View Full Version : GameBoy - Rediculous Names

25-03-2005, 09:16 AM
I actually do like the new game boy DS (Dual screen) but i find it rediculous the names that Nintendo are giving gameboys such as: DS, SP, PS, BS, CS and whatever else (some of them were made up) but i find it confusing with all the s's,

Anyone else here find the names are getting slightly out of hand?

25-03-2005, 09:30 AM
personally it dont really bother me

25-03-2005, 09:42 AM
ive never heard of any of them all ive heard of is gameboy gameboy colour n gameboy advanced
or summat like tht

25-03-2005, 11:16 AM
They dont really bother me...

25-03-2005, 11:51 AM
haha, people use BS to take the mick (it stands for a wude phrase) :rolleyes:

25-03-2005, 12:13 PM
I don't even use them. They are such a waste of money.
Everytime you buy one and have lots of games for them they come with a new console but you can't use the new games on your old console. (Smart super bosses).

Ashley 12344
25-03-2005, 10:01 PM
erm a names a name is it not?

25-03-2005, 11:36 PM
It's good for playstation tho. You can play your old PS1 games on the PS2 so it doesn't bother me xD Playstation = My fav console <3 ;)

25-03-2005, 11:51 PM
personally it dont really bother me

Yup same here, in the end it's a gaming device that i don't use.

26-03-2005, 12:08 AM
I am getting mine soon, ive never heard of PS, BS, CS though..

26-03-2005, 02:17 AM
I actually do like the new game boy DS (Dual screen) but i find it rediculous the names that Nintendo are giving gameboys such as: DS, SP, PS, BS, CS and whatever else (some of them were made up) but i find it confusing with all the s's,

Anyone else here find the names are getting slightly out of hand?

there's nothing wrong with them, different names thats all

Playstation 2 <--- Such Originality [Sarcasm]
Playstation 3 <--- Such Originality [Sarcasm]

26-03-2005, 03:18 AM
Gameboy - Wow thats so silly...
GameBoy Pocket - Perhaps it could fit in your pocket? It was much smaller than the original Gameboy
Gameboy Colur - Now don't get me wrong... but perhaps this is the first gameboy to have colour?
Gameboy advance - The first next generation of gameboys and they were more ADVANCED
Gameboy SP - No-one cares
Gameboy DS (Duel screen) - Maybe it has 2 Screens? Duh!

They arn't silly at all.

26-03-2005, 03:24 AM
play station makes strange names to psp,playstation 1 or 2,and x box i neva figured out wwut dat stand for like xciteind box i think XD

26-03-2005, 07:32 AM
Gameboy - Wow thats so silly...
GameBoy Pocket - Perhaps it could fit in your pocket? It was much smaller than the original Gameboy
Gameboy Colur - Now don't get me wrong... but perhaps this is the first gameboy to have colour?
Gameboy advance - The first next generation of gameboys and they were more ADVANCED
Gameboy SP - No-one cares
Gameboy DS (Duel screen) - Maybe it has 2 Screens? Duh!

They arn't silly at all.

It seems some of you have missed the point.

What i was getting at was thatm how many s's does Nintendo need?
It seems as though they're coming up with random s names then adding a word, like wth did SP stand for:S

Btw, TooClose BS PS CS were made up by me :D

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