, but just because someone is part of a "minority group", that doesn't give them extra rights.

Do you get annoyed like this whenever anyone says anything that could somehow be offensive to someone? If you do you're a very boring person.

speak for yourself you obviously havent met many muslims in Canada. They protested our christmas tree being up in city hall, so it was taking down :) nice group of people :)

As for Gays, People in my law class always attempt to bring me down if I detearilize gays. However these people are unintelligent and are without able excuses in a catholic school.


31-12-2006, 12:45 PM
cba reading it all but yeah..

31-12-2006, 01:16 PM
well i know i did the right thing, so i'm happy. And i guess i'm mean now too cuz anyone that would not stick up for gays or lesbians is most likely homophobic and homophobics are sick people that should all rot in hell. (I'm usually not mean like that, and that probably wasn't mean anyway.)

What about heterophobics, a lot of gay people are hostile towards straight people =/

31-12-2006, 01:20 PM
speak for yourself you obviously havent met many muslims in Canada. They protested our christmas tree being up in city hall, so it was taking down :) nice group of people :)

As for Gays, People in my law class always attempt to bring me down if I detearilize gays. However these people are unintelligent and are without able excuses in a catholic school.


Sorry what I meant was that they shouldn't have extra rights. Minorities do for some reason have more protection than anyone else, and that's not right. White males who are either Christian, agnostic or atheist seemingly have no rights any more.

31-12-2006, 01:31 PM
yeah i do. but if anyone says something nasty about someone i'd also shout at them for doing so.

Like heather she picks on this girl called patricia who is lesbian and stuff and she was like "oh i wish lesbians would all die" and i'm like "heather theres nothing wrong with lesbians" and she's like "AMG THEY SCARE ME!!"


31-12-2006, 01:51 PM
well i know i did the right thing, so i'm happy. And i guess i'm mean now too cuz anyone that would not stick up for gays or lesbians is most likely homophobic and homophobics are sick people that should all rot in hell. (I'm usually not mean like that, and that probably wasn't mean anyway.)
Somebody who doesnt stick up for a gay is homophobic? Get a grip dude.
I dont know many gay people but from what ive encountered i dont like much.
But doing what those people did but that thourght into my head.

31-12-2006, 01:56 PM
Homophobia isn't a "sick and horrible" thing anyway, it's a genuine phobia just like any other. Sufferers just react to it differently than we do with other phobias because it's a state of being rather than an actual thing.

31-12-2006, 03:52 PM
Somebody who doesnt stick up for a gay is homophobic? Get a grip dude.
I dont know many gay people but from what ive encountered i dont like much.
But doing what those people did but that thourght into my head.


31-12-2006, 07:29 PM
as im bisexual i do.

theres a few people who have comments about a guy called carl in my year. hes totally camp, not sure if he is gay or not though. but its nothing to do with anyone but him right?

when people try having a go and stuff i often start my mouth in his defence.

31-12-2006, 07:49 PM
good thats what you should do! +rep

06-01-2007, 11:31 PM
I Would Stand Up For Them If They Needed It...

07-01-2007, 05:53 PM
Yay for you! I love all the nice people! I Was beggining to think there wasn't any left lol!

07-01-2007, 05:57 PM
I had an argument with one of my male friends a while back now because he said that lesbians were amazing but gays were disgusting.He's a ***.

07-01-2007, 08:07 PM
People have different beliefs .... it makes us individuals! This may be cultural or spiritual or religion, there are hundreds to name, having your own beliefs does not make you a ***, as long as you do not try and enforce them on other people, you have to accept other people how they are, and respect they have their own beliefs!

Anyway this thread is pointless ... it should not be directed towards defending somebody because of their sexual orientation, most gays and lesbians do not want special treatment, should it not be about what is right and wrong? You should defend what is right, as long as it is not your personal view that makes it right! Discrimination in any context is wrong, live and let live!

07-01-2007, 08:19 PM
I believe I've already said it before in this thread, but why do gays need specific protection? They aren't any less able to stand up for themselves than anyone else.

10-01-2007, 12:45 PM
I would stand up for gays and lesbians. I would have rather died in the London Bombings than those people in the club!

I would stand up for anyone really, but especially Gays and Lesbians because it's not right to treat them any differently. They're humans with rights.

I've recently moved in with my Nan in Blackpool. My parents say it wont be long before my Nan throws me out with the druggies, p*ss heads, prostitutes, and gay freaks. So I turn around and shout at them saying that there's nothing wrong with gays and lesbians, they just rather take life in a different way. Okay, the drunks and drug-takers along with the prostitutes have the choice not to, but Gays and Lesbians just choose that they prefer their own sex to the opposite. It's like being a cat person or a dog person. You like one or the other. It's their choice, they chose, they're still human, they have rights... So an argument breaks out, they accuse me of being Gay so I go upstaris, because I'm not ready to admit I am Gay ..

10-01-2007, 04:59 PM
I know loads of Gays, Just bacause they are Gay, mostly Born Gay, not there choice Why should you be nasty to them? They still have feelings like every single person.

10-01-2007, 08:32 PM
Homophobia isn't a "sick and horrible" thing anyway, it's a genuine phobia just like any other. Sufferers just react to it differently than we do with other phobias because it's a state of being rather than an actual thing.

Ummm you see homophobia is not a state of feeling it is something that people live with, such as myself. It's not like I can stop being homophobic nor would I ever want to. Promoting homosexuality would be a sin and I attempt to not sin.

What does the term "Flying Jesus" mean anyways to you?

14-01-2007, 07:22 PM
I try to. My best friend is kind of a homophobe even though she says she isn't and she just "disagrees with their lifestyle." Yesterday I was looking at one of my gay friends pictures on myspace and the girls he came with was telling my best friend to look at one of his picture captions, and even though the caption had nothing to do with being gay, she says "oh, he's gay" like it's supposed to drive everyone away from him. I get kind of tired of it but there's no point in even trying to argue with her cause she thinks she's right.

14-01-2007, 09:53 PM
yeah, i stand up for them.
me + my nan were watching ricki lake + this guy came out to his partner that he was gay, and my nan said "****ing queers shouldnt be allowed on this earth" + i was like "why not? they can't help what they like"
and we just got into a huge argument, yeah, you get the idea.

14-01-2007, 09:58 PM
if given the chance
i might do
if they cant stand up for themself then they dont need help.

15-01-2007, 06:19 PM
You guys probably dont know what its like to be gay and watch your own father laugh at gay people and call them ******* homos. and saying "hes one of them" as though were a seperate race. :(

15-01-2007, 06:23 PM
Awe. I Stand up for Gays. Always have, Always will.

I've only had a Problem with " Chavs " Calling me Dyke, Etc.

Honestly, sometimes it makes me Smile, Cause I Shout back..
Cause Honestly, Who doesnt like Two girls kissing?

15-01-2007, 06:24 PM
Ummm you see homophobia is not a state of feeling it is something that people live with, such as myself. It's not like I can stop being homophobic nor would I ever want to. Promoting homosexuality would be a sin and I attempt to not sin.

What does the term "Flying Jesus" mean anyways to you?

I meant that homosexuality is a state of being and not a "thing", so homophobia is intrinsically different to, say, arachnophobia, which is a fear of spiders (which are objects).

"FlyingJesus" doesn't mean anything, and I assume that you're highly into your biblical stuff from that and other posts I've seen from you, but it's not meant to be religious at all. Jesus is a name, quite common in many parts of the world.

15-01-2007, 08:47 PM
I do stand up for gay / lesbians but , , , , I hate it when . . . .

My mum or my bro or my dad will like say stuff about gay people
If they knew what its like they wouldnt take the mic outa of anybody again !

It Makes Me Really Upset ! :(

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